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Chapter 184  

Barden was overwhelmed with the sudden brutal attacks from Alexcent. The power he transmitted changed as the blades clashed. Alexcent attacked recklessly.

Barden was terrified and Alexcent was too mad to notice anything. Gen, meanwhile, was getting bored, he wished Alexcent would ‘get it over with’ soon so he could get back to work. Gen was about to yawn when a figure darted past him in full speed. His eyes widened. She was so fast, and he had been inattentive, he wasn’t able to hold her back.

Alexcent had had enough of putting up an appearance. He raised his sword for the final strike on Barden.


Amethyst stood between him and Barden and Alexcent changed the direction of his strike and made his sword veer right and hit the ground. There was a huge rumble and the ground cracked. Red smoke drifted up from the cracks in the ground.


Amethyst’s eyes widened at the dents and cracks in the ground made by Alexcent’s sword. Amethyst’s gaze was fixed at the cracks on the ground. She couldn’t look away. A cold shiver ran down her spine.

Lord Hill and a few other knights sighed with relief. They were grateful that Amethyst had stopped the duel, but Gen seemed like he was trying very hard to suppress his anger. Because whatever happened next, it would be on him. Alexcent would vent his anger out on him.

Alexcent’s furious voice resonated throughout the training ground. “Are you out of your mind?!” he shouted, “Do you know how dangerous that was? You could have died!”

“Oh yeah?” shot back Amethyst, “What about you? Are you out of your mind?”


“Is this why you told me not to come to the training ground?”


Alexcent studied Amethyst. Alexcent looked around to see Lunia at the sidelines, who bowed apologetically to him. Alexcent tasted bitterness in his mouth.

He faced Amethyst. “Really, can’t you ever listen to me just once?”

“No,” retorted Amethyst, “Especially not when you are planning a murder.”

“Of course,” laughed Alexcent, mockingly, “Since, to you, he is…”

The bitterness reached Alexcent’s heart. He couldn’t brig himself to say it aloud. If he did, it would become real, and she might leave him forever.

Finding the whole situation frustrating, he barked at Barden, “Let’s end the duel here.”


“Yes, My Lord,” he said, “Thank you.”

“Well…you should thank her.” Alexcent threw his sword on the ground and turned to leave. But Amethyst caught hold of him.

“You are hurt,” she said.

“It’s nothing.”

“What do you mean it’s nothing?” she said, “You are bleeding!”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Just be quiet,” she said. “Gen! Call a doctor immediately.”

“Yes, My Lady,” said Gen, hurriedly.

“I said there is no need!” thundered Alexcent towards Gen. Amethyst raised her hand and slapped him on the back. Everyone present there looked on in shock.

“Really,” she said, “Don’t act like a child. If you don’t listen to me and get treated, that slap will land on your cheeks next!” Amethyst raised her hand to prove her point.

“Really?” he asked, “Is this how you treat an injured person?”

“If you know that much,” she continued, “Then shut your hole and get your wound treated.”

Amethyst seethed. She put Barden aside in her mind and focused on Alexcent who was stubbornly refusing to get treatment even after getting hurt. Both Amethyst and Alexcent just kept bickering among themselves not willing to back down.

“I think we should go somewhere else,” interrupted Gen, “This isn’t the place for this.” He wasn’t able to watch them anylonger.

Hill, Buer, Leryan and Lunia were all awkwardly witnessing the couple’s fight, along with other knights and soldiers present in the training ground. Amethyst realized that they were indeed creating a scene. She grabbed Alexcent by his wrist and pulled him with her.

“Come with me.”Alexcent, thankfully, didn’t protest and obediently followed her. When they disappeared from sight, everyone else began to talk.

“Her Ladyship is indeed amazing,” said one.

“I think she is probably the strongest and fearless among us.”

“I have never seen someone talk with His Excellency that way and live to see another day.”

Hill, Buer, and Leryan approached Barden. Leryan offered his hand to Barden, who took it and helped himself off the ground.

“I…,” began Barden, shaken, “I almost died. Did he really mean to kill me?”

“Well… what matters is you are alive.”

“But it’s true, isn’t it?” stammered Barden, “He was really going to….” He turned pale.

“Did you do something to offend him?” asked Buer, worriedly.

“Never!” said Barden, “I would never do something like that. I respect him too much.”

“Think again,” urged Leryan, “The prince wouldn’t never try to kill you if you haven’t done anything directly to offend him. Is it something related to Her Ladyship?”

“Actually…” said Barden, “On the day of the welcoming party….” Barden was reminded of the events of that day.


“Roman! Hurry and bring clean gauzes and ointment to dress the wound!”

“Yes, my lady,” said Roman and hurried away.

“You sit here,” Amethyst instructed briskly. Alexcent obeyed silently.

“Here, My Lady,” said Roman, arriving with gauzes and ointments.

“Thank you,” said Amethyst, “Place it here on the table and go see if the doctor has arrived.”


As Roman left, Amethyst stood in front of Alexcent and unbuttoned his shirt. She took off his shirt cautiously so that it wouldn’t hurt his arm. She looked at his arm and looked away. Fortunately, the wound wasn’t very deep, and the bleeding had stopped a little.

She sighed. “Really…,” she mumbled. She felt like she would burst into tears. She somehow felt like this was all her fault.

She cleaned his wound with warm water and wiped it with cotton and disinfectant. “Does it hurt a lot?” she asked, lightly dabbing at the wound.

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