Chapter 611 "Bear" child Lili

   All the work of recruiting tol'vir along the way was given to Azadas, and this was also his last job in the Uldum region.

  Charlemagne successfully got in touch with Prince Sunderland, and ate up all the wind elemental army that temporarily retreated to the ruins of Amon, some of the surrendered ones were incorporated, and the stubborn ones were mercilessly eradicated.

   "Prince Sunderland, the next task of attacking the wall of the sky can only be completed by you."

   The ruins of Amon are now full of wind elements loyal to Sunderland. As long as there is a signal from other reinforcements, Sunderland will lead the army to attack the throne of the wind god.

  The sky wall of the wind elemental plane has not yet been opened. Charlemagne, a mortal, cannot break through the barrier and enter it. The battle after the wind element can only be resolved by Prince Sunderland himself.

   However, with the backing of the Titan Guardian, a large number of wind elemental lords have defected to Sunderland, and Charlemagne is not too worried about his actions.


  Sunderland, holding Thunderfury, nodded, "Please rest assured, Sky Wall will follow the Titan Guardians to join the order camp from now on, and I will not make the same mistake as my father!"

   Farewell to Prince Sunderland, Charlemagne flew directly to Tolvir City to meet up with Azadas and others. It should be almost time for the Titan Creator army to arrive at this moment.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the origin city of the tol'vir, a large number of flesh and blood tol'vir had gathered in the whole city...that is, owls walking on four legs, including Osis, Ramkahen and The three surviving tribes of the Neferset.

  As Sunderland eliminated all hostile wind elements in the Uldum area, Tyr could finally appear in front of these tol'vir in a fair manner, and Azadas should almost have retired.

  From the mouth of the tol'vir, Tyr has learned the conditions for entering the Hall of Origin.

  First of all, you need to activate the three obelisks of the stars, the moon, and the sun to obtain the Ark of Promise. To open this ark, you must take it to the ancient cradle and use the local control system to open it.


   After getting the platinum disc in the Ark of the Law, you can get the key to enter the Hall of Origin. Afterwards, Tiller needs to make some efforts to persuade the high-level Titan Creation guarding the Hall of Origin.

  Of course, this is Tyr's next task. With the help of the tol'vir from the three major tribes, it should not be difficult to complete the task and bring the Forge of Origin into his pocket again.

  Charlemagne will launch the portal directly with Azadas, and return to the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria with the shrunken Azadas.

   Azadas looked at the surrounding Wo Ye and couldn't help sighing, "Pandaria... It seems that this place has not changed much compared to before."

Charlemagne shook his head amusedly, "Actually, it has changed a lot. The mogu who were ordered by Raiden to guard Pandaria at the beginning have been overthrown by the Pandaren because they were too cruel. Most of the entire Pandaria area is under the control of the Pandaren .”

"Panda Man?"


  Azadas scratched his head in distress, "I remember... Pandaren seem to be one of the native species of Azeroth. How did they get involved with the Mogu?"

Because Pandaria is lonely in the south, Azadas did not pay special attention to this continent when Uldaman used the Norgannon disc to observe the history of Azeroth. He did not know much about the changes of Pandaria over the past tens of thousands of years .

  Charlemagne shrugged. "It's a long story. In short, let's rest in Banshan Town for a while. The person who will pick us up should arrive soon."

  At the same time as it was teleported, Charlemagne activated the jade pendant that Yulong gave him last time, and Ms. Qinglong should be on her way by now.

   Then Azadas followed Charlemagne into Banshan Town, and he was very interested in the bustling and lively Banshan Bazaar. They simply wandered around the market while waiting for Yulong to arrive.

  Maybe it was fate, when Charlemagne left Pandaria for more than a month, Lao Chen and Lili still stayed in Banshan Town, which is really unusual for the two uncles and nephews who like to travel.

  When Charlemagne approached Lao Chen to say hello, he was busy brewing wine with a serious face, while Lili was sitting on the wine barrel next to her, shaking her short furry legs with a bored face.

   "Ah! Charlemagne, you have finally come to Banshan Town. Who is this next to you?"

  Seeing Charlemagne's arrival, Lili immediately jumped off the wine barrel, and came to Charlemagne's body in three jumps and two jumps.

  Charlemagne comforted the overly lively little panda with a wry smile, "Don't worry, tell me slowly, didn't you go to the Storm Spirits House to recognize your ancestors? Why did you stay in Banshan Town?"


   Talking about this incident, Lili became furious, "It's all the fault of that old man Gao! Uncle Chen came to say hello very politely, but he just focused on studying his wine and didn't take us seriously at all."

   "After being kicked out, Uncle Chen decided to use his own brewed wine to hit him hard!"

  Seeing Lili's angry expression waving her small fist, Charlemagne showed such an expression on his face, "Haven't you ever thought about communicating with the workers in the winery or the family of Uncle Gao?"

  Old Chen seemed to have finally completed the brewing process at this time, he breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around to answer Charlemagne's question.

   "Sure, but we didn't see any other... people at Stormstout Distillery at all, and there were plenty of hozen."


  Charlemagne looked confused, "Old man Gao hired hozen as workers? What about his family, don't they live in the winery?"

Lao Chen shook his head with a gloomy expression, and fell to the ground "I didn't find his family in the winery. We also asked in Banshan Town, and it seems that he didn't live here, but a place called Shili Village. "

  Charlemagne looked speechless, "Didn't you think of going to Shili Village to find other people from the Storm Spirits? Why do you have to fight against Uncle Gao?"

   Lili danced with bright eyes and said, "Of course it's because it's more interesting! The wine competition between Uncle Chen and Uncle Gao is very interesting, right?"

   Charlemagne twitched his brows, and even Azadas was a little stunned.

  ‘Authentic brat…’

   Originally, Charlemagne planned to persuade Lao Chen, but seeing the stubborn expression on the other party's face, he could only shut his mouth again. After all, this was the family affairs of the Storm Spirits House, so he couldn't go in and intervene.

   Not wanting to continue discussing this topic, Charlemagne simply turned to the practice of monks.

  Old Chen heard that Charlemagne had practiced in White Tiger Temple and Sunshine Peak for a period of time, and immediately pulled him with great interest to ask the characteristics of the monks in Pandaria, and how they were different from the ways of monks in the Wandering Isle he taught.

Lili, the brat, circled around Azadas. She was very curious about Azadas's stone skin. She chirped to him about the mogu that she and Lao Chen met in the Jade Forest, and asked him Is it also a type of mogu.

   Poor Azadas has been sleeping in the Uldaman underground palace for tens of thousands of years. He is a senior squatting at home. He has never encountered such a thing as dealing with a bear child.

  It wasn't until Yu'lon personally flew over Banshan Town in the evening that the guardian of the titan, who was physically and mentally exhausted by a hundred thousand why, was finally relieved.
