Chapter 593 The Dilemma of the Tribe

   In fact, Charlemagne was not as demonized as Mograine thought in his heart. Although he did have the idea of ​​causing some trouble for the tribe, he had not yet reached the point where he had to cause civil strife in the tribe.

  Because he knew that at the critical moment, Goyle, the long-sighted chief, would inevitably retreat bravely.

  In fact, dissatisfaction with Goil has long existed within the tribe. The barbaric and primitive orcs are used to relying on their own weapons to fill their stomachs.

  The barren land is a good place for tribes headed by orcs. Although the land here has no nutrients and is even close to desertification, the diverse animals in this area make the orcs who are used to hunting life very satisfied.

  Zebras, Kodos, lions, velociraptors, giraffes, chocobos and even coyotes, these animals are edible proteins in the eyes of orcs. If they can monopolize the entire barren land, orcs should be able to achieve self-sufficiency.

  However... Although the entire barren land was deliberately laissez-faire due to the oath, not many external forces entered, but it was also occupied by Kocal centaurs and wild boars.


  The southern Razorfen and Razor Heights have been the homes of the wild boars for generations. Recently, they have even begun to expand after joining the tribe. The area south of the Mulgore giant gate is being brought into their sphere of influence by the rapidly expanding wild boars.

The richest oases in the central part of the barren land are occupied by Kocal centaurs. These four-legged brutal creatures run freely on this great plain. Everything that moves is in their diet, and even Including the goblins of Ratchet...

  The living space was compressed by his allies. Although Goyle felt very aggrieved, in order to fight against the alliance and the hidden enemy, the ancient oath, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

Expansion is the only way for the tribe to solve the food problem. The passage left by the oath is to continue to the south. Thousand Needles and the Tanaris Desert are worthless in terms of food supply. Goel's goal is Tana The Titan Experimental Site in the west of Liss - Un'Goro Crater.

  However, the Sandfury troll blocked their way and temporarily trapped them in the Shining Plain, and the growing food crisis made the orcs' restlessness and impatience more obvious.

  If it weren’t for the ancient oath that used food and tribes to reach a trade in ore and animal fur after the Battle of Ahn’Qiraj, I’m afraid that by this time the orcs would have already broken out.


  But it is not a long-term solution to entrust the important food problem to outsiders. Once the relationship between the two parties deteriorates and the food supply channel is cut off, the tribe will be in a very dangerous situation.

   Not to mention the situation after the return of the Nagrand orcs. If Goel wants to continue to maintain his authority in the tribe, he must migrate a large number of Mag'har orcs from Nagrand to Azeroth.

   There is a portal of darkness between the two worlds. This thing is not the kind of stable portal that can transport food smoothly through it.

  The structure inside the Portal of Darkness is very chaotic. Khadgar who has experienced the Portal of Darkness is like an infinitely rotating drum. After being stunned...well, you are almost there.

Therefore, it is impossible to transport enough food from the Nagrand prairie to Azeroth. Once the Mag'har orcs come to Azeroth in large numbers, there is only one choice left before Goel—relying on war Expand outward.

  Accepted Orgrim's teachings, Go'el is a visionary and cautious when starting a war. Knowing the situation in Azeroth, he dare not provoke a war rashly.


  However, his approach is a sign of cowardice in the eyes of the primitive Mag'har orcs who don't know the truth, and the hawks within the orcs will inevitably rise gradually.

   At this time, a pure-blooded Mag'har orc is needed to lead them on the ancient and traditional path of conquest, conquest and conquest, and the dove-like Goel will gradually lose his prestige.

  Even if it is not brain-dead, other people will come out to take on this role, just like King Saurfang's reckless son Dranosh left in Nagrand.

  ... It can be seen from the Scourgegate incident that this kid is also a person who can't care about anything once his blood is hot.

   "In short, as long as we tell Goel about the situation in Nagrand, even if he knows that the return of the Mag'har orcs will aggravate the food crisis, he has no choice but to follow the general trend and welcome them back."

  Charlemagne still stood beside Queen Azshara and talked eloquently, "With the Horde as an outpost, at least we don't need to spend too much force to fight the devil personally. We only need to carry out precise strikes at critical moments."

  Tyrande lowered her head and thought for a moment, then she asked another question that everyone was concerned about, "What about the Alliance, do you think they will follow the Horde into Outland?"

"Yes." Charlemagne said confidently, "The Alliance and the Horde are in a hostile relationship. They will definitely not rest assured that the Horde will go through the Dark Portal and return to their hometown alone. Both Danas and Kurdran know about the situation in Nagrand. , they will definitely find a way to prevent the tribe from increasing its strength."

   "At the same time, the Alliance should also hope to find out the real purpose of the demons, why Kazak opened the Dark Portal, and why only a small number of troops were stationed on the side of Azeroth."

   To say that Kazak was really just running for his life, Charlemagne was the first to not believe it. Ninety-nine percent of the doomsday lord has some plans.

  Veylon stroked his beard, and asked calmly, "Then, our ancient oath will enter the outer domain to support after we figure out the purpose of the demon?"

  The meeting ended here, and the basic strategy had already been decided. Charlemagne retired and sat back beside Kael'thas.

  Queen Azshara took the words of the Prophet, and began to discuss with the leaders about dispatching troops and preparations.

At this time, Charlemagne sat in the audience with his eyes blanked out and started to be in a daze. "I don't need to worry about Outland for the time being. Tyr and the others haven't fully integrated the group of Anubisath and the original tol'vir yet, so they just... take advantage of this gap to run away." A trip to Pandaria? '

  The trip to Pandaria was pre-booked by Charlemagne. He had already found out the location of the Pandaria continent through Delaney's spaceship scanning technology, and had a skilled navigator draw an accurate chart.

  And the two pandaren who visited Quel'Thalas recently were also an important factor in his decision to start the trip to Pandaria.

  Chen Stormstout, a pandaren from the Wandering Isle, was discovered by the night elves when he was traveling in Ashenvale with his niece Lili. Tyrande quickly told Charlemagne the news.

  Hearing that Charlemagne planned to go to Pandaria, Chen and Lili were very excited, and they volunteered to set off with Charlemagne.

Anyway, Pandaria is also the hometown of all pandaren. Chen and Lili, who were born on the Wandering Isle, are very interested in this continent shrouded in mist. The two uncles and nephews who have traveled to most of Kalimdor can't wait to go to this panda People's hometown to explore.
