Chapter 1625

"The door lord, there are thousands of heavenly kings in the heavens and the world, come to vote, and now enter the realm of the Yuan, pray for asylum, I hope you can see them."

Feng Bai Yu went forward and reported.

Fang Handuan sat in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, urging the Great Destiny, and it was spread all over the entire world. Since the world tree, the space of the entire Yuan Dynasty has increased rapidly.

The world of thousands of layers, crystal wall system, honeycomb, and some crystal wall system actually began to condense into the internal structure of the door of eternal life, even if Tianjun entered the Yuan Dynasty, it is not good, it must be sealed.

The current Yuan dynasty is almost the same size as a very natural one. This is the scale that Fang Han Mana is close to the Xian Wang and is proficient in the Great Destiny.

Therefore, many Tianjun masters who have invested in the Yuan Dynasty, when they enter the Yuan Dynasty, are shocked by the layers of different time and space. Forgetting everyone, they almost have to worship, and at the same time want to see this greatness that created the Yuan Dynasty. Character, the main gate of the era gate is cold.


"Also, I will see them and recruit them as Jiyuanmen disciples, suppressing the Quartet. After the destruction of the heavens and the earth, the Yuan Dynasty is the place to replace the heavens. On the heavens and the world, all the masters practice to arrive. Certain realms can fly."

Fang Han nodded, and the big hand grabbed it. It suddenly changed in time and space. A huge square appeared in front of himself. In the square, thousands of Tianjun were treacherous and whispering. Waiting, talking.

Fang Han looked at them with a smile and waited for them to calm down.

"What are you talking about? This is the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty, the leader of our era gate, Fang Hanxian Wang." Feng Baiyu shouted, "I still don't see?"


This sound immediately caused a shock, and everyone looked at it fiercely. The shape of Fang Han was extremely tall, and the body of the fairy king was swaying, and there was an essential difference with Tianjun.


"What? Xian Wang?"

"It’s actually a fairy king, I feel the atmosphere of a pure and powerful fairy king..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the lord of the empire is actually the celestial king. It is not a shame to squat in front of the prince, but a respect for power. For the humility of the peak."

Many Tianjuns discussed that under the leadership of an old Tianjun, they all brushed down and smashed down. The old heavenly monarch, who had five episodes, was the master of the chivalry and spent the night. Some of the world was shattered, but this time it was too fierce because of the great destruction. He could not resist it, and he was only able to seek refuge in the Yuan Dynasty.

Fang Han’s current cultivation has reached the peak of the 19th era, and it is possible to break through the fairy king anytime and anywhere. Even if the real fairy king arrives, it may not be said that he can defeat him steadily and his fate. Surgery can simulate the breath of the king.

In fact, he swallowed the soul of the lord of the beast of the beast, and calculated his path to the king of the sacred king. The current strength is already similar to the fairy king. Even if it is called the fairy king, there is nothing.


"You all get up, become a part of my epoch, can you?" Fang Han sent out the sound of grand stalwart.

"I am willing, we are willing to..." Thousands of Heavenly Kings nodded again and again, did not get up, and gimmicked again.

"Well, in this case, Feng Bai Yu, help them to give the mark of the era, since then they are the disciples of the era, let them guard the entire territory, against the destruction of the heavens and the earth." Fang Han waved, countless crystal-like The imprint fell and fell into the palm of the wind white feather.

"You, don't you see the teacher soon? From then on, Fang Hanxian Wang, is your master." Feng Baiyu screamed.

"Yes! The teacher is on, please accept the worship of the disciples..." In an instant, thousands of days of nod and nodded again and again, and carried out three worships and nine gifts.

Just at the moment when the teacher’s ceremony was completed, the heavens and the earth in the darkness of the storm were violently shocked, and the Yuan Dynasty seemed to be subverted at any time. In the era when the whole world was shattered, new changes took place again.

Uh... everyone is shocked.

Fang Han also stood up fiercely, grabbed the big hand, and the dark storm around him calmed down. He was forced to suppress it with great fate. Sanqian Avenue continued to flow on his palm, and every avenue was wonderful. Indiscriminate, scattered into the void, the Yuan is stable.

Later, everyone saw an incomparable portal, appeared on top of their own heads, omnipresent, omnipresent, everyone feels the stalwart of this portal, the power of the tyrant, can not help but kneel down to worship.

"The door to eternal life has appeared. It has appeared. It is the time to spray the gods." The master of the knighthood had experience and saw this scene, muttering: "But this time, it is too fierce, eternal life. The whole of the door has appeared. In the past, the gates of eternal life are half-covered and hidden, and people can never see the true face."

