Chapter 1619, Self-cultivation

Hua Tiandu stood above the "Tiandu City". His cultivation was increased again. The aura of the circle behind him, the most prominent circle of aura, was completely condensed by the power of the Yuan Dynasty, including the idea of ​​the fairy king.

In addition, the same as the Yuanshi Aura is the aura of creation, the two are as powerful as the two, indicating that the current strength of the sacred king is almost the same as the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and has surpassed all other kings.

After the two auras of the Yuan Dynasty, it is the truth, the origin, the myth, and even a few unknown auras of the fairy king. From this point, we can see that Huatian is already a true pride of the heavens, except for the creation. In addition to the blessing of the five great kings of the Yuan, the truth, the origin, and the myth, they also received the blessing of another fairy king.

There are so many celestial kings who are completely petted and concentrated in one.

Now Hua Tiandu’s cultivation has reached the peak of seventeen eras, and it is possible to break through to eighteen eras anytime, anywhere.

Moreover, his Sanshengshi, who has already cultivated and reached the point of perfection, has really begun to play the power of the first earthquake.


The "Lord of the Beast", "The Lord of the Monsters" and "The Wilderness" are also behind the Huatiandu, and the soul of the "Lord of the Beast" is distorted, a powerful shadow, and an angry roar Let the cold hate into the bones.

"The predecessor of the beasts of the beasts does not matter. In my body, I have already concentrated the aura of several immortals, which means that their ideas are blessed on my body. I am now urging the power of the three stones. Injury, after you recover, we will join hands and completely destroy the era gate. It is impossible to let this dangerous square cold animal survive in this world."

Hua Tian is talking between him, and a **** light is shining on the twisted soul of the Lord of the Beasts. The damage of the Tao between the moments is being compensated. Soon after, the Lord of the Beasts is much more comfortable and the power of the body. The climb has been far beyond Huatiandu, and even surpassed Fang Han, reaching the repair of 19 eras.

"Ha ha ha, three raw stones, it is really a good thing, it is no wonder that the Lord of the First Year made it into the first god, and now it can help me to reverse the back of the low-end eternal life." The Lord of the Beasts immediately roared comfortably. : "Fang Han, I want to smash you a corpse. I am the king of Xian, the soul of the fairy king, you have to know, offended a fairy king, how terrible the consequences."

"is it?"

Fang Han looked at Hua Tiandu and used the Sansheng Stone to help the Lord of the Beast to restore his soul. There was no fear at all. The faint words in his mouth: "If this is the case, then fight a battle to see who is strong and who is weak. If you have the ability to come out and play against me, let me see how strong your soul is reaching the present?"


"court death!"

Although the Lord of the Beasts did not fully recover, temporarily suppressed the injury, but after all, it is the king of the fairy, where will endure the cold and speak like this, the body moves.


He carried the infinite scrolling power, and arrived at the front of Fang Han. The big hand grabbed it, the huge animal claws were suppressed, the fierce beasts were overwhelming, and they became a thousand empty universe. Countless ancient beasts appeared. In the sky, attacking the dynasty of Fang Han.

"Give me broken!"

Fang Han’s body was straight, standing upright to support the sky, five fingers pinching the boxing, and hitting the air, “The **** of eternal life, the son of fate, twisting all, drowning the world.”


The eternal gas of the ocean collapsed. His fist seems to have collapsed the pillars of the heavens and the earth, causing the sky to collapse. The eternal life waterfall seems to be coming. In the Yongsheng Waterfall, a **** of eternal life with destiny With the power to hold the door of eternal life, the claws of the beasts have collapsed under this boxing.

"The big destiny is magical. Unfortunately, your realm is really too low. You must know that you are a fairy king in front of you. It is not the ordinary kind of heavenly ants."

Although the claws of the beast collapsed, the soul of the beast of the beast of the beast has disappeared completely. His mana is rising from the sky and twisting. When it comes to the back of Fang Han, the power is concentrated. Turn, the beast **** blows!"

The claws of the beast are torn, and the law of fireworks is generally smashed, tearing the body of the cold and suffocating, cutting down.

Fang Han’s backhand and palm against the claws of the beast, the power of destiny descended from the sky, the **** of eternal life was dense, and the locust searched for the Lord of the Beast, and it exploded into his soul.

It was this moment that the Lord of the Beasts suffered an explosion of thousands of eternal gods.

Now the **** of eternal life of Fang Han is condensed and explodes. It is almost equal to the twelve or three, and even the masters of fourteen eras blew themselves directly. What is the concept of thousands of explosions together? This universe is almost non-existent.

The power of these explosions is concentrated on one point, blasting in the soul, and the soul of the beast of the beastmaster is once again fragmented, the vitality is damaged, and the power of the magical power is greatly reduced.

