Chapter 636 Coach, he cheated!

  At the same time Eragon began to descend, Onyxia, who had been paying attention outside the Sunwell Fortress, also noticed the strange situation of the Starlight Serpent.



  Just as Onyxia was about to rush over, Malygos suddenly built an arcane barrier in midair to block her way.

  Onyxia slammed into the barrier in front of her and shouted angrily, "Let me go! Master is in danger!"

   Malygos saw the restless behavior of the black dragon princess, and simply bound Onyxia in the air with arcane magic.


"Calm down! If I'm not mistaken, some kind of enchantment should have been activated near the Sunwell Fortress. Eragon's inability to fly is probably due to the influence of spells. Charlemagne can escape by stealth after landing. You used to be Looking for a target for others to hit?"


Just as Onyxia was anxiously watching Charlemagne, who kept falling in the distance, her master suddenly jumped up from Aragorn's back, and on the way of falling, she stretched out her index finger to point at Onyxia. Abby made a pair of scissors.

  Onyxia felt relieved when she saw her master's actions. Since Charlemagne took the initiative to jump off Eragon, it means that he should have thought of a countermeasure.

Sure enough, Eragon shrank rapidly after Charlemagne jumped away, and quickly shrank to a size that was difficult to recognize with the naked eye, while Charlemagne, after landing steadily, faced the opposite group with a relaxed expression A proud fel elf.

Malygos roughly judged the strength of the group of evil elves headed by Duke Sunset, and couldn't help but let out a sneer, "Oh... don't look, those guys are so cold, help me stabilize the situation in the air .”


  Onyxia reluctantly gave her master a last look, and then obeyed Malygos' order and rejoined the frontline battlefield.

   On the ground, Eragon did not obey Charlemagne's order to hide, but instead sneaked back to Charlemagne's side, making some changes to the material of the body's surface as before, disguised as a scarf.

  The Duke of Higurashi looked at Charlemagne, who was alone, with a triumphant smile on his face, which was a little distorted.

   "Hehehe...hahaha! Are you after Kael'thas, Theron Ranger, you all came here one by one to die, it really saved me a lot of trouble, thank you for your cooperation!"

Seeing Duke Higurashi pretending to perform a noble etiquette, Charlemagne waved his hand in boredom and said, "Okay, okay, where is there so much nonsense, I just happened to be looking for you traitors, and you will save me the trouble of looking effort."

A nobleman wearing an earl's uniform showed a mocking smile on the side of Duke Sunset, "Ha! It seems that the famous Duke Theron has also lost his mind. Facing our large group of epic-level mages, do you think you can still stand out? Siege?"


  That’s right, epic-level mages, these weak chickens who originally only had hero-level strength, were forcibly promoted to epic after receiving the fel energy infusion from the Burning Legion, and the leader, Duke Higurashi, even reached the epic level.

  Charlemagne looked at the other party with mentally retarded eyes, "I said... Has no one told you the importance of intelligence? Why do you think that your parallel epic can pose a threat to me?"

  The other party was very annoyed by Charlemagne's contemptuous gaze, which reminded him of the treatment he was ignored in the Burning Legion recently.

  Why did these nobles betray? Isn't it just for rights, strength and vanity? They want the rights that conform to their so-called noble status, and they want the power that conforms to their status.

  However, among the Burning Legion, they are only regarded as an inferior race, not to mention their arrogance in Quel'Thalas, and they even bow their knees in the face of some powerful demons.

   Now I have finally met a former compatriot, the earl whose name I don’t know, can no longer restrain his inner desire to pretend.

  The other party pointed at Charlemagne with a proud face, showing the attitude of a superior looking at a pariah, "You muddy leg, how dare you treat the noble me..."


Charlemagne didn't bother to listen to his nonsense, so he snapped his fingers, and a series of spikes suddenly appeared on the ground. Some of the noble mages with relatively solid basic skills and quick reactions showed their magical powers, and used spells such as ice barrier and flash to defend or hide. After this attack.

  The nobleman who raised his nose to the sky just now was obviously not in this lineup. He looked dully at the sharp stone pillar pierced from his lower body to his right shoulder, and seemed to want to say something in his mouth.

  Unfortunately, with both lungs destroyed, he can no longer say anything. The result of opening his mouth is to spit out a lot of blood containing internal organ fragments, and at the same time, he made a "ho ho" sound unwillingly.

  The Duke of Higurashi, who looked like he was holding the chance of victory before, saw that Charlemagne had killed more than half of his men with a single blow, and immediately gave the order with a sullen face.

   "All attack! Don't let him continue to shoot, pay attention to your feet, and be ready to launch displacement and life-saving spells at any time."

  Charlemagne chuckled, clapped his hands and praised in an exaggerated tone, "Correct judgment, doesn't make much sense."


   Three lines of spells, such as Frostbolt, Fireball and Arcane Missile, bombarded Charlemagne soon after Duke Sunset gave the order.

  But at the same time when Duke Higurashi showed a contemptuous smile, the spell that hit Charlemagne turned around very strangely, and flew towards his caster again at a faster speed than when it came.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Before the group of mages had time to react, the spells they issued hit all the casters.

"How can it be?"

  The Duke of Higurashi looked in disbelief at the mess around him, and muttered in his mouth.

  Although these mages are not a big problem because of the defensive spells on their bodies, the fact that their own spells are bounced back is even more unacceptable.

  Charlemagne smiled and bent down to salute, "So you understand? With your strength, you can't hurt me at all. I don't know who gave you the confidence to pull me down from the sky."

  The Duke of Higurashi finally couldn't maintain his composure, and under the tremendous pressure, he shouted hysterically, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are also an epic tier, how could you bounce back our spell so easily, it must be a blindfold!"

   "The same epic level?"

  Charlemagne tilted his head cutely, "I said... Didn't I just emphasize the importance of intelligence, why do you think I'm still an epic class like you?"


  The face of Duke Sunset was pale, and his lips trembled slightly and he asked, "Could it be..."

A sunny smile appeared on Charlemagne's face, and he spread his hands and said approvingly in a chant-like tone, "That's it, thanks to Azeroth's care, my lord, Charlemagne Theron, has already died in Ahn'Qiraj." During the battle, I suddenly reached the demigod rank."

  The faces of the Duke of Higurashi and others on the opposite side have completely turned gray. After the molestation, Charlemagne's face gradually darkened.

   "You selfish traitors are disregarding the interests of the country for your own benefit, and you are madly assassinating your own king. In the name of the Duke of Quel'Thalas, I will give you...death instead of the Sun King!"

  As Charlemagne clenched his fists, Duke Higurashi and the rest of the dozen or so nobles felt something strange in their bodies at the same time.

"what is this!"


  Being touched by the mage's hand changed the blood flow in the body. The high-speed reverse flow of the blood in the whole body caused half green and half red blood to spurt out from all over their bodies.

   "My...ambition, family revitalization, unexpectedly...that's it, uh!"

  Charlemagne stomped on the head of Duke Sunset with a cold kick in his eyes, spraying three-color jelly all over the ground, only Charlemagne was as clean as ever.

   "King killer traitors, you can only pay for your sins with death."
