Chapter 111 Shal Elland

   "Shal Elland, it seems... I heard it somewhere."

  Charlemagne's words made Kelixia and Luti stunned at the same time. Unlike Luti's blank expression, Kelixia frowned and thought for a while, but in the end she still couldn't think of the place name that gave her a vague impression.

The reaction of the two did not exceed Charlemagne's expectations. After all, the place of Shal Ellan is the same as Falanaar, which is now occupied by the Spider-Man of Faredor. Specially prepared tree planting sites.

  In order to ensure the smooth maturation of Arcandor, the underground of these two halls has magical network nodes with sufficient energy supply.

  However, with the invasion of the Burning Legion, the tree planting plan was shelved under the more important issue of world survival, and even whether the researchers survived was still a question.

Shal Alan and Falnaar were vacated in this way, until a night elf druid planted the two leftovers in Falnaar thousands of years ago in order to save the exiled night fallen elves. One of the seeds of Arcandor...


   It goes without saying that the result ended in failure. The group of nightfallen elves were transformed into the current Fal'dorei spider-man under the impact of the wild magic power overflowed by the explosion of Arcandor.

  The last remaining seed was also completely sealed by the night elf, until he figured out a way to solve Arcandor's major flaw, he has been guarding this seed so that no one can approach it until now.

Arcandor's search is also one of the important purposes of Charlemagne's visit to the Broken Isles this time. This tree of miracles is too important to the high elves. Get rid of addiction.

This kind of abandoned place may be briefly mentioned in some unorthodox books, but obviously this weak memory is not enough for Ke Lixia to pay attention to it, so at this time she still can't understand the familiar place name. remember.

   At this time, it is time to look at Charlemagne's ability to make up...

"I have seen the record of this place in the collection of Quel'Thalas before. Due to its special function, Shal Elland has sufficient and stable magic net nodes. If there is no accident, it is in the place where you live. directly below Aluneth."


"Directly below?"

  Krisha was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "So that's the case, I said why Alunes has magic net energy seeping out, so it's like this..."

After the Flanaur explosion, the second group of refugees finally decided to live in Aluneth after surveying, because for some reason there is a stable supply of magic net energy here, which can relieve the night fallen elves to some extent. addiction.

  And the withered will instinctively stay away from here for unknown reasons. For this group of exiled nightfallen elves, this is the best place to live.

  Before experiencing the cataclysm, many landforms are slightly different from those of later generations.

It seems that Shal'Aran, which was supposed to reveal the entrance of a small cave under Aluneth, is still closed at this time, and Kul Tiras, which has drifted to Northrend in later generations, is still not far from the sea off Gilneas. .


   After the two parties have initially determined their intention to form an alliance, they will start to solve the problem. The first task now is to contact Quel'Thalas, otherwise everything will be just talk on paper before the Sun King's approval.

   To open the two-way portal requires a stable magic network node, which Charlemagne has pointed out a clear way for Ke Lisha.

   Immediately, Ms. Yuejun hurriedly asked Lu to call the mages among the nightfallen elves. She wanted to go to the stream below and directly use spells to remove the rocks.

  Under the mobilization of Ke Lisha and Luti, the whole of Aluneth became lively, including the recalled personnel who went to find the mana crystal, and the thousands of nightfallen elves living in Aluneth began to be slightly agitated.

Although Ke Lisha did not tell the ordinary people about the alliance and the way out of the nightfallen elves before the matter was confirmed, they told them that such a mobilization had not been seen for many years, and these nightfallen elves instinctively felt that something big was about to happen. occur.

  The winery manager Seth thought of the two outsiders he had brought to Aluneth, and he guessed that the current changes might be related to them.

  The search for Shal Alan went extremely smoothly. The investigators sent by Clicia found a collapsed mountain beside the stream below Aluneth, and there were still some remains of the original buildings around the mountain.

   "It should be here, right? I didn't expect the entrance to be just below Aluneth where we have lived for thousands of years..."

  Krisha looked at the mages who had already begun to cast spells to remove the rocks, and she sighed a little. She also heard the report of the ruins from her men before, but who would have thought that there was an important magic net node buried behind it?

   It took a total of three days to clear a passage through these thick rocks. Following the report of the thieves who explored the path, Shal Alan finally appeared before the eyes of the world after ten thousand years of storage.

  Krisha attached great importance to this news. She personally brought Luti and a group of high-end nightfallen elves to Shal Elland, and easily cleared out a small number of undead entrenched here.

After thousands of years of accumulation, the second batch of Nightfallen Elves now has three 7th-ring mages and a magician who has just entered the hero rank, in addition to the 8-ring mage Ke Lisha and the hero-level high-level magic swordsman Luti as the leaders. Two swordsmen.

In addition, there are more than 20 high-level mages, magic swordsmen and other professions. The high-end combat power is more dazzling than the ranger troops that are just in the blood exchange period. However, due to the lack of magic power, these high-end combat powers are obviously inferior in combat power. Discount.

  In terms of the total number of troops, it is far worse than the ranger. There are only more than 300 combatants from various occupations, and the rest are civilians who live in Alunes and work in various jobs.

Ke Lixia is very aware that her people are still under huge threats to survival. After lighting up the entire Shar Elland with arcane magic, she didn't bother to visit this refuge that had been buried for thousands of years, and directly pulled Charlemagne came to the magic net node downstairs and prepared to open the portal.

Kelisha and the others don't know the structure of the Quel'Thalas magic net, so to use Shal Ellan's magic net node to open the portal to Quel'Thalas, Charlemagne must cooperate, and he will provide it. Coordinates, Ke Lisha and her mages came to tear open the space channel and stabilize the portal.

   Out of precaution, Charlemagne didn't directly tell Ke Lixia the coordinates of Quel'Thalas. After all, the two sides haven't formally reached an alliance agreement, so they still need to keep a hand.

Under the watchful eyes of magic swordsmen such as Alleria and Luti, the mages who jointly cast spells with Charlemagne gradually opened a space channel and stabilized it. Next, they have to wait for the permission of the Taquilin magic net node To formally build a two-way channel.

  In the Teleportation Room of the Mage Tower in Taquilin, Sean, who had been meditating in his own room, rushed over after receiving a report from his subordinates.

   "This magic power is... Charlemagne?! Is he dying! The first teleportation is such a big portal?"

   Damn it! I just saw the settings, and there is a new ancient **** Gouhu (G'huun) in 8.0. I don't know what to say about Blizzard's ability to eat books. I agreed that there is only one ancient **** left?
