Chapter 14 Combat Conference

   Regarding her sister's decision to give up her succession as the Ranger General to join the Farstrider, Cirvanas still can't understand to this day.

  In the eyes of Cirvanas when he was a child, his elder sister was almost omnipotent. Whether it was taking care of his younger siblings or improving his strength, he was far faster than elves of the same age, and Charlemagne, who was mentally retarded, was not taken seriously by her.

Although she has lost her blind admiration for her elder sister as she grows older, there is no doubt that the relationship between the two sisters has always been very good. Cirvanas is also well prepared to become the deputy of Ranger General Alleria in the future. .

  However, Alleria's sudden decision 20 years ago stunned all members of the Windrunner family, including Li Reza.

   "Are you sure you want to join the Farstrider? Are you going to give up your responsibilities, Alleria?"

   Younger sister Vereesa and younger brother Lilas were a little at a loss seeing their mother's stern expression, while Cirvanas looked at his eldest sister in disbelief.


  Although Alleria felt a little guilty about giving up the responsibilities she should have assumed, she still firmly answered her mother's question.

   "I don't want to be bound by the so-called tradition, I want to go around the whole of Azeroth."

   Li Reza twitched, obviously wanting to get angry, but seeing the timid look of the youngest son and daughter, he just snorted and walked away.

   "Hmph! Do whatever you want. Sylvanas! From tomorrow onwards, you will come to the barracks to follow me to learn the responsibilities of a Ranger General!"

   "Okay, mother..."

   After watching Li Reza leave, Cirvanas turned to his elder sister anxiously.


   "Aurelia, you..."

   "There is no need to persuade the second sister, I have already made up my mind!"

  My sister's determined expression made the words that Cirvanas originally planned to say stuck in his throat.

  The elder sister who is usually gentle and considerate in front of them rarely has such a decisive attitude, and once Aurelia finally makes a decision, then this very independent elder sister has already made up her mind.

  From that day on, she replaced her elder sister and began to follow her mother to learn about general ranger affairs, while her elder sister slackened her original diligent training and began to study the customs of various places in the family library.

   Originally, she thought that this kind of life would continue until her sister officially joined the Farstrider and left Quel'Thalas to travel around.


  However, Charlemagne's sudden sobriety 10 years ago changed what was originally planned.

  Aurelia, who had always been the undisputed leader among rangers of the same age, was surprised by Charlemagne's progress, and finally picked up the ranger training she had left behind for several years.

   This idiot, whom Cirvanas had never noticed, carved his name in everyone's hearts in an unbelievable way.

  Whether it is cultural learning or ranger's strength, he has improved, improved and improved at an astonishing speed.

  In just ten years, this fool has caught up with himself in the ranger, and is still quickly getting closer to his sister.

  The most incomprehensible thing is that the eldest son of the Theron family, who is regarded by his mother as having the potential to hit an epic level in the future, actually plans to join the Farstrider just like his sister.

  ‘What’s so special about the Farstrider? Why didn't I see it at all after getting along for this period of time? '

  Sirvanas has also been stationed at the Farstrider camp for some time. When she got along with this group of rangers from the irregular army, she really didn't see any qualities worthy of attention from these people.

  If you want to talk about the tenacity and unyielding will and the care for your comrades, these ranger troops also have it. These people inherit the loose nature of the high elves, which is even more obvious than the ranger troops.

  Charlemagne naturally didn't know about Cirvanas' doubts. He didn't have much contact with this Alleria's second sister.

  Although Cirvanas would not be cold-hearted towards him like Vereesa, Charlemagne always felt that the famous Queen Xi had some prejudice against him.

  But since the other party is faintly repelling him, Charlemagne will not be so cheap as to put his hot face on someone else's cold ass.

  Eliminating the inherent impression of his previous life, in fact, his positioning of Cirvanas is only "Aurelia's younger sister".

  In his nightmares, he has witnessed the tragic experiences of the other party many times. Out of the desire not to make Alleria sad and to preserve the combat power of the high elves, saving Cirvanas is also part of his future plan.

  Sylvanas is dozens of years younger than Alleria, but due to her strong character and hard training, her strength is not much worse than that of Alleria who was once abandoned for a while.

  If Alleria hadn't resumed training in recent years, I'm afraid she might have surpassed her.

Due to her mother's careful training, Cirvanas' strategic and tactical attainments have even surpassed that of her elder sister Alleria, and now what she lacks is nothing more than actual combat experience. opportunity for testing.

  After Scran and Yavin finished talking about the past, Cirvanas called all the high-level troops to the second floor of the high tower of the camp for a meeting.

   After Sclan, Alvin, Charlemagne, Liadrin, and Sean sat down one after another, Cirvanas stood up first and explained the current situation.

   "According to the intelligence of Commander Scran, the trolls didn't make any big moves after I left."

   "At this stage, we will continue to maintain a defensive posture for the time being, and wait for the order of General Ranger to arrive before taking the next step."

  Before he left, Li Reza told his second daughter about his arrangements for the two-line battlefield. Although Cirvanas was a little worried about the important responsibility he was about to assume, he was more eager to look forward to it.

  But before Li Reza's order came, the troops in the Farwalker camp could only temporarily assume a defensive posture of standing still.

  As for Li Reza's intentions, the old Youtiao Yawen naturally saw it from her manpower arrangement, and Liadrin also vaguely noticed it with her natural intelligence. Only one person was completely kept in the dark...

   "Huh? Are there any other tasks on our side?"

   The person speaking was none other than Sean Morning Walker. This young master who had been pampered since he was a child obviously didn't understand the cruelty of the battlefield, so he actually asked the question with an expression of expectation.

   Cirvanas was obviously also very displeased with the young master, and dismissed him with a frown and a perfunctory sentence.

   "It's still uncertain, and we need to observe the follow-up progress. Master Xiao En also asks you to make the mages under you ready at any time."

  Shawn winked at Cirvanas and assured Cirvanas, "No problem, leave it to me! I will let you see the fine lineage of the Morning Walker family!"
