Chapter 1537 Sun and Moon

The word "Dragon" is the origin of the whole dragon world, and it is also the ancestor of the entire dragon world. In the rumor, the dragons and ancestors got the dragon characters. Finally, according to the shape of the dragon characters, the ancient times before the birth of countless epochs Dragon family. What nine dragons, colorful dragons, dragons, holy dragons, jade dragons, stone dragons, magic dragons, ghost dragons, dragons are all born according to this dragon character.

There are thousands of dragons, but they are all inseparable.

As the founder of the eight floating sects, the sacred ancestors also left a hand in the end, leaving the word "dragon" to reconcile the dragon world.

Anyone who has the existence of this dragon character will be able to control the dragon world. Any powerful dragon family will have to bow down to the ear and be restrained in nature.

The eight Buddhism, originally the dragon's nemesis, dragon character, is also the birth of the dragon, and the combination of the two will produce all kinds of incredible stalwart power.

This is equivalent to thirty-three days to the treasure, the integration of thirty-three ancient characters, will eventually complete, get the big bliss, the big existence, the big invincible, the air.


The Lord of the Dragon Kingdom is not a good class, and it has a far-reaching degree. It is natural to know that Fang Han will collect eight Buddhism, so he has already prepared it. The dragon character restrains the floating butcher, and also relies on the power of Fang Han to collect the Futu So that he eventually became his own bag of things, and since then, no one can count his deity between the heavens and the earth.

The Lord of the Dragon King, "Eight Heavenly Kings", smiled and laughed. The dragon character characters in the road were injected into the eight floating sects. He seemed to see the bright future. He later promoted to the creation artifact, and the bright moment of the fairy king generally existed. .

"A good dragon character, eight heavenly kings, you calculate profoundly, it really is not a good class."

Fang Han once again took a step forward, prestige, although now on the surface, Fang Han is obviously in a disadvantage, even the magic weapon has been cheated, and is suppressed by the other side, it is necessary to refine, but his face The expression on the face, but did not see any setbacks, are in the chest, not busy, always calm and calm.

Step by step forward, countless treasures from his body, skyrocketing, and the "Eight Buddhism" is once again ready to move, breaking through the shackles, exudes a radiant glow, rushing bullfighting, breaking the void, straight to the clouds. The crystal wall system of the Devil's Circle was actually worn by a large hole in the Baoguang Cave. The time and space of the Heavenly World slammed down violently, and the magic cloud was scattered everywhere and could not be condensed.

Yuanshi Magic Mountain has oscillated.


"What? This Fang Han actually wants to recapture the Eight Buddhism?"

"The Lord of the Dragons has long been prepared, and he has sacrificed the dragon characters that he commanded the Dragon World. To be integrated into the floating sect, it is obviously determined to break the enemy and eliminate the hidden danger of the big one. The real fight is up."

"Do we want to fall into the rocks and attack the other side?"

"The other side's cold attack? He and the Dragon World's main fight, what is our business, we can not get the benefits of half a hair, wait and see, change, see what the Dragon Lord and he can fight out? What is the best? It is both losers and hurts. Only in the devil world can we all swallow refining and refining, eliminate the hidden dangers of the two greatnesses, and also get the gods of the heavens, and once again show the glory of our devil in the beginning of the year."

"Yes, we will watch the drama, and it will not hang up." Even if the Lord of the Dragons refines the eight floats, he will not be grateful to us. You see the deal between him and Fang Han, Baby One. When I get it, I immediately turn my face and don't recognize people. It's faster than flipping a book. It's just amazing. It's more than our magic door. If you are in alliance with such people, you have to guard against it."

"It is not like saying that there is a league that is better than no alliance. Our devil world is now without a leader, and the heavens have been completely united. After the power is strong, it will definitely attack our devil world. The cold below is our biggest enemy, but we should not rush. Hands-on, watching him weak, he took his illness and killed him, and captured the gods on him. It is the plan."


"The Lord of the Devil is saying, but unfortunately, there is no one in the devil world who can inherit the lord of the Yuan Dynasty." An old lord is very wise: "Speak up, among the gods, the devil The strongest, the first stone of the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, known as the predecessor, this life, all the life is in control, we have witnessed the power of the eyes, killing the king, but unfortunately, I don’t know where to go. Here, who dares to enter the devil world?"

A group of magic masters, between the lightning and the fire, the magic of the vertical and horizontal, but also a lot of discussion, but have reached an agreement, do not shoot, watching the party and the dragon king of the battle for content, waiting for opportunities.

The Lord of the Dragon Kingdom is also in the heart of the snow, although the name of the dragon and the devil's alliance, but the devil can not rely on, everyone knows, when it may be anti-water, bite a bite, but his heart is also very proud, long ago calculated : "When I have collected these eight floats, after refining, I will comprehend the realm of heaven and earth. Many of the devils of the demon world will be accepted and become slaves to our dragon world."

"The avenue is reversed, the floats return, and the final destination, the era of the era."

Fang Han’s big hand grabbed, and the volley oscillated. Immediately, countless vortexes rushed into the sky. The long rivers of the crystal gods condensed in the sky, and the sound of screaming appeared, and they went to the Dragon Lord.

"Hey! There is me, Fang Han, since you are stubborn, then don't blame the old man for his devil, Daweikong Zen!"

