Chapter 3 The Proud Elf

  Charlemagne didn't focus on improving his strength in the past ten years. He also made a rough plan for his future direction.

  First of all, he became a traveler like Alleria, and got the opportunity to lead the team to go out for experience, and then looked for the opportunity to go to the Broken Isles to find the last member of the Hidden Passage who is still living in the High Ridge——Emerel Shadowguard.

   Under the tandem of this venerable old-timer, rebuild the secret passage, recruit the top hunters of all races, and prepare for the various crises that will occur in Azeroth in the future.

  Hunter and ranger, in his previous life, Charlemagne originally thought that they were two completely different professions, but after undergoing Li Reza's ranger training, he discovered that they were actually strictly speaking of the same type.

  A ranger, in essence, is a hunter who specializes in his own skills, which is equivalent to a mixture of a shooting hunter and a survival hunter.

  After Li Reza's explanation, he also had a basic understanding of the long-range troops of various tribes in the Eastern Kingdom today.


"Our rangers basically don't use animal companions, but the dwarves living in Dun Morogh are different. They call their long-range troops mountain rangers. Unlike us, we use bows and arrows to fight with muskets. At the same time, animal companions are also An integral part of them."

   "Then why don't we use animal companions? Compared with dwarves, our high elves have poor physical fitness. Isn't it appropriate to have animal companions in front?"

  ‘It’s far worse than the future orcs and tauren...’

Charlemagne naturally knew the shortcomings of the high elves. Due to the existence of the Sunwell, most people blindly believed that arcane magic could solve everything. This also led to a serious shortage of front-line occupations among the elves. opponent's impact.

  Li Reza smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's not that easy. After all, the energy of each elf is limited. Since rangers specialize in long-range combat, they naturally don't have so much time to domesticate animal companions."

"Besides, compared to the dwarves who have domesticated black bears and wild boars for many years, our high elves, except for the chocobos and dragon eagles that serve as mounts, are not very interested in us. It is not worth the loss to abandon the mature experience that has been inherited for many years to domesticate animal partners. .”


Hearing this, Charlemagne curled his lips. Among the high elves who do not have blood knights today, except for a few aliens who are willing to become fighters, the rest, whether they are rangers or mages, are out-and-out back-row occupations. Let's fight...

  Of course, royal guards and spellbreakers can also be regarded as melee occupations, but their rare numbers and extremely high training costs doomed them to be unable to be used as regular troops.

  Just a set of lawbreaker equipment... I don't know how many years an ordinary elf can live.

  The perennial border closure is just a tacit mutual attack and defense with the trolls in the forest, which has caused the high elves to seriously lose touch with the outside world, thinking that they can successfully defeat the enemy with the guerrilla tactics of the ranger and the magic of the arcanist.

  However, having witnessed the overwhelming sea of ​​corpses like natural disasters in nightmares for a long time, Charlemagne knew that if the elves did not cultivate their own avant-garde, then the scene in memory would still happen as scheduled sooner or later.

   Moreover, the high elves' country-locking policy is also a huge hidden danger. Except for a small number of caravan exchanges, the high elves do not have any apparent contacts with any outside country.


This also caused the high elves to be blindly confident in themselves. Whether it is the current Sun King Anasterian Sunstrider or the senior members of the Silvermoon Council, they all look like they are the best in the world, their noses are almost up to the sky .

  Prince Kael'thas, who is currently studying in Dalaran, is worried about this situation, but he still doesn't know enough about the current situation when there has been no war for a long time.

   "As for other races, humans also have occupations called hunters, but they don't have a dedicated army. The same is true for dwarves, but..."

   Speaking of this, Li Reza frowned, then shook his head and changed his words, "No, it's nothing."

  Charlemagne had some guesses about what Li Reza wanted to say.

  ‘I probably want to talk about the night elf cousins. '

  Due to the policy of sequestering the country for many years, the high elves have gradually forgotten the many races in Kalimdor that they had contact with in the previous night elves.

  But Charlemagne, a traveler, naturally knows that Kalimdor's tauren, night elves, furbolgs and even wild boars all have their own long-range troop inheritance.

  Although the furbolgs and wild boars are showing signs of gradual decline due to the fall of the demigods they believed in in the Great War 10,000 years ago...

  After a day of training, Charlemagne frowned and thought on the way back to Fengxing Village.

  'It's difficult, how should the high elves make up for the fatal shortcoming of lack of avant-garde? Relying on those unorganized wild fighters is simply not enough...'

  ‘Hey...why do other people have golden fingers when they travel, and I am so sad that I can only fight on my own. '

  Although Charlemagne lamented a bit, he actually knew that his abnormal learning speed after the fusion of two souls was already the biggest cheat.

When he first learned from Li Reza, he discovered that he could learn all kinds of technical movements made by Li Reza at a glance, and he quickly mastered the arcane shooting and aiming shooting that use energy. .

When practicing in person, as long as the technical movements are not in place, he can instinctively feel a sense of disobedience and adjust himself. This is the biggest reason why he can catch up with Alleria, who has trained for a hundred years, in just a few years. the reason.

   "Charlemagne, what are you thinking?"

   While Charlemagne was thinking about the future of the high elves, Alleria, who was going home together, shook his hand.

   "I'm thinking about how to build the high elves' vanguard troops. Don't you think the high elves' army structure, which only relies on long-distance to suppress the enemy, is unreasonable?"

  Charlemagne, who came back to his senses, looked at Aurelia, who was smiling like a flower, and answered with a smile.

   Today's Alleria has not been baptized by many wars like in history, and there is still a little youthful charm of a young elf in her eyebrows.

  However, her delicate and beautiful face, her blond hair as dazzling as the sun well, and her slender figure all made her exude a youthful and seductive appeal.

   "Is there? Hasn't it come here for thousands of years? Anyway, trolls can't break through our barrier."

  Aurelia's words also represent the general opinion of the elves today, and this is exactly what Charlemagne worries about. If you can't face up to your own weaknesses, it will be difficult to make up for it.

  Besides, the crystallization of high elves relies too much on enchantment stones, once a traitor informs...

  ‘As for the warriors, I can’t make any changes as a scumbag, but… I’ll go to the dwarves to learn from them when I go out to travel in the future. If I can have animal companions in the front row to withstand it, it should also improve a lot. '

  Worried about the future, Charlemagne held Alleria's hand tightly and looked towards Sas'ara, the holy tree of the high elves in the distance.

  Aurelia gently held Charlemagne's hand back.

   "Although I don't know what you are worried about, I will try my best to help you on the road ahead in the future. Don't carry everything on your shoulders alone."

  Charlemagne turned his head to look at the beautiful female elf like a flower. Under the ambiguous atmosphere, their faces gradually approached, and Aurelia's pretty face gradually turned into an intoxicating blush.

   "That...have you forgotten me?"
