Chapter 587 Celebration and Drunken Huh?

   After playing around, Charlemagne and others focused their attention on the ground where C'Thun was just now, and a giant heart that was still beating appeared in their eyes.

   Alexstrasza frowned seriously, "Sure enough... the heart of the ancient **** cannot be destroyed by external force?"

   Malygos’ introverted explosion just now should have been enough to blow up the heart until there was no scum left, but the reality is that the heart remained intact.

  Veylon closed his eyes to feel it, and breathed a sigh of relief, "K'Thun's consciousness has completely dissipated, and the heart in front of him is the last relic left by him."

  Charlemagne and the four dragon kings looked at each other, nodded at the same time, then patted Onyxia, who was aggrieved, and said, "It's your turn to work. We can go back to rest sooner if we get it done."



  Onyxia listlessly changed back to her dragon form, and five guardian dragons stood around C'Thun's heart with five corners.

   "Guardian with life..."

   "Dream Guardian..."

   "Arcane Guardian..."

   "Keepers of Time..."

   "In the name of the Guardian of the Earth."


  The Five Dragon Kings shouted at the same time, "Execute the guardian authority granted by the Titan, seal it!"

  Five thick beams of light spurted out from the mouths of the five dragon kings at the same time, gathering together in front of C'Thun's heart.

  A layer of dazzling five-color light was applied to the still beating heart, and the gloomy atmosphere that had shrouded C'Thun's cell finally disappeared completely with the completion of the seal.


  The five dragon kings breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Their expressions all looked a little tired. Obviously, the actions just now consumed a lot of their energy.

Malygos turned back into a human form, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "It's fine now, as long as it can't break through the seals imposed by the five of us, no one can use this heart again. If other ancient gods dare to take it directly Swallowing it will definitely be extremely refreshing."


  Onyxia staggered to Charlemagne's side and wanted to hug her. Seeing the tired look of her own mount, Charlemagne finally couldn't bear to push her away.

  The black dragon princess, who is very good at observing words and expressions, took the opportunity to rush over and hugged his left arm, hanging on it with a... a wretched smile.

   Alexstrasza glanced helplessly at the quasi-earth guardian who was completely pet-like, and looked up at Charlemagne amusedly, "Then... the problem now is to store it. Where do you plan to put this heart?"


Charlemagne rubbed his chin, and said hesitantly, "It stands to reason that it is most suitable to store it in Wyrmrest Temple, but it is too close to Yogg-Saron, and I'm afraid that guy will immediately send steel The armies attack..."

   This is not impossible. The heart of the Old God is like ginseng fruit to other people of the same kind. After eating it, it will inevitably increase its strength. Once Yogg-Saron knows this information, he will definitely want to take it away at all costs.

  Nozdormu stroked his beard and showed a faint worried expression, "Your consideration is not unreasonable, this heart is a hot potato wherever it is placed, it is difficult..."

  Charlemagne, who was frowning and thinking, had a flash of inspiration in his mind, "Well, I will temporarily put it in Uldaman where Tire and the others are, and then..."

  Following Charlemagne's clattering explanation, the four dragon kings showed a clear expression at the same time.

  Ysera said with a light smile, "I see, it is indeed one of the safest places."

  Veylon still doesn't know much about the deep secrets of Azeroth. At this time, he closed his eyes and meditated very knowingly, while Azshara looked at Charlemagne beside him with a meaningful smile.

  ‘It’s still a generous layout as always... I really want you more and more. '


When Charlemagne and others temporarily put the heart into an arcane box that Malygos brought from the Magic Hub and sent it back to the coalition camp outside the Beetle Wall, the leaders of the various tribes who were waiting anxiously saw their appearance At the same time, he stood up and looked expectantly at the seven big men who were the main force.

  Queen Azshara showed an elegant smile on her face, she didn't choose to catch their appetite, and said directly, "Everyone, please rest assured, C'Thun is dead, and we won the final victory in the battle of Ahn'Qiraj."


  As soon as Queen Azshara's words fell, cheers of relief came from the room.

   "Hahaha! I knew you could do it!"

   Magni laughed and patted the table in front of him, and Brian and Gurest beside him had happily danced the dwarf's characteristic dance on the spot.

  Varian also breathed a sigh of relief, and exchanged fists with Bolvar next to him, with a relieved expression on his face.

Charlemagne, who was surrounded by three female elves, raised his hands with a smile on his face and shouted, "Although the loss was huge, no matter what, our Azeroth coalition won the ultimate victory in this massive war." Everyone, please cheer to your heart's content!"

   Soon, the news of victory spread throughout the barracks, and the atmosphere of celebration immediately permeated the camp built in the barren yellow sand.

Of course, you will not bring alcohol when you go out. Through the large-scale wide-area teleportation array led by Malygos and Senegos and jointly cast by many mages, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups temporarily handed over the endgame of Silithus to the adventurers, and everyone teleported together. Arrived at the nearest big city, Erezalas.

  The grand celebration lasted for three full days. During these three days, except for the rotating army that returned to Silithus to continue to wipe out the remaining Qiraji, all the leaders temporarily put aside their state affairs and gathered together to talk loudly.

  The guardian dragon still doesn't like to participate in mortal affairs as usual. After the celebration ceremony on the first day, the four dragon kings returned to Wyrmrest Temple with their own dragon army.

   After all, the three princes and princesses of Arygos, Kailesstrasz and Merlinsera are still waiting for their greetings.

  Before he left, Nozdormu gave Charlemagne an inexplicable look, but unfortunately, Charlemagne, who was being drunk under the coaxing of Sylvanas, didn't notice, otherwise he might raise his vigilance immediately.

  Nozdormu doesn’t cheat people very often, but every time he cheats, it’s a big one...

  The last day of celebration was over, Charlemagne covered his head in the early morning of the fourth day, and got up from the bed with a painful expression on his face. The experience of drinking fragments last night made him a little regretful.

  At this moment, a sense of disobedience came to him suddenly accompanied by a strong smell of alcohol.


   Sure enough, when he turned his head to look, there seemed to be a person sleeping in the quilt beside him, and the soft silver hair exposed from the quilt made his brain freeze suddenly.

   "Eh... this can't be the legendary drinker, right?"

  The numb Charlemagne carefully lifted the upper part of the quilt, and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing who it was.

   "Vereesa...but judging from the intact condition of the clothes, it means that nothing happened?"

   "Boom boom!"


  With the knock on the door, before Charlemagne was ready, the door was opened, and Sylvanas with a playful smile and Alleria with a gentle smile appeared at the door at the same time.

   "You beast finally took my little sister..."

  Charlemagne hurriedly shook his head like a rattle and denied, "I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!"