"Damn, if I am still in the flesh, my soul is not hurt, killing you is like killing a dog." Between the explosions, all the offensives of the Lord of the Beasts are all disintegrated. He once again condenses the soul and appears on the top of Fang Han’s head. I want to press down, but I am supported by the epoch.

Fang Han fingers are surrounded by a large number of eternal gas oceans that have become a hit and a bomb. collapse!

Tian Yuan’s blow penetrated the soul of the beastmaster and destroyed some of his fierceness.

The Lord of the Beasts roared again and again, and displayed the earth-shaking power, concentrated on the beast, and finally there was a shadow of the orc gods in the air. These orcs are the perfect combination of the beast and humanity, with human wisdom. And the potential has the body and fierceness of the beast.

The overwhelming runes, the wild breath, the wild oracles came, and the soul of the beast of the beast was transformed into a light wave, a sharp edge, a rule, and a slash against Fang Han.

"Fang Han, small beast, I will let you know what is called Xian Wang, try it, I will learn from the door of eternal life!"

Fang Han saw this, his face was also dignified, and his own flashing, also turned into a dynasty god, fate blade, and the soul of the beast of the beasts collided together.

"The Gate of Eternal Life! Again!"

Just between this next collision, Fang Qingxue, who was repaired in the seventeenth era, started her hand. In her mouth, she read a long spell. Every spell is earth-shattering and goes deep into the inner depths of the door of eternal life. Numerous crystal wall systems trembled, and a sacred spurt was ejected from the door of eternal life, cutting again to the soul of the beast of the beast.


This cutting is fast and unbeatable.

The gods cut the soul of one third of the Lord of the Beast.

"Catch it!" Fang Han era, the gods of the gods turned into the hands of God, and when they fished down, they took one-third of the soul in their hands. These souls were turned into a new beast of the beasts, suffering in the seal. Struggling, sent out the most powerful curse of the fairy king.

The remaining two-thirds of the soul squatted into the city of Tiandu.

"This one-third of the soul, big complement, as long as refining, I will be able to advance to the 19th era of cultivation, but also from the 20 eras of the immortal king to repair the peaks, but unfortunately refining It takes a long time to make this one-third of the soul of the king."

Looking at the seal of the soul of the fairy king, in the constant change, impact, it is like a terrible beast, how can not suppress, a bad, it will be out of jealousy.

Escaped to the soul of two-thirds of the beasts of the beasts in the capital city. At this moment, the anger in the heart has already been awkward. If the anger can burn, the universe has turned into ashes.

"Fang Han, you want to refine my soul, I will collect it back." The Lord of the Beasts constantly uses the soul to sense, making Fang Han's seal ready to move.

"How about the soul of the fairy king? In my hand, I can't escape!" Fang Hanfeng printed the soul of this group, standing side by side with Fang Qingxue, looking at Huatiandu in Tiandu City: "Hua Tiandu, you Is there anything else to say now? Is it a deadly battle, or do you want to wait for this era to burst, and then thoroughly fight?"


Looking at Fang Han, Hua Tiandu's brow wrinkled, these two people are enemies like the sea, when they meet, they will be separated from you, but now, Fang Han actually intends to stop the war first, do not know what he is playing?

"Fang Han, you and I have a battle sooner or later, I know that you want to win time, refining the soul of one third of the beast of this beast, and practicing to reach the peak of the nineteen eras, I will give you this time." Everyday, the mind is moving, he needs time to accumulate now, and there is an unstable factor in the capital city. The Lord of the Beasts, the tribal alliance, must be suppressed first, especially the Lord of the Beasts now exists. Two-thirds of the soul, but still a very dangerous giant, will be won by this person if he does not pay attention.

Hua Tiandu himself is also coveted by the soul of the fairy king. If you want to swallow it... there are good thoughts in his heart.

Both sides have scruples, so there is no thought in his heart that he will kill him with Fang Han, and everything has to wait. patience.

"Well, Fang Han, we both have things to do, and now it is not completely desperate, let's agree, when the heavens and the earth are shattered, the gods are sprayed, each of them is snatched by the ability. How about recuperating now?" Tiandu once again raised this agreement.

Now, among the heavens, only Fang Han and his power are the biggest.

"Okay, but Huatiandu, I will be in front of you, killing the kings who support you, what is the beginning of the Lord, the king of creation, the origin, the truth, the myth... let you know what is called real Despair, you are relying on nothing more than these fairy kings." Fang Han handed a ring finger.

"I can't say anything! I will be in front of you, killing the chickens and dogs on the door of the era. Go!"

Hua Tiandu’s big sleeves waved, and the entire Tiandu City was completely hidden.
