Chapter 640 The decisive battle begins

   Worry is worry, but no matter what, Kil'jaeden always has to face it. In addition, although the attack is divided, the two sides do not advance at the same time.

  After the first battle, the army rested for a long time. In the early morning of the next day, Garald led the main force from the Sunwell Heights to attack the inside of the fortress. The blue dragon prince Arygos replaced his father in command of the dragon army and all the air forces.

No one knew that Arygos had been planted by C'Thun, except for a few guardian dragons and titan guardians. His image in the hearts of the members of the dragon army was still the hero of the quicksand war. The true hope of the Dragon Clan.

  The facts are indeed true. Arygos is more than a step ahead of the five scumbags in terms of managing the internal affairs of the Blue Dragon and in terms of strength.

Malygos watched proudly on the ground that Arygos led the dragon army into the sky, winked at Charlemagne proudly and said, "Arygos and Stellagosa have a good atmosphere recently, thinking that my son can put I couldn't sleep because of the excitement of getting the granddaughter of that old gangster in Senegos."

  Charlemagne rolled his eyes, "You'd better think about how to deal with Senegos when the time comes, Arygos wants to embrace the beauty smoothly... It's not so easy for Meilong to return."


   Senegos is now replacing Malygos in the Blue Sanctuary of Dragonbone Wilderness. This ancient dragon is really not weak. Recently, there have been a lot of abnormalities in Northrend. He can provide support at any time near Wyrmrest Temple.

   Taking advantage of the hostess' absence, Onyxia, who was holding Charlemagne's hand, couldn't help curling her lips when she saw the proud and obscene expression on Malygos' face.

In the past, she thought that the Dragon Kings were tall and hypocritical existences. After getting in touch with Malygos and Nozdormu through her master, she found out... At least these two have personalities, one is funny and talkative, and the other likes cheating.

  As for Alexstrasza, despite the serious appearance of the Red Dragon Queen, there are gossips that she has at least two-digit spouses, and when she is free, she likes to nest in the lair of the Ruby Holy Land to make baby dragons.

  So too much vitality is also a problem. Krasus and Taran alone can't hold it at all, cough.

Ysera looks relatively normal, except that she usually sleeps more. It is said that the senior officials of the Green Dragon Army have complained to Ysera many times about the insufficient number of direct descendants of the Green Dragon. Unfortunately, because the queen loves to sleep, it is a matter of making dragons. ...only by chance.


   It is said that before his father went mad, his father was a rare normal person among the dragon kings, but in Onyxia's view, being able to become good friends with the talkative Malygos is probably not very normal.

   Even Onyxia sometimes had a whim, whether Malygos was responsible for her father being tortured by whispers and going crazy.

  Charlemagne, who was chatting and farting with Malygos, naturally didn't know that the brain hole of his mount No. 1 had broken through the sky.


  Charlemagne turned his head to look at Tyrande, opened his mouth a few times, and finally asked hesitantly, " he alright?"

Tyrande's eyes had been fixed on Onyxia's Xianlong's hand, looking thoughtful, but he came back to his senses when he heard Charlemagne's question, smiled wryly and shook his head, "He said he wanted to Calm down in the Emerald Dream, and let others not disturb him for the time being."


  Charlemagne ignored Malygos, who was winking at the side, shrugged and said, "It's fine as long as there is no major problem. I'm really afraid that he will rush over to fight me in the real world."

  Tyrande said with a half-smile on his face, "Don't worry, he knows that one person can't beat you, and he plans to go to Outland to find Illidan after finishing the retreat of the Emerald Dream."


  Charlemagne then remembered that Brother Lufeng had another sufferer, and this sufferer... seemed to be a demigod.

  Elisande, who was born in the court, seemed to be very interested in this kind of three-party emotional entanglement. Although she pretended to be indifferent on the surface, her ears were already pricked up.

  Combined with Queen Azshara behind Elisande with an interested expression on her face, I always feel that these big bosses seem to be very interested in the short topics of the parents...

   Eragon on Charlemagne's neck looked left and right curiously. It had never been involved in emotional issues since it was created by Layden, and it didn't understand what the few people were communicating.

  The members of the standby team are standing on the only mage tower in Morning Star Village, watching the battle in Sunwell Heights and the situation of the air battlefield from afar.

Generally speaking, the oath has an advantage on both sides of the battlefield. Although the two powerful fortresses Malygos and Onyxia were lost in the air, with the dragon army clearing the way, Sunstrider cooperated with other air forces. The three air fortresses still gained a greater initiative.

  The ground troops are relatively difficult. In the Sunwell Highlands, the army of the Burning Legion is already in full swing. As soon as they come into contact, fel energy and arcane magic have already flashed over the two sides in turn.

  Under the cover of the ranger's bow and arrow, the tauren warriors at the head uttered a battle cry all day long, and charged towards the demon guards of the former army of the Burning Legion.

   Kane charged at the forefront with Ulan holding the sword of the Ashcandi Brotherhood. Their goal was a Felguard leader holding a two-handed giant axe.


   Entering his attack range, Kane immediately roared and launched a jump attack at the demon guard, and Ulan launched a charge on the ground with tacit cooperation.

  The two giant swords Ashcandi and Kalimdor's Revenge swiped at the hand-strapped Fel Guard officer in turn. Although no fatal injuries were caused in a short period of time, it seemed that killing him was only a matter of time.

  Jalod was sitting in the rear and commanding decisively. He saw the vanguard of the Burning Legion being rushed through a gap by the tauren, and he gave orders to Liadrin and Maraad decisively.

   "It's now! The paladins charged and tore apart the opponent's defenses, and the mages increased their output to provide support for the knights!"

  Liadrin, who had been holding back for a long time, excitedly raised the oath performer in her hand, and shouted loudly, "Morning Vanguard, charge!"


Under the waving of the Dawnguard flag, Liadrin took the lead and led the Dawnguard Legion into the Burning Legion's position before Maraad's Thunder Elephant Knights. Under the powerful impact of the horses, The front line of defense of the Burning Legion was overwhelmed.

  The fel cannons and magic cannons on both sides launched a confrontation without showing any weakness, and there will be unlucky ones who are blown into the air every moment on the battlefield.

  Under the assault of the Knights, the army of the ancient oath had a weak upper hand, pushing the position of the Burning Legion back tens of meters.

  Although it seems to have little impact, it has gradually exposed the artillery positions that were originally stable behind the Burning Legion. Once these fel artillery are destroyed, the balance on the battlefield will be greatly skewed.

  Charlemagne narrowed his eyes and looked at the Nathrezim who was in command behind the battlefield, then turned his head and looked at the main gate guarded by Brutalus.

   "Heh...the twins didn't show up, those two cunning eredar should be hiding somewhere."

Queen Azshara jumped down lightly, onto the back of Onyxia who had turned back into a dragon form, and said confidently, "Then let's force those two shady mice out. Kil'jaeden must first eliminate this hidden danger."

  When the frontal battlefield was in full swing, Onyxia and Malygos had already carried several big men, hiding under the huge shadow of the space battleship and flying towards Brutalus at low altitude.

  The corner of Charlemagne's mouth curled into a meaningful smile, "Fatty Bu, as promised, I'm here to retrieve the head that was deposited around your neck."
