Chapter 10 Liadrin

   On the day of the expedition, Lor'themar got up early and silently helped his brother check the luggage.

  The words of concern and worry have been said a while ago, so on the morning of the departure day, the two of them fell silent.

  Even Vereesa, who usually didn't get along with Charlemagne, took her younger brother Lilas to the Theron's house on a rare occasion, watching the two brothers silently busy.

   "Hmph! Although I don't think you have this ability, I hope you can help me if my second sister is in trouble."

   When Charlemagne was carrying her luggage and was about to go out, Vereesa finally spoke with a look of disdain.

   "Second sister is too strong a person. She has never asked us sisters for help since she was a child. Every time something happens, she takes care of it by herself, even when her father dies..."


   Seeing the dejected expressions of the Windrunner siblings, Charlemagne patted the shoulders of the two of them heavily when passing by them.

   "Don't worry! Although as you said, I may not be able to help Cirvanas, but as long as there is a chance, I will try my best."

   Lor'themar clenched his fists vigorously as he watched his brother's figure gradually go away.

  ‘I have to work harder! I must help my brother next time! '

  Today, the entire ranger barracks is filled with a chill atmosphere, and colleagues who usually greet each other with a smile only nod to each other when they meet.

   Li Reza stood on the stage and nodded in satisfaction as he watched the resolute expressions of the young people.


  Although the games under her command were newly added in the past 10 years, these troops trained by her own hands can already see a trace of elite aura, and the next... will be tested through actual combat.

   "I don't want to talk nonsense. Now Cirvanas and her rangers are stationed in the Farstrider camp. She will come to meet us after we arrive at the Temple of the Sun. We will talk about the details later."

   "Okay, get on Chocobo, let's go!"


  The well-trained rangers boarded the chocobo beside him in unison, and Charlemagne also patted the sturdy chocobo under him.

   "Xun Yu, I will trouble you this time too."



   This pure white chocobo was specially given by the Sun King in recognition of Sigmar Theron, who has repeatedly made great achievements in the troll war.

  Because of being bred by the royal secret method, the lifespan of this chocobo far exceeds that of ordinary chocobos. At least Charlemagne, who grew up with it since the mentally retarded period, has never seen it show signs of aging.

  After obtaining this chocobo, Sigma transferred it to his newly born eldest son Charlemagne, and named it Swift Feather.

  For more than three hundred years, Xun Yu has been loyally accompanying Theron family. Due to the long time of getting along with each other, this little guy has become more intelligent and human as he grows up.

  After Charlemagne regained his sanity, he personally took on the responsibility of cultivating it. Under the guidance of Li Reza, he trained Xunyu from a family pet to a qualified combat chocobo in the past ten years.

  If it weren't for the high elves' lack of reliable records, Charlemagne even planned to make it his first animal companion.

  With the speed of chocobos, the rangers in light clothes galloped from the ranger camp in Taquilin to the Temple of the Sun in a short time.

  When Li Reza led his team to the Temple of the Sun, the spellcasters sent by the Sun King for coordinated operations had also arrived ahead of schedule, led by a proud female elf.

   "General Windrunner, I am Lianda Sunstrider. I have led 20 mages and 15 priests to wait here for a long time."

Li Reza's expression changed when he heard the other party's name, and he took the initiative to reach out his hand and said, "I've heard about you, Ms. Lianda, as a member of the Sunstrider, you have already reached the 6th ring at a young age, and now you should be close to the hero level. Is it far away?"

  Lianda showed a proper expression of pride on her face, but she said modestly, "Where, General Windrunner is the one I have admired for a long time. The title of heroine among women is really well-deserved."

   Charlemagne, who was in the ranger army, apparently also heard Lianda's self-introduction, and remembered her identity after recalling it in his mind.

  Lianda Sunstrider, a member of the Sunstrider family of the high elf royal family, does not have the right to inherit. In history, she was obsessed with the power of Flame Strike, and was eventually killed by the foot mage and took away the artifact.

   Of course, in the real Azeroth, one cannot judge a person based on previous one-sided understanding.

   At least in Charlemagne's view, Lianda's arrogance is also within the normal range of the elves, and she didn't get carried away when she heard Li Reza's praise, and she still maintained the demeanor that the royal family should have.

   But the self-introduction of the pastor leader surprised him.

   "Anubelore dela'na (may the sun guide you), General Windrunner, I am Priest Liadrin, and I have long called upon your name."

  Charlemagne looked in surprise at this beautiful female elf with brown hair tied into a single ponytail and a perfect S-shaped figure wrapped in a snow-white priest robe.

   This lady is very famous. Now she is still a priest and she will become the leader of the blood knight in the future, the famous Countess Liadrin... At the same time, she is also Aqiang's future girlfriend.

  However, Liadrin has not yet experienced the tragic battle of undead natural disasters, and naturally has not inherited the title of Countess of the family, and now she is only a well-known priest.

   "General Windrunner, your daughter Sylvanas hasn't come yet, you see we are..."

  Hearing Lianda's polite inquiry, Li Reza waved her hand indifferently.

   "Don't worry about her, let's discuss the troll's movements first, I believe she will arrive soon."

Watching the three bosses enter the Temple of the Sun, Charlemagne could only set up camp not far from the front of the Temple with the surrounding rangers, and the 20 mages and priests who followed Lianda also joined their actions. .

   "Heh... Are you sure you are a ranger who rolls around in the forest all day? All of them smell like earth, which is really disgusting."

   Just as the rangers and priests were helping each other set up the tent in a harmonious atmosphere, a mocking voice sounded from behind.

   After Charlemagne turned his head, he found that the voice was a male elf with long golden hair in a gorgeous mage robe, and he was looking at the rangers with disdain.

   "Be respectful, Sean Dawnwalker, as a noble arcanist, he would actually laugh at his compatriots, so don't be too disrespectful!"

   Before the rangers could reply, another fiery red-haired mage in the mage camp was the first to refute.

   "It's you again! Lanas Fireblade, why are you always against me! Aren't these rangers mud-legged?"
