Chapter 47 Attacking Sylvanas

  Finally, Charlemagne paid a deposit of 100 gold coins to Lucius, and the store manager said that the ore would be delivered to Charlemagne the next time a merchant ship from the Kingdom of Kul Tiras arrived, half a month later.

  Kul Tiras is the largest maritime kingdom for humans and even the entire Azeroth world. Basically, they will participate in everything related to maritime trade. Naturally, they are indispensable for the development of Northrend in the North.

  Although there are only a small number of pioneering teams going to Northrend, Kul Tiras has seized this opportunity and sold all kinds of high-quality ores, herbs, and furs produced in the Northland to major countries in a monopoly manner.

   After all, only the sea power Kul Tiras can build this kind of icebreaker to the Northland, and other countries should sleep well.

  Of course, as Northrend's various high-quality resources have entered the attention of various countries, Kul Tiras will inevitably cooperate with them to develop the Northland. After all, no country can tolerate eating alone.

  The current king of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras is the young Daelin Proudmoore, who just took over the throne from his father who died of illness, and he is full of ambition.


  Being raised as a king since he was a child, he is certainly not an idiot. When Terenas Menethil, the king of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, expressed a certain willingness to cooperate, he readily agreed to the other party's proposal.

The two countries finally decided to cooperate in the development of the Northland. Lordaeron provided funds and manpower, Kul Tiras sent ships, and even the copperbeard dwarves who were very interested in new ores wanted to participate. The three countries are currently conducting close cooperation. consultations.

   Of course, Charlemagne doesn't know this yet, but being able to buy the Titan Iron is already a huge gain for him.

   Half a month is basically in line with his plan. Originally, he planned to stay in Silvermoon City to find Sean to borrow books during this period. He still remembers the teleportation.

After paying the deposit of 100 gold coins, there are more than 500 gold coins left on Charlemagne, 150 of which are used as the final payment, and the remaining money is enough for Charlemagne, who usually spends money with a plan, for a long time .

  With Liadrin's great help, his goal of going out was successfully achieved, and after the reward, he accompanied the two ladies to go shopping in Silvermoon City.


  However, it didn't take long for him to regret this decision. Once a woman starts shopping, her vitality is simply endless.

   Liadrin dragged Cirvanas around the royal trade area all afternoon, but fortunately, Liadrin, who was well-managed, and Cirvanas, who was thrifty, didn't buy much.

  Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be Charlemagne's final outcome if he is covered with goods.

   When she returned to Ranger Square, Liadrin still invited Cirvanas to continue shopping in the civilian business district of West City tomorrow.

  Hearing this, Charlemagne put down the clothes and jewelry the two bought and slipped away silently. He has other things to do tomorrow, and he doesn't have time to go shopping with them.

   Of course Liadrin and Cirvanas noticed his running away in a desperate manner, and both women laughed softly.


   "Hill, can you tell me now? Why have you been staring at Charlemagne recently? If you want to say guilt, it should be enough?"

  After seeing Charlemagne leave, Liadrin immediately dragged the second lady to the hall and sat down, and began to ask about Cirvanas's recent abnormal demeanor with a gossipy face.

  So women, whether they are ladies, women, or tomboys, gossip and shopping are their eternal pleasures.

  Sirvanas blushed a little when she heard her friend's words. After hesitating for a while with a tangled expression, she finally whispered her inner distress in the ear of her best friend.



  Charlemagne was not at all interested in the whispers of the two female elves behind him. He first came to the chocobo shed to feed Xunyu.

  Before reaching the King’s Path, all the ranger’s chocobos were taken to the Ranger’s Square for placement. After all, the King’s Path, the path leading to the royal court, is a pedestrian street that does not allow mounts to enter.

  Xun Yu, who was bullying his compatriots beside him boredly, let out a cheerful cry when he saw his master's arrival. It rushed over enthusiastically and rubbed its long neck against Charlemagne.

  Charlemagne gently touched the pure white feathers on Xun Yu's back, and looked at this guy who was still kicking his compatriots with his hind legs in a funny way.

   "Xun Yu... are you bullying other chocobos again? Don't make others come to me to complain."


  Xun Yu raised his head proudly and let out a loud cry. This extremely psychic white chocobo looked down on his stupid fellows very much.

  At first, it tried to communicate with these compatriots, but unfortunately it never got a response. Later, it simply started to bully those compatriots who ignored it.

  Xun Yu's figure is obviously much stronger than other chocobos, and these ordinary chocobos will instinctively feel fear.

  Although they felt aggrieved by Xun Yu's harassing attacks, they didn't dare to resist, so they could only shrink into the corner like an ostrich like a little daughter-in-law.

After feeding and playing with Xun Yu for a while, Charlemagne returned to the room and began to prepare for the king's private banquet at night. Taking it for granted would be too insane.

  Back in the room, he put on the ceremonial armor that his parents made for him again, and he only had this decent dress.

  When he went to the next door to greet Cirvanas to prepare to leave, he found that the second lady looked at him even more...weirdly.

  The originally evasive eyes now took on an obvious aggressiveness, as if they wanted to swallow him up.

   "Eh... Sylvanas, it's time for us to go."

  Charlemagne was a little horrified by her eyes, so he could only use the method of changing the subject immediately to start talking about the business.

  He had seen this familiar look in Aurelia's eyes before, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

   "Well, I see, let's go then."

  The second lady nodded, and obediently followed Charlemagne to the gate of the Ranger Square. The carriage sent by the Sun King to pick them up was already waiting here.

The Quel'Dorei horse standing in front of the carriage is somewhat different from the horses domesticated by humans. The peculiar horse of Quel'Thalas has two single horns on its forehead, one big and one small, and its size is also smaller than that of humans. Horses need to be taller and stronger.

  At this time, two Quel'dore horses were standing at the door with a dignified posture, waiting for the coachman's order.

  Gentleman Charlemagne stretched out his hand to send Cirvanas into the carriage first, but the proud second lady just gave him a blank look, and she, who was also wearing light ceremonial armor, jumped into the carriage with a light leap.

   Under the playful eyes of the well-dressed coachman, Charlemagne could only withdraw his hand in embarrassment, touched his nose and climbed into the carriage.


   Following the coachman's order, the two Quel'dorei horses began to march towards the royal court with graceful steps.

  On the second floor, Li Resa looked at the direction the carriage was leaving with a worried expression.

  ‘Sylvanas, you don’t really want to…’
