Chapter 136  

“Yes, madam,” said Lunia, “you are the Lady of the House. You have equal rights and power as the duke. However, since Count Glacia is the head of her own estate, the duke will need to consent as well.”

“Then I guess dismissal might be too much, but I can surely teach her a lesson,” decided Amethyst.

“That would be much better,” said Lunia.

Amethyst stood up. “Fine,” she said, “Lunia. Habe. Follow me, both of you.”

Lunia and Habe did as instructed. Lunia looked calm but Habe seemed terrified and confused. She was unsure what would happen now, and she couldn’t stop crying.

Amethyst stopped in front of Count Glacia’s door which wasn’t very far from her own. Amethyst glanced at Lunia. She nodded. Lunia knocked on the door, lightly.


“Come in,” said a voice from inside.

Lunia opened the door and stood aside. Amethyst entered the room. Count Glacia seemed very surprised by Amethyst’s unexpected visit. She caught herself just in time and welcomed the Lady of the House inside.

“Do you have some time you can spare?” asked Amethyst, doing away with the pleasantries and getting straight to point.

“Of course,” said Count Glacia, “How can I help you?”“I will be very clear,” said Amethyst, “Did you use violence against my maid?”

Count Glacia turned her head to look at Habe standing beside Amethyst. Seeing how Habe was sobbing, Count Glacia assumed that the girl had told Amethyst everything. It did not exactly feel as dramatic as violence to Count Glacia but she saw no use in denying it now.

“Yes,” said count Glacia calmly. But she was calculating the possible outcomes of this situation in her head. She was trying to find a way to get out of this state of affairs.


Amethyst looked at Count Glacia. “Since you have admitted it honestly,” said Amethyst, “I will make things easier for you. Why did you hit her?”

“I didn’t know the child was your maid,” said Count Glacia, “I simply punished her for stealing my jewelry.’

“That’s not true!” sobbed Habe, “I didn’t steal anything!” Habe was so worried that it was her word against the count’s, but she didn’t want to be accused of something she didn’t do. Count Glacia glared at her and Habe fell silent in fear.

“A crime that she denies ever committing,” said Amethyst, calmly.

“Well. I’m not sure whose words have more credibility,” said Count Glacia mockingly, “A lowly maid or myself, a count of an estate and a member of the household.”

Amethyst wanted to laugh in Count Glacia’s face seeing her pulling ranks to discredit a maid. Her origin wasn’t much different. But Amethyst held her tongue. She had no intention of attacking somebody based on their past.


“I intend to listen only to facts by putting ranks aside for now,” said Amethys, “For argument’s sake, let’s say Habe stole your jewelry. If she had stolen it, and you caught her and reprimanded her, it is logical to assume you must have taken your things back. Let me see them for myself. I want to see how beautiful they must have been to tempt a maid in this manner.”

At Amethyst’s sudden request, Count Glacia seemed taken aback. “I… I assumed she must have really wanted it, so I let her… have it after I reprimanded her,” stammered Count Glacia.

“From what Habe has told me, it was a necklace and a brooch, is that correct?” asked Amethyst, “Yet, you let her have such valuable things despite claiming she was trying to steal them?”

“Yes…,” said Count Glacia, unsure of where this was going.

“Wow! Count Glacia you are so kind!” mocked Amethyst, “She ‘stole’ such valuables from you, and you forgave her after a few slaps. Such generosity!”

Count Glacia’s face stiffened at the mockery. Lunia, Habe and the count’s maid observed the scene in silence, not daring to say anything.“Yes,” said Count Glacia adamantly, “So what if I did? Is there a problem?”

“Oh, is there?” intoned Amethyst, “Not at all, Count Glacia. Not at all. I am simply surprised by your consideration.”

Count Glacia ignored the jibe. “I am flattered by your attention,” she said.

“I think you should be careful henceforth,” said Amethyst as a warning.

“Excuse me?” said Count Glacia.

“Since you are so kind, what if the other maids hear of this and try to steal more of your valuables?” said Amethyst, looking at Count Glacia levelly.

“Oh, don’t worry,” said Count Glacia, “I always keep my valuables safely locked, it will be impossible for anyone to steal…,” Count Glacia trailed off. She knew she had made a horrible mistake.

Amethyst smiled while Count Glacia tried to laugh it off. She felt foolish for being so careless. But Amethyst wasn’t one to let things slip.

“I can’t quite understand,” said Amethyst, “I wonder how Habe managed to steal your valuables which is always safely locked and impossible to access as you just said. Habe isn’t very skilled on breaking the safe and such. Perhaps you were wearing it on your personage and Habe tried to snatch it off you, which frankly seems like a stretch. You used to be a knight, and everyone knows it, so that sounds even more impossible. Unless… you willingly gave it to Habe. But then, what motive would you have in doing something like that?”

“She might have taken it when I wasn’t looking!” said Count Glacia, “How would you know if she is skilled in stealing things or not? You have valuables too. How do you know they aren’t missing? That child might have already nicked things and hidden them.”

“Which is even more confusing,” said Amethyst, “Habe has access to my room even when I am not present. I might have more valuables in my room since I live here, and you might have only packed some. If Habe was a thief, wouldn’t it be easier and rational for her to steal from me because amidst all the jewelry I might not even notice some things missing? And yet, Habe has not stolen from me.”

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