Chapter 54 The Conservative King

   After entering Charlemagne's room, the three of them were not polite. After all, they were comrades-in-arms who fought together. The atmosphere started to chat about some interesting things in a relaxed atmosphere.

Sean also handed over the two magic books he brought to Charlemagne at this time. One of the covers reads "Construction of the Magic Web of Eversong Forest" in Salas language, and the other one reads "Space An Introduction to Cognition and Teleportation.

   "Thanks, I will try to finish reading them in the first half month."

  Charlemagne waved the book in his hand, then stood up and put it on the desk in the room. He planned to start reading immediately after finishing his business.

Sean shook his head amusedly, "You don't have to be so anxious. You can't finish watching this time, come down and watch it again. Don't rush the teleportation technique. When you need to use it, you'd better go to Taquilin to find me first, otherwise you will be teleported." Don’t blame me for not reminding you to go to other worlds.”

Sean has also been very busy since yesterday. He spends most of his time at the Arcane Academy selecting mages who will be taken to Taquilin. If he didn't come to see off the ranger troops today, I'm afraid he really doesn't have time to make a special trip to the ranger square. .


   But it was also just right. Originally, he planned to ask the servants of the Morning Walker family to deliver the book to Charlemagne, but after all, it was more reassuring to hand it over to him by himself.

  The conversation with Sean was basically over after the book was delivered. This guy knew that Charlemagne and Liadrin probably had important things to talk about, so he left knowingly. He still had things to do in the morning.

   After Sean left, Charlemagne did not go around in circles with Liadrin, and directly asked the originally planned question.

   "Liadrin, is there any connection between your Church of the Holy Light and the church in Stratholme?"

   Liadrin nodded in surprise when she heard this question, "Yes, there are, but the relationship between our Quel'dorei and humans is not very close, and we don't have much contact with each other. Do you need to find them?"

   "Well, remember what I said about the new profession yesterday? I want to discuss this with Bishop Alonsus Fao."


After hearing Charlemagne's words, Liadrin's original casual expression stopped immediately, and then she sat upright and asked seriously, "Should we tell humans about this? We can't create new jobs ourselves? "

Charlemagne sighed depressingly, "Why do you think the same way... Forget it, I heard by chance from the human caravan traveling in the southern forest that this bishop seems to want to combine the characteristics of priests and warriors to create a brand new Profession."

   It's not that Charlemagne relied on the future vision ability of the traverser to talk nonsense. Last year, he really heard similar rumors from the chaplain of a certain caravan, but it was not that detailed.

   "Priest...and warrior?"

   Liadrin's eyes lit up when she heard this, which also made Charlemagne's heart tremble.

  ‘Sure enough, the female man has such an idea...’


  However, although Liadrin hoped that this new profession would appear, it is obviously still impossible to enter.

   But now that there is hope and sources, the next thing to do is to work hard to realize it.

   "I see. When I go back, I will try to contact Stratholme through my family and the contacts of the Holy Light Church. I will notify you as soon as there is any progress."

   Liadrin's words made Charlemagne heave a sigh of relief. Although he had heard the female priest mention Alonsus Faol when his face was injured before, he was not sure whether the two parties were related.

  Since Liadrin has agreed to the matter, it proves that she is still certain.

   After expressing his gratitude to the female priest and personally going out to send her to the carriage, Charlemagne returned indoors in relief and prepared to start reading magic books.

  However, when he sat at the desk, he was distracted and remembered the scene of meeting with Anasterian yesterday.

  'It seems... this Sun King is not as incompetent as he appears on the outside. '

  The overjoyed and flattering Anastrian at the reward ceremony yesterday morning is simply not the same person as the wise and courteous Sun King last night.

  Although there is an intention to recruit the four of them at night, it is impossible for a person to behave differently sooner or later like a schizophrenic, right?

  'Then there is only one possibility... The stupid image is deliberately performed by him to show to outsiders! '

   As for who the show is for... Needless to say, just look at who in the upper class is dancing the most.

   Of course, this does not mean that Anasterian still has the same courage as when he was young, and a problem can also be seen from yesterday's conversation.

  The Sun King is indeed tending to be conservative. Taking Darkan as an example, Charlemagne did not believe that the Sunstrider family, which is the royal family, would have nothing to do with Darkan.

  80% do not want to pay the price but slowly solve this problem. If they really use the thunder method to knock Darkan down, at most they will pay some benefits to silence other members of the council.

  The reason to go down... I can't see my identity clearly, and I am plotting against the Sunwell. This reason is enough to convince the Quel'Dorei who regard the Sunwell as bigger than the sky.

   And this isn’t just talking nonsense. If Darkan is really taken down, relevant evidence can be found in his mage tower. After all, the Drahir councilor’s coveting of the Sunwell is genuine.

  Another issue about animal companions is that there are no suitable animals in Eversong Forest... Can't they be caught from other places and let them slowly multiply in Quel'Thalas?

  Just like the chocobo, this creature is not even a native species of the eastern continent, and it still lives peacefully in Eversong Forest.

  In general, although Anasterian is not completely insane, it is an indisputable fact that his acting style tends to be conservative and his lack of decisiveness.

  However, this kind of conservative style of work is not a big problem in peacetime, and most of the conservative kings are like this, but considering the turbulent era where the situation will change in the future...

  'No wonder you will be so stubborn later, is it a common problem of the elderly? '

  Charlemagne thought of the stubborn Chief Archmage of Dalaran in the future, and he would turn a deaf ear to the warnings of the atonement Medivh and the dissuasion of his proud disciple Jaina, which eventually led to the destruction of Dalaran and his own death.

   This made Charlemagne feel a little helpless towards these old but still in high positions.

  ‘Sure enough, rights and privileges don’t want to be let go once you get attached to them…’

   Shaking his head, bringing his wandering thoughts back on track, Charlemagne began to concentrate on reading the magic book that Sean lent.

  With his learning speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, it is not a problem to read two books within half a month, but it may take more time to fully understand.

   Thanks to the book friend "Lu Zhan" for the reward and support. In addition, this guy Darkan actually appeared in the plot of the void elves again. God TM elves originated from Darkan.
