Chapter 49 Darkan's Delusion

   Today Anasterian specially invited the four of them here in the name of a private banquet, but in fact he had the idea of ​​wooing these young Quel'dorei talents.

  The four of them could guess what they were thinking about the Sun King. Lianda, a member of the royal family, was just here to make up for it. After all, she usually spends a lot of time seeing the king.

   What's more interesting is that three of the four invited people did not choose to stay in Silvermoon City in the end.

   Needless to say, Cirvanas, as the next Ranger General, must receive more education from her mother.

  Charlemagne's idea of ​​choosing an artifact surprised Anasterian a little, but it wasn't too outrageous.

   What surprised him the most was Sean, the young master of the Morning Walker family.


  As the king of Quel'Thalas, he will naturally pay more attention to these upper-class families. Although Sean's previous performance can't be called useless, he is definitely not an amazing talent.

But this time, after hearing Lianda recount Sean's highlight performance in critical moments, Anasterian's eyes really brightened. He seemed to see Sean's father, Phobos Dawnwalker, who used to be on the battlefield. heroic.

  In recent years, Phobos has been bedridden for a long time due to the injuries he suffered in the war when he was young.

  Although the pastor has been hanging his life with holy light, it may be difficult to completely recover.

   Now that his son has suddenly undergone a radical change after participating in a war, Sun King Anasterian is very pleased.

   You must know that this rebellious Phobos, known as the Dawnwalker family... used to be a staunch member of the Royal Party.


  In fact, the entire Morning Walker family is strictly more inclined to the royal family, but Osis, the old fox, obviously will not let the family be isolated by other members of the Silver Moon Council, so he has never shown a sense of closeness to the royal family.

After all, his younger brother had a close relationship with Anasterian when he was young, and even saved the life of the current Sun King twice. Anasterian has always taken good care of Phobos, and he became closer in disguise. The relationship between the two families.

  This is also one of the reasons why Osis hastily retreated after Darkan gradually dominated the parliament over the years.

  Darkhan, a rising star in the Mesozoic Era, of course also knows the tricks of the Morning Walker and the royal family, and tried every means to win Osis to the past, but unfortunately he has not been able to do so.

  But the so-called up-and-comers...that is, compared to Osis, an elf who has entered his twilight years, in fact, Darkan probably hasn't been aging for long, which is one of the reasons why he wants to seek the power of the Sunwell.

  Intelligent creatures are always afraid of death by nature, even the high elves with a lifespan of thousands of years are no exception, let alone a person like Darkan who is in a high position and can call the wind and rain at will.


  Darkhan's plan is to control the Sunwell and absorb a large amount of the magic power of the Sunwell to make himself break through the limit of mortals and enter the demigod level, so that he can have eternal life.

   He even had treacherous thoughts, as long as he successfully entered the demigod level, he could force the Sunstrider family to abdicate and become the eternal king of the entire high elf family by himself.

  It's a pity... This idiot never understood the difference between a demigod and a real wilderness demigod.

   Entering the demigod level can indeed have eternal lifespan, but this does not mean that demigods can be completely immortal.

  Wild demigods, since their souls are connected to all of Azeroth, for them, just part of the cycle of life.

  In layman's terms, sooner or later they will be able to read the resurrection.

  Ordinary demigod-level powerhouses, even if they have a long lifespan, once they die, they will still die.

   Moreover, absorbing the energy of the Sunwell is not that simple, otherwise, why would Anasterian not do it himself...Forcibly absorbing and being exploded is the only ending.

  Of course, if you don’t want to die, there is another way to transform yourself into a lich. Unfortunately, now that spiritism is strictly prohibited in Dalaran, not many people even know about this partial school.

The first lich was one of the members of the Tirisfal Council—Merry Winterwind. In the future, he will be renamed Merly Evilwind and will lead the reorganization of the extinct Tirisfal when the Burning Legion invades Azeroth again. Risfa Council.

Speaking of the Council of Tirisfal, this organization was originally a secret society led by the high elves after their journey to the East. The failure of the war.

  Since the earliest founding meeting of this association was held in the Tirisfal Glades, they simply named it the Tirisfal Council.

  The Tirisfal Glades was the first area where Dath'Remar landed when he traveled eastward, but because many elves started to go crazy for no reason, Dath'Remar finally gave up this land and continued northward to Eversong Forest and finally settled the country.

  The Council of Tirisfal will choose the most powerful mortal mage of the time as the guardian, and endow him (her) with amazing magical power through an artifact.

When the guardian is too old or tired of his mission, the council will choose a suitable successor, instill the power of the previous generation of guardians into the successor, and make it a new successor. protector.

   But... This system has been shut down for many years now. Ever since the last guardian, Aegwynn, coveted power and refused to return the power of the guardian, the Council of Tirisfal has been unable to control the choice of the guardian.

  Considering the continuation of his own power, Aegwynn seduced a court mage of the Stormwind Kingdom, Nieras Elan, and gave birth to a baby boy after the peace.

  This baby boy, who is now the new Guardian nothing but a fallen Guardian.

  When Aegwynn used her guardian duties to defeat the dark titan Sargeras, the triumphant Aegwynn didn't realize that Sargeras' soul had quietly sneaked into her body.

  When she gave birth to Medivh, the soul of Sargeras also took the opportunity to enter the newborn boy's body, and gradually began to occupy a dominant position in this body in the following decades.

  Now Medivh can no longer control the conflict between his own power and Sargeras, accidentally killed his father Elan during the unconscious power release and fell into a coma.

   In another 10 years at most, Medivh, who has been completely controlled by Sargeras, will wake up. He will communicate with Gul'dan in Draenor through the ability of an astral mage, kicking off the orc invasion.

   Then again, Darkan's self-confidence in himself is actually doomed to failure. His heart is higher than the sky, and his life is thinner than paper is to describe this kind of person.

  Perhaps among the high elves with withered talents, Darkan, an 8-ring mage, is indeed a generation of outstanding people.

  However, compared to Antonidas, who reached the realm of the 9th-ring archmage in just a few decades, and many human archmages after that...he is just a toad who only sits in a well and watches the sky.

  Although Darkan’s plan seemed very funny to Charlemagne, the Sun King would not let him go on like this in order to maintain the authority of the royal family. It became an inevitable move to attract more talents to support the royal family.

   Thanks to the book friend "Mirror Q" for his support.
