I looked around the bookstore, and there's only one thing I can say.

This is heaven.

The addicting smell of books filled the whole place, and everyone was quietly browsing through the bookshelves, looking for books that piqued their interests.

This is pure bliss, aaahh~

Ugh, I suddenly feel so lightheaded. I guess I should go back home now. I really think I may have a fever. My body has been feeling so heavy since earlier and my breath also feels hot.

Whatever. A single tablet of medicine can cure this anyway.

As I was about to walk out of the bookstore, a man who had just entered suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me out of that place. "Hey! What are you doing?" I yelled as I tried to pull my arm away from him.


Is he going to harm me?

I kept trying to pull my arm from his grip, but he was just way too strong that my attempts were all in vain.

I looked around, and was confused when he suddenly dragged me inside a pharmacy. "Give me X Omega please," he said to the pharmacist without glancing at me.

Is he an omega too? But there's no way that he is. Judging from his looks, one could tell that he is an alpha, and maybe a dominant one at that.

"That would be xx dollars," the pharmacist said as she handed the medicine to the man. The man gave the exact amount of money that the pharmacist asked for and turned to face me while holding the medicine in his hand, and dragged me out of the pharmacy.

Why in the world does he keep dragging me all over the place?!


"Take this," he said as he handed me the bottle of medicine. "What's this?" I said as I looked at it. "Suppressants," he replied briefly. I rolled my eyes in my mind and thought that this guy might think I'm stupid. Well, news flash! I'm not. "I know what this is, but why are you giving this to me?" I said as I scrunched my eyebrows.

"You're in heat."

Before I could even speak to him once again, I found myself slumped on the ground while gasping for air as my chest tightened.

He bent his knees and took the medicine from my hand and took one tablet. His fingers were touching my lips as he put the medicine inside my mouth. I then swallowed it since... he might be right.Am I really... in heat?

"See? You're in heat. Your address please? I'll take you home." He said as he looked me in the eye. "Take me to your home..." I said as moved closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. "So good..." I buried my face on his chest and started smelling him. "You smell so good..."

What's this... smell?


I looked up and saw that his face was flushed, and his eyes had narrowed while looking at me. He swallowed hard and I could see his Adam's apple moving.

So... sexy.

He sighed and said, "I guess this can't be helped." I felt his arms around me. He lifted me up and carried me to some place.


"I won't go there. It's not like they want me to be there anyway," I said as I was holding my phone next to my ear. "Come on, bro. It's been so long since the last time we've seen each other," my brother said over the line. "Like I said, I won't be going. I'm sure they'll just force me to handle the business. I've already told them a million times that I'm not interested, yet they still keep forcing me to," I said as I looked at the ground.

Ugh, fuck.

I bumped into someone, and I immediately froze on the spot. I could smell his pheromones as he passed by. "Sorry," I said and continued walking.

I couldn't care less about omegas having their heat. It's normal for them, right? Plus, I don't know that omega anyway, and he must have also known that he's in heat.

"Well, I guess you're right about that. Fine, I won't force you. But just make sure that next time, when I invite you to hang out with me, you'll come, alright?" My brother said.

Haa... I could visualize him smiling from ear to ear. This asshole is so annoying. "Fine, I will. Anyway, I'll hang up. Bye," I said and hang up on him before he could even say goodbye to me.

I turned around to see where that omega was, and as I looked at him more intently, I felt my heart pounding so hard. He's so... beautiful.

He tore the posters pasted on the walls and crumpled them into a ball. I followed him from a distance as he continued walking, and I saw him throw the paper in a garbage bin.

He must be an eco-friendly person, hah.

I kept tailing him as if I was his shadow. He entered the bookstore, but instead of going in too, I just waited outside for him.






What's taking him so long? Should I go in too?

Why am I even doing this in the first place?

I opened the door and the timing was just perfect, because as soon as I entered, I almost passed by him since he was already heading out. But...

His pheromones are wafting through the air. It's almost... suffocating me as I tried not to breathe them in. I grabbed his wrist to bring him to the nearest pharmacy. "Hey what are you doing?!" He yelled, and as if I was deaf, I did not answer his question and continued dragging him.

I have to at least give him suppressants. He should feel a lot better once he takes one.

When we finally arrived in front of the pharmacy, we immediately headed inside. "Give me X Omega please," I said as I looked at the pharmacist. She stared at me for a few seconds which made me raise my brow. She then took to suppressants I asked for and said, "That would be xx dollars," as she handed me the medicine. I took my wallet out and handed her the exact amount of money that she asked for.

I turned to face him, and I could only clench my jaw as I saw his flushed face. He's not going to be in his right mind anytime soon. I should hurry.

I dragged him out of the pharmacy and said, "Take this," as I handed the medicine to him. "What's this?" He said as he stared at the bottle. Does he not know what this is? "Suppressants," I replied briefly. "I know what this is, but why are you giving this to me?" He said as he scrunched his brows.

"You're in heat." I said as I looked straight into his eyes. My eyes widened when he suddenly slumped to the ground.

Damn it, it's already starting. What kind of omega doesn't know that they're in heat, anyway?

I bent my knees and took the medicine from his hand. I took one tablet and put it inside his mouth. His lips felt warm and soft as my fingers slightly touched them.

"Your address please? I'll take you home." I said as I looked at him. His eyes were already drooping and his face looked bright red as if he has a high fever. "Take me to your home..." he said as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around my neck.

Fuck, I suddenly felt hard as I felt his warmth. Goddammit!

"So good..." he buried his face on my chest and started sniffing me. "You smell so good..."

I should control my pheromones. Yes, I should. I shouldn't let them out. They might affect him even more. I should suppress them, haa....

He looked up, and that's when I realized the helpless situation that I'm in. I swallowed hard as I stared at his face. I sighed and said, "I guess this can't be helped." I wrapped my arms around his body to carry him.

I'm bringing him to my condo.