"You, speed, everyone, suppress the Yuan!" Feng Baiyu screamed fiercely: "You are now a disciple of Jiyuan, no longer a loose repair, you must obey the orders of the era gate, immediately everyone, otherwise kill!" ”

These Heavenly Monarchs heard this cruel voice and immediately responded. Everyone knows that Feng Baiyu is the Buddha of the past, the first of wisdom, the first of power, and the first and forty Buddhas. They did not dare to resist, immediately obeyed the command of Feng Baiyu, became the eye of the Yuan Dynasty, and contributed their own strength to resist the robbery of the heavens and the earth.

"The door of eternal life, did the jetting of the gods finally begin? It means that the decisive battle between me and many celestial kings will finally come. Huatiandu, Huatiandu, my chess piece will finally come into play. "Fang Fang's face, with the emergence of the door of eternal life, the smile is getting stronger and stronger.


With his hands in his hands, countless eternal life gasified into snowflakes, landed on the tree of the world, and immediately the whole tree rose in the dark storm of the world.

The leaves and branches of the tree of the world are long and do not know how many trillions of megabytes. It seems that it can be replaced by the word "light years" in the scientific civilization. Each branch has a longevity of hundreds of millions of light years. Throughout the ages, the roots are scattered, and the black storm is calmed down.

The tree of the world, under the baptism of the great destiny at the time of Fang Han, has completely restored the glory of that year, and can comparable the strength of the Xian Wang and guard the everything in the Yuan Dynasty.

Fang Han was not afraid of the fate of the fate, but actually hardened the reincarnation of the fate of all the disciples of the era, so that every disciple did not produce the five declines.

However, this requires him to maintain his strength and wait for the end of the destruction of the heavens and the earth, otherwise the disciples will die completely.


As Fang Han slowly unfolded the tree of the world, the door of eternal life sent out a huge spurt of sound. Immediately, the black storm between the whole world was reopened with a void, countless gods, composed. More spectacular than the Tianhe River, everyone can see, in the river that day, a large number of gods, what "Da Yan Jin Jing", "Yin and Yang Magic Stone", "Congenital God Jade", "Tai Chi God Stone" endless **** Things, spread in all directions, scattered between the black storms of destruction.

However, because of the emergence of the tree of the world, many of the gods have been attracted to the tree of the world.

When the world of Xuanhuang was born, why did the masters come forth? It is because of the existence of the tree of the world that the gods of the heavens are concentrated in it and a new world is born. For some reason, it is the world tree that gave birth to the world of Xuanhuang.

Now Fang Han masters the tree of the world and plays a key role in collecting the gods.

A large number of gods, raindrops landed on the trees of the world, and then infiltrated into layers of time and space, landed in the mountains, rivers, earth, oceans and rivers of the Yuan Dynasty.

None of the disciples of Jiyuanmen did not rob, but wholeheartedly, sitting in a large array and urging the formation.

The masters of Feng Baiyu, Linglong, Fang Qingxue, etc. all run mana, refining all the gods that have fallen from the void, and refining them into the depths of the Yuan Dynasty, turning them into a vitality and warm current. Every disciple in the Yuan Dynasty is benefited fairly.

Hey! A loud explosion, many disciples who did not advance to Tianjun, were promoted again.

This round of the artifact spray is almost comparable to the sum of more than a dozen epochs of the past. Fang Han even saw it. In the void, a huge and vain **** iron was attracted, landed, and more Many elixir seeds, immortal medicines, also appeared in those gods and were digested by the Yuan.

For a time, the entire Yuan Dynasty, the strength increased greatly, the pressure of Fang Han has also been reduced a lot, every part of the disciple promoted to Tianjun, he can extract some of the strength.

"Hua Tiandu, your Tiandu teaches to shoot, these gods spray, you can't do it." Fang Han collects the gods as much as possible while looking at the depths of the dark storm.

Sure enough, in his mind just running, a Taishou Shencheng shattered the black storm that did not know how many "light years" distance, soaring up, in the city of God, a black hand with a close to ten aura stretched out, Xian The king’s breath spread out and let Tianjun suffocate.

This big hand was caught in the air, the miracle of the gods was cut off, countless gods and treasures, the seeds of the elixir, all landed in the "Tiandu City" of the Taishen City.

At this moment, Hua Tian has finally shot.

However, when Fang Han was shot at Huatian, he saw the darkness of the storm, and there was a third-party power. In the depths of the infinite destruction of the storm, countless wars of the Milky Way swelled suddenly, and a fighting giant also Fly out and **** the fetish.

When Fang Han’s gaze flashed, he saw it clearly. It was actually in the sky, hidden in an enchanted enchantment, with high mana, such as the reincarnation of the king, and also robbing the gods, then his original master, the war The Lord has completely disappeared and seems to have been swallowed by him.

"In response to the heavens, it is actually the reincarnation of the fairy king, he is still not dead!"
