Chapter 115 The Attitude of Osis

  Osis’s time as a member of the Silvermoon Council is almost comparable to that of Anasterian. Similarly, these two old elves have also entered the twilight years of their lives.

Osis, who has been walking all the way since the troll war, realized the importance of this alliance immediately after receiving the report from his nephew, and immediately informed Anasterian of the news through a secret channel, and facilitated Charlemagne Theron in this matter also entered his sight again.

  ‘One time can be said to be a fluke, two times can be said to be accidental, and three times is inevitable. This kid will definitely play an extremely important role in the future of Quel'Thalas in the future. '

  The old and cunning Osis quickly made a decision after confirming his own ideas, and tried his best to win over this ranger who had made great contributions one after another.

   Fortunately, his nephew had established a good relationship with the boy of Theron's family by mistake. With this connection, it is much more convenient for him, an elder, to act.

"Hehe, Mr. Theron, we met again. Not long ago, His Majesty was still discussing the reward for you to become a paladin. I didn't expect you to make a major contribution again so soon. It seems that the reward plan we have drawn up will be repeated. Make a change."


Charlemagne didn't dare to underestimate Osis, who was smiling in front of him. Although the old councilor was a bit disheartened in recent years because he had no successors, as Sean grew up, it seemed that the Silvermoon Council member Living fossils have plans to come out again.

   "Master Morning Walker, please call me Charlemagne. I just want to bring some changes to the now lifeless Quel'Thalas."

  Osis looked at the young ranger who bowed his head respectfully and saluted before him. How could he not know the current situation of Quel'Thalas.

Years of peace not only corroded the aggressiveness of the clansmen, but also gave birth to a younger generation like Darkan who was ambitious and wanted to seize power. The little pressure from the Amani trolls who were maimed by the troll war that year was not enough. Can't bring enough vigilance to the top.

  However, Charlemagne's successive big actions and Sean's transformation after the war obviously touched him a lot. The enterprising attitude of the juniors made this old congressman who was almost frozen in his thinking begin to reflect on the development of the country in recent years.

  ‘Are we too conservative? Forget it... I hope you young people can become the breeze that blows the stagnant waters of Quel'Thalas again. Let us old guys try to pave the way for you! '


  After figuring it out, Osis let go of his burden instead, he straightened his slightly hunchbacked back and smiled kindly at Charlemagne.

"Don't be so polite, just call me Uncle like Xiao En. General Li Reza and I have known each other for many years. I went to congratulate her when she married the former Ranger General... It’s been two thousand years, maybe it’s time for our country to change.”

In fact, strictly speaking, Osis is a generation taller than Lireza... Fortunately, the high elves don't pay much attention to seniority due to their long lifespan, otherwise the scene where one young elf calls another young elf grandpa Don't be too beautiful.

  Charlemagne's heart was moved when he heard Osis's emotion. If the old congressman had the heart, he might be able to win over two stable parties in the parliament to restrain Darkan, so that at least in a short period of time, he would not be afraid that Darkan would gain too much power.

  Since Osis clearly showed goodwill, Charlemagne also just changed his name smoothly, and simply called him uncle. During the information exchange with Osis, he learned about Anasterian's initial attitude.

   "Your Majesty himself attaches great importance to the arrival of the Suramar compatriots, and is also optimistic about the alliance. However, this matter will be submitted to the parliament for a vote sooner or later. It may not be so easy for Darkan to pass it."


  Charlemagne nodded solemnly, "I'm afraid of this. If the parliament's opposition is too fierce, I'm afraid His Majesty will not be able to force it through. What do you think, Uncle Osis?"

Osis stretched out his hand and pinched his neatly trimmed snow-white mustache, pondered for a while and said, "From the perspective of the country, this alliance is undoubtedly very beneficial to us, and according to what you said, the seven heroes who came this time fell The night elves are still exiles from Suramar, so we can infer the powerful background of Shal'dorei from the side."

   Judging from Charlemagne's own memory, the great magister Elisande is undoubtedly a veteran epic powerhouse. With the help of the artifact Aman'Thul's Eye, she can even fight against demigod-level opponents.

   Several important advisors under Elisande are also like the upper house of the Silver Moon Council, all 8-ring Arcanists or magic swordsmen of the same level.

He was a little uncertain about whether the chief arcanist Talisa, known as Miss Sister, was a peak hero or an epic level, but in any case, the combat power of the Nightborne in Suramar was no less than that of Quel'Sala s.

  However, like the high elves, they also have a fatal weakness, the population problem.

After all, Suramar is just a city. After the formation of the enchantment, various resources have been relatively tight. The resources produced in the city alone cannot support too many people. It is because of this that Elisande will let the nobles They exiled some of the people who made mistakes.

Speaking of the Silvermoon Council, besides the six 8th-ring mages who are in charge of making decisions in the upper house, there is also a lower house, but in recent years, the lower house has lost the important role it used to because of Darkan's suppression. became a vassal of the House of Lords.

  Only mages can serve as members of the House of Lords, and they must reach at least 8 rings. The House of Commons has relaxed a lot, as long as they enter the hero rank, they can apply to join, and there are no occupational restrictions.

But because of the free nature of the high elves, most of the hero-level professionals will not join the council, just like there are many 8-ring mages wandering outside nowadays, and the hero-level professionals of Quel'Thalas wandering outside the council are also absent few.

  Including Charlemagne's mentor Li Reza, as a heroic ranger, she has no plans to join the parliament at all.

In addition, there are many folk people, such as Jialinde Xialong and Eleanor Yunjian mentioned by Li Reza before. These two heroic rangers did not join the Farstrider and Ranger troops. Either party is still traveling around the world today.

I still have some impressions of these two names, Charlemagne. When the orcs invaded, the two returned to Quel'Thalas and voluntarily led the team to the Hinterlands to establish the Quel'Dani Lodge to support the Wildhammer dwarves. Later, due to the concept of Silvermoon City If they didn't agree, they stayed there and garrisoned.

   In addition, there is Valeira's deceased master, a hero-level thief. I don't know if she had any conflicts with the high-level officials of Quel'Thalas. The master thief did not return to his roots until his death.

  Anyone with a little brain can see that the advantages of this alliance outweigh the disadvantages. However, some elves are destined to stand on the opposite side because of their paranoid delusions.

   "If you have something to meet with His Majesty, do it first. In the parliament, I will try my best to win over several other members of parliament, and strive to pass the resolution of the alliance. After all... Darkan and the other two radical members are not monolithic."

   After leaving the Mage Tower of the Morning Walker, Charlemagne was still thinking about the meaningful words of Osis just now.

  'Heh... It seems that this old congressman is finally planning to use his huge network. '
