Chapter 64 First strike first

   The first day Charlemagne returned to Taquilin was finally passed safely under the welcome of his younger brothers and sisters.

  Lilas, a mischievous little guy, was very happy with Brother Charlemagne's return, and kept pestering him about Silvermoon City before dinner.

   But it was still the same. After the return of his mother Li Reza, this little brother became honest like a mouse seeing a cat.

  During dinner, Vereesa once again complained to her mother about the transfer of her second sister to Zul'Aman. At this time, Charlemagne could only bury his head in his brother Lor'themar's strange gaze.

  Because... the complex eyes of his tutor made him feel a lot of pressure!

  ‘Silence is golden, I’m not what you think, I don’t know anything, I definitely don’t flirt with girls! '


  Strictly speaking, Charlemagne did not intend to flirt with girls, and he didn't even know how he flirted with Cirvanas.

  But for Cirvanas' favor... It would be a lie to say that he doesn't have any turmoil or complacency in his heart.

   After all, that is Queen Xi! Sylvanas, whom a group of necrophilia gangsters coveted in the previous life, was also the lively and warm blonde Queen Xi.

Although due to her lack of experience, she is much inferior to later generations in terms of arrogance and determination, but it is difficult to change a person's personality. It is not difficult to see the shadow of future generations from the second young lady today. .

  However, in Charlemagne's view, the final result of this relationship must end without a problem. After all, how could Cirvanas, who is so proud, accept a lover with her, even if this "other" is her most respected elder sister.

  Charlemagne, who was preoccupied, dragged Lor'themar back to the Theron family's residence after a quick dinner.


   After leaving the three members of the Windrunner family, Charlemagne finally breathed a sigh of relief. The weird look in his mentor's eyes just now really made him a little overwhelmed, and he almost thought he was going to be beaten.

   Ah Qiang, who didn't understand the situation, naturally couldn't understand what his brother was thinking. Under Charlemagne's great method of changing the topic, he quickly focused his attention on other places.

   "Brother, the ore you brought back has been sent home by Instructor Li Reza. How did you find this high-quality ore?"

As for the quality of the ore, Lor'themar, who has also roughly learned the forging process under the guidance of Li Reza, can certainly tell whether it is good or bad. For the more precious thorium and true silver ore, he bought them from the dwarf blacksmith Bright Hammer in Taquilin. I also saw it when I was studying.

  But the Titan Iron brought back by Charlemagne completely surpassed the above two ores. Lor'themar, who had never been out of Quel'Thalas, was very surprised by this.

Charlemagne smiled and patted Lor'themar on the shoulder, "This is a precious ore produced in Northrend in the North. If you want to buy it, you'd better go to Silvermoon City to order it as soon as possible, or wait for the dwarves of Khaz Modan Kingdom to identify it. After the value, the price will definitely increase.”


   Then Charlemagne told his younger brother the price of the Titan Iron. Although the price was not cheap, Lor'themar, who knew the goods, knew that it was definitely worth the money.

"I will go to Xiao En tomorrow to open the portal to Silvermoon City! As you said, this kind of ore will be sold at a higher price sooner or later by those who know the goods. It seems that my weapon finally has a suitable one." Material!"

  Looking at the excited expression of the usually steady Lor'themar rubbing his hands, Charlemagne patted him on the shoulder encouragingly again.

  A Qiang is different from ordinary rangers who like to use dual weapons. After testing a variety of melee weapons, he chose a two-handed sword.

  At that time, Charlemagne and Aurelia laughed at him for having the identity of a ranger and the talent of a thief but he chose the weapon of a warrior.

However, Lor'themar is a resolute person. He will not turn back when he chooses the path. In the past 10 years, he has mastered the use of two-handed swords in the duel with his brother and other rangers, and now he really uses them well. Kind of.

Since Ah Qiang decided to go to Silvermoon City tomorrow, Charlemagne of course also supported his approach. After all, the remaining Titan Iron purchased by the boss Lucius is more than enough to make a big sword. It is better to start before the price soars. Wise choice.

   But when you go, you can open the portal through Sean, and it's not so easy to come back. Lor'themar doesn't have any acquaintances in Silvermoon City, and Charlemagne doesn't want to trouble the Morning Walker family because of such a trivial matter.

  However, it happened that this trip was Lor'themar's first experience. On the way back from Silvermoon City, he could see the difference between the compatriots near the capital and the southern forest.

  This can be regarded as a subject for Aqiang as his elder brother. He hopes that his younger brother can see with his own eyes the life attitude of his compatriots. Combining the ideas that Charlemagne has instilled in him over the years, it must have some impact on him.

That's right, Charlemagne has been instilling some advanced concepts in his younger brother for 10 years. After all, the person he trusts most in the world of Azeroth is his younger brother who is a blood relative. Even his lover Aurelia Still have something to hide.

  Charlemagne unreservedly told his brother some of his analysis and predictions about the future situation of the high elves.

  Although Lor'themar still has doubts about his brother's words to this day, since the seeds have been planted, they are waiting for the day when they will take root and germinate.

   When Lor'themar started packing, Charlemagne went to the chocobo shed outside the house to visit his good friend Xunyu who was also brought back.

  The psychic chocobo uttered a high-pitched cry immediately after seeing its owner, but shut up immediately under Charlemagne's "shh" movement.

   After all, it is already night. In this world that lacks entertainment, there are many people who go to bed early or make elves, so it would be bad to disturb others.

After Aurelia came back, he planned to embark on an outing journey with his lover. Thinking of this, he looked at the chocobo shed opposite Windrunner's house, and Aurelia's mount Dodo was sitting cross-legged. Looking here from the ground.

  At the beginning, Alleria rode Tootoo to Silvermoon City, but because she was going to Dalaran through the portal, the chocobo was sent back.

When traveling abroad, it is inevitable to rely on Xunyu and Dudu's feet. During this time, Charlemagne also needs to consolidate his own realm, ask his mentor for some melee issues, and build a new pair of knives. Wait until Aurelia Came back almost just in time to go.

  At this time, Charlemagne didn't know that Alleria had changed her plan to continue to Gilneas and Lordaeron, and took a "guest" on a fast boat to embark on the voyage back home.
