Chapter 630 Death Announcement

  Charlemagne sighed in his heart, "Kael'thas still can't escape his fate..."

   Just at this time, a waiter walked in quickly outside the bedroom, and he whispered in Charlemagne's ear, "Duke Theron, the Prophet Velen and Speaker Rhonin are asking to see you."

  Charlemagne's eyes lit up. Velen, a demigod-level priest, is Kael'thas' only hope now. Maybe he can help Kael'thas' injury to some extent.

   "Get them in!"

   Not long after, Velen and Ronin came to the bedroom together. Charlemagne told Velen the situation after meeting them.

  The Prophet stroked his snow-white beard, with a thoughtful expression on his face, "Let me see first, maybe I can relieve the Sun King's injury."


   Entrusting Von der Lore to temporarily receive Ronin, Charlemagne led Velen to Kael'thas' bedside. After the other priests retreated, Velen's palms glowing with soft holy light covered Kael'thas' pale forehead.

After a while, Velen opened his eyes and sighed softly, "Too much evil energy has entered the body, and the wound happened to be in the liver and left kidney, causing the organs to be infected by a large amount of evil energy. I can only temporarily stabilize his injury. He woke up, but not even the naaru could fully heal him."

  Velon's words almost decided Kael'thas' future fate on the spot. The prophet who is a demigod priest cannot be cured, and few people in Azeroth dare to say that he can be cured.


   Some priests and attendants in the room had already whimpered, and Charlemagne also looked sadly at Kael'thas, who was extremely weak on the bed, "The situation is similar to that of Vol'jin... Could this be the curse of the troll? '

   "Your Majesty the Prophet, please help stabilize His Majesty's injury. I plan to wait for His Majesty Alexstrasza to come tomorrow and let her try again."


  Velen solemnly nodded and promised, "Don't worry, I will do my best. Duke Theron should have other important things to do. You might as well deal with the Burning Legion first and then come back to visit His Majesty the Sun King."

   Velen learned that Kil'jaeden might show up this time, and originally had no plan to go to the front line to meet him in person.

   With the old **** friendship between him and Kil'jaeden, once the two meet, they will definitely die or die.

  Velen is He will not rashly appear in front of Kil'jaeden until he is sure to kill Kil'jaeden. This time, he took advantage of the opportunity to heal Kael'thas to avoid the battlefield.

After dealing with the internal affairs, the expression on Charlemagne's face regained his determination. After leaving the palace, he immediately brought Ronin, Modera, and Marlad and Onara who had replaced Velen to the front line to the bank. The coalition camp outside the north wall of Moon City.

  Dalaran, Draenei, plus the night elves and Apocalypse Knights who arrived earlier, the Tauren from Thunder Bluff and Thunder Totem, the pandaren from Pandaria, and the army from Suramar have not yet arrived.


  Before Charlemagne had learned from the report that Vashj was reorganizing the Naga army after his return. It was not unexpected that Suramar would be late, but Elisande had sent news that he would arrive this afternoon at the latest.

   The Thunder Totem and the Tauren from Thunder Bluff, as well as the Shado-Pan Pandaren led by Zhu Taran should be arriving soon, perhaps earlier than the Suramar army.

   As for Theramore, Jaina went to Outland. She planned to persuade her father and the tribe to let go of their hatred and unite with the outside world, but Charlemagne was not optimistic about her actions.

  When the two sides are fighting fiercely, unless one side falls into a disadvantage, it is impossible to stop two forces that both think "I can win".

After Charlemagne arrived at the barracks, he immediately went to the coalition command headquarters to hold an emergency military meeting. He didn't even have time to say hello to his relatives and friends, so he could only signal to Aurelia, Cirvanas and the others with his eyes. Gained their understanding eyes.

  Charlemagne hung a detailed map of Quel'Danas on the wall, and at the same time there was an exquisite sand table in the center of the headquarters, which depicted the scene of Quel'Danas.


Under everyone's attention, Charlemagne focused heavily on the Sunwell platform in the middle of Quel'Danas Island, "Everyone, this is the core of this strategy, and it is also the source of Quel'Thalas' survival for thousands of years. — Sunwell.”

   Immediately, Charlemagne walked to the side of the sand table and motioned for everyone to gather around. He gestured on the sand table model of the entire island.

"The Sunwell, as the most important area of ​​Quel'Thalas, was originally guarded by elite well guards, but due to the sudden noble rebellion, they suffered heavy losses. Part of the broken troops retreated to the magister's platform together."

  Charlemagne pointed to a high-ground platform in the northeast corner of the sand table, "The terrain of Magister's platform is very advantageous for the defenders, and there are many arcane fortifications and enchantments here. For the time being, they are still safe."

   "But the energy of fortifications and barriers has limits. We must keep this stronghold before they are defeated, and then exert pressure on the Sunwell."

  Charlemagne reached out and drew a circle on the castle in the center of the sand table, "Now the Burning Legion is huddling in the fortress where the Sunwell is to hold a summoning ceremony. They plan to summon Kil'jaeden, one of the Big Three."

   "Those who participated in the Battle of Hyjal should remember the power of Archimonde. Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are at the same level, and they are not so weak."

Tyrande frowned at the strong fortress in the center of the sand table, looked up and asked Charlemagne, "That means we must stop the Burning Legion's summoning ceremony before Kil'jaeden completely enters Azeroth, and you plan to start it today?" Attack?"

  Seeing the serious look in Tyrande's eyes, Charlemagne nodded solemnly, "The most critical point in this war is time. If we allow the Burning Legion to summon Kil'jaeden, I'm afraid the price we will pay will be very high."


Tyrande proudly raised her head and snorted softly, gave Charlemagne a glance and said, "In the final analysis, it is the greed of you high elves for arcane arts that caused Kil'jaeden to be summoned. Without this Sunwell, this demon leader How is it possible to get in?"

  Charlemagne shook his head with a wry smile, "The high elves think that their defenses against the Sunwell are pretty good. Many years ago, they used an enchantment to cover up all the leaked breath from the Sunwell. However... a traitor appeared in the country."

  Khadgar stood up to smooth things over at this time, "I can prove that the high elves are very cautious in using arcane arts. The Tirisfal Council, an organization that supervises the use of arcane arts, was first established by the high elves."

  Kadubi is also an epic-level mage holding an artifact, and with the epic-level thief Garona who is bound to him, this kind of free high-level labor is not in vain.

Charlemagne sent a call for help to Karazhan as soon as Charlemagne came back, and Khadgar sent it over with his half-orc girlfriend very readily... But I always feel that this guy's waist seems a little rickety, could it be that he is aging prematurely? ?
