Chapter 607 You know so many women

  When Charlemagne returned to Yuanxing Town, it was still as lively as ever, and traders of all ethnic groups kept this most prosperous town in the southern forest alive.

  The sudden return of the lord surprised Onyxia and Alleria who were working in the office at the same time.

Alleria stood up with a smile, and when she was about to speak, Onyxia beside her had already rushed out. When she saw this pet-like guardian of the earth again, the other party was already in front of her boyfriend. in his arms.

  Charlemagne pulled Onyxia away helplessly, because he noticed the flash of fierce aura on Alleria's body.

   "Okay, Oni, it's only been half a year since we've been separated, so it's like parting from life to death."

  Although Princess Black Dragon left the arms of her master, she still embraced Charlemagne's arm without notice. "Master, many things have happened in the past six months, and everyone is waiting for you to come back and tell them all."


  Charlemagne walked in front of Alleria, and Onyxia finally let go of her master tactfully. The two hugged each other naturally, and rubbed each other's faces skillfully as in the past decades.

   "I'm back, nothing major happened to Quel'Thalas, right?"

   "Fortunately, although there are some small twists and turns, it is still calm."

  Because of the return of the backbone of the family, Charlemagne greeted Lison after a long absence, and then took the lead in taking Aurelia and Onyxia back to the Duke's Mansion with the wry smile on the expression of the chief steward of the territory.

   Not long after, Cirvanas, Vereesa, and Valeira also brought Lilas back together. Compared with the slightly reserved second lady, Vereesa seemed much more honest.

  She seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment when Charlemagne was about to leave half a year ago, and stepped up to give her boyfriend a hug.


  Valeira was rubbed on the head by Charlemagne, and then contentedly hugged Mr. Bigworth who had finally returned home, and went to the side to play around.

  The more mature Lilas waved to her brother-in-law sassyly, and went back to her room upstairs knowingly.

After Charlemagne let go of Vereesa, he took the initiative to come to Cirvanas and gave her a warm hug as usual. The second lady showed a satisfied expression on his face, and kissed him lightly as a reward .

  After a bit of tenderness, everyone sat down again in the study of the Duke's Mansion, and began to tell each other about the experiences of the two parties who had been separated for the past six months.

  Charlemagne has nothing to say here. Although the unchanging practice life sounds rather boring, everyone including Lilas is very interested in the way of monk he practiced.

Charlemagne touched Vereesa's beautiful long silver hair lightly, and said with a smile, "The monk's moves and techniques can be demonstrated to you later when I have free time. Now let's talk about it. During the past six months, Azeroth and Outland What happened, did Tyre and the others hear any news?"


Alleria and Cirvanas looked at each other, and finally the eldest sister said, "Azeroth has not changed much. Now the Alliance and the Horde are focusing their attention on Outland, and the territories that were originally contested are temporarily calm." Everything seems to be going well with Tyre, but..."

  Alleria hesitated to speak, but Cirvanas sighed and took her words, "Something happened in Quel'Thalas, do you still remember the nobles who fled back then?"

  Charlemagne showed a slightly surprised expression on his face, "Of course I remember, why? They finally appeared?"

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Onyxia, who was in charge of intelligence, the Black Dragon Princess shrugged and said, "Those escaped elves did appear, and they joined the Burning Legion and became fel elves, but Master, you asked me to pay attention to the Sunset The Duke still doesn't do anything."

   "Fel Elf..."

   Charlemagne frowned, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart, "Where is His Majesty the Sun King? How does he react to this?"

Alleria said, "His Majesty Kael'thas has sent the Flame Blade and Fire Wing Legion to the outer domain to suppress the rebellion. At the same time, some nobles in the country have also been closely monitored. In order to prevent the Sun King from discovering the clues, Onyxia, The dragon people under him have been withdrawn."

  Charlemagne nodded approvingly, "Withdrawing is the right choice. Since the Sun King has taken over these nobles, there should be no need to worry about them for the time being."

Some of the nobles under the supervision of Kael'thas are naturally the disobedient noble families under Duke Higurashi. In order to avoid the Sun King's bad association with Charlemagne's independent intelligence agency, Onyxia's withdrawal is inevitable. .

  Charlemagne said with some emotion, "But... I didn't expect that group of nobles to take risks and run to join the Burning Legion. They obviously have a good life in Quel'Thalas, so why would they do such a stupid thing?"

Onyxia sneered, "I'm afraid they will have a follow-up. Joining in order to join the Burning Legion is completely unreasonable to the nobles who value benefits and rights. It should be Kil'jaeden who gave them some benefits." .”

The demon army in Outland, including Kazak himself, is Kil'jaeden's direct subordinate. When Archimonde reads the resurrection and Sargeras is busy torturing the soul of the Pantheon Titans, the command of the entire Burning Legion is undoubtedly It has fallen into the hands of fraudsters.

  Charlemagne thought for a while, and then ordered Onyxia, "Oni, you continue to pay attention to the nobles in the country without being discovered by Kael'thas, and tell me anytime something unusual happens."


  After talking about domestic changes, Alleria began to talk about the situation in Outland. "The situation in Outland is very strange now. The Alliance and the Horde each occupy two areas of Outland, and they are fighting each other while holding each other back."

   "The Hellfire Peninsula is still in contention. The Alliance, the Horde, the Burning Legion, and Illidan's evil orcs have each occupied an area. This is where the situation in Outland is the most chaotic."

   "In addition, the Alliance has occupied Zangarmarsh and Terokkar Forest, while the Horde has included Nagrand and Blade's Edge Mountains."

   "The Netherstorm is occupied by a strange creature called Void Spirit. Now they have set up a few ecological domes there, and they are said to be doing some kind of experiment."

  Charlemagne rubbed his chin. Sure enough, the situation did not exceed his expectations. The Alliance would not allow the Horde to return to Azeroth with a large number of reinforcements from the Blade's Edge Mountains and Nagrand.

  The locations of Zangarmarsh and Terokkar Forest are very important. As long as these two areas are occupied, the path from Nagrand and Blade's Edge Mountains to the Dark Portal will be completely blocked.

  Guyle should be very embarrassed now. Is there anything more painful than this.

  As for the Void Spirits... Although these weird bandaged creatures made Charlemagne unconsciously think of the group of Void servants on Argus, they haven't done anything yet, so they can be ignored for now.

   "What about Shadowmoon Valley? Illidan didn't take any action against the invasion of the Burning Legion and the Alliance Horde? And what happened to the Naga in Zangarmarsh?"

Hearing Charlemagne's question, Cirvanas shrugged jokingly, "There is no movement in Shadowmoon Valley, but most of the Naga in Zangarmarsh have returned to Azeroth. It is said that their beautiful leader Do you still know each other? You really know each other all over the world... and most of them are women."


  Charlemagne scratched his head in embarrassment, "Washqi?"