Seeing the attack and death of Fang Han, the Buddha of the world in the world of the Dragon King has already prepared for the Buddha. The big hand waved, and a giant Buddha light collapsed out of the air to resist the Crystal God.

Fang Han fingers moved, a sword and a long river flew out, strangling on the Buddha's giant hand, repeatedly hit, annihilation, gold chips flying, fighting together, difficult to understand.

"Well? With the strength of Fang Han, you can completely sacrifice the gods of the heavens. The Lord of the Dragons is completely defeated, and you are fighting together? Is it afraid of the sneak attack of these Lords of the Devil?" Feng Baiyu saw Fang Hanba The Ministry of Buddhism was deceived, not only did not show up, but instead struggled in a strolling way, and doubts in his heart. "No, these devils are powerful, but they are scattered in the sand. For their own interests, they are guarding against each other’s attacks. It can be regarded as powerful. If it is united and condensed into one, it is naturally a terrible force. Now, there is no need to be afraid of Fang Han. Instead, I hope that these sneak attacks are only because the demon sneak attack, and Fang Han can devour these devils. Concentrate on thirty-three days to treasure, the more you swallow, the stronger you are."

Other Heavenly Kings are afraid of scuffles, and they are swarming up, encountering siege, and then being powerful and degrading.

For example, the end of the Holy King, encountered many days of siege, he also has to be badly hurt. Finally, it was sealed, but Fang Han was not afraid. Because of his epoch, he could directly transform Tianjun into a line of eyes. This is a unique force.

You must know that even the strong white wind Yu Yu, even the strongest of the Tianmu, in the battle, even if it kills a tyrannical Tianjun, to refine his will, the source must be very long. At the very least, it is impossible to refine at least in the battle, but the cold is different, and there is no obstacle to refining at once.

Because of his epoch, the inheritance of the past and the future, there is no blockade, and the history of all civilizations is the characteristic of the law.

"Is it?"

An idea rises in the mind of Feng Baiyu.


At this moment, Fang Han shot again, the palm of his hand caught, the spirit burned, the power of fate spread out, almost to fill the entire sky.

The eight floats jumped again, and they were actually provoked and erupted. The above-mentioned vitality produced a series of explosions, which seemed to be self-destructing.

Fang Han sent out a fierce voice. "Lord of the Dragon King, you want to get the Eight Buddhism without this possibility. Even if I ruin the Futu, I won't let you succeed. It's better to be jade, not for the whole."


I felt that I had reached the turmoil in the Eight Buddhism, and it was actually going to explode. The main enemy of the Dragon World was violently jumping, and I even imported my own Tianjun origin. At the same time, I yelled at the "Worldless Buddha": "There is no amount." Buddha, help me quickly, sacrifice your sun and moon characters, bright and colorful, and integrate into the eight floating sects to help me suppress everything."


The infinite Wang Buddha hesitated a bit. Obviously, even if he was in the relationship with the Lord of the Dragon, the request made by the other party was too much. He could not agree.

When he confronted Fang Han, he issued a boundless Buddha light, and the overwhelming rush of the past, while his thoughts shirked: "The Lord of the Dragons, this is not appropriate."

"Get out of the way! As long as you use the sun and the moon characters to help me suppress the eight floats, I will not only give you the big words afterwards, but also give you a dragon skin left over from the Dragon Kings." After the king of the sacred king, he killed the weakest body of the predecessor, and caused the suede. The power of the gods is boundless, I can't sacrifice now."

The Lord of the Dragons was connected in an anxious way, and Fang Han was repeatedly urging his tactics. His body became a phantom, fighting with the world-famous Wang Buddha, making the Lord of the Buddha feel great pressure.

"What? A piece of skin left by the hunger?"

The world-famous Wang Fo was completely shocked. He knew that the ruined ancestors were the miracles that were born between heaven and earth, and even rumors that it was a giant egg ejected from the door of eternal life. In the life of a typical dragon, it is necessary to molt, when it is mink, it is the weakest time, but the hunger has never been licked.

However, after the final promotion of this ancestral dragon to the king of Xian, it is necessary to kill three lives, and there will be only one chance in the life.

The fallen skin has incredible power.

Even if it is a fairy king, it is a dream for this skin. Now the Lord of the Dragon World has to give himself, he has weighed it again and again, and his heart has flashed all kinds of gains and losses, biting his teeth, and suddenly, from his left eye, he rose up to a hot sun and turned into a "day." word.

In his right eye, he rose up a bright moon and turned it into a month.

It is actually the word of the sun and the moon that has been passed down from the door of eternal life.

"What?" Feng Baiyu was shocked almost instantly: "The word of the sun and the moon, this rumor is a lot of saga before the epoch, the master of the sun and the moon, after the failure of the king of the king, If the sound disappears, how can the word of the sun and the moon fall to your hand?"

The Lord of the Sun and the Moon, the Sun and the Moon, is a myth in mythology. The legend in the legend is much more tyrannical than the Lord of War. It is the first person under the King of the Kings. The impact of Xian Wang failed.

He inherited the words of the sun and the moon.

But now, the word "Sun and Moon" fell into the hands of the world's infinite king Buddha, which declared that the fall of a myth has made this Buddha.

"Small beast! Sakyamuni, you are almost dreaming. I found the nest of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon before the three epochs. I took him seriously and killed him. He got all his cultivation and magic. And the experience of monasticism..." The world's infinite king Buddha bit his teeth.
