Their loud laughter filled the entire room. They're in the room next to the banquet hall. It looks like a room designed for tea time.

The walls were painted with ivory. There were couches inside and in the middle was a coffee table with some tea and a few snacks. On the ceiling was a small chandelier hanging just right above them.

Tristan and Justin looked at them with a confused look on their faces.

Their parents were laughing with each other as if they have been friends for a very long time.

"What's going on?" Justin mumbled as he watched them get along well with each other.

"Dani, what's this?" Justin asked as he pulled the hem of Daniel's shirt.. "I told you, they're with Tristan's father," Daniel responded as he shrugged.

"What's so bad about this?" Justin's eyebrows scrunched as his eyes narrowed. "I never said it was bad," Daniel said and chuckled.


"I told Tristan that everything is fine and you said it's not," Justin said as he gritted his teeth. "I did?" his brother said, feigning innocence.

"Oh, Justin! Come here," Marina called him as she waved her hand. Justin did as his mother told him to and walked in their direction.

"Tristan's father told how fond he is of the twins," Marina said with a bright smile on her face, happy that Tristan's father likes them.

"Mom, weren't you mad at Tristan earlier?" Justin whispered to his mother's ear. "Well, I was. But I heard from Daniel about what he went through. I can't just blindly pget mad at him, you know?" she smiled.

"What about you, Pa?" Justin faced his father. "Just like what your Mom said," Rafael smiled.

'Thank goodness...' Justin thought as he felt the heavy feeling in his heart get lifted.


"I heard from my son that you were planning on moving with him in his penthouse. When will you be doing that? I'll handle the preparations for you," Ben said as he smiled at Justin.

"Well, I'm that sure yet. The twins are still slowly adjusting with everything. It might be a bit too hard on them if we suddenly just move out," Justin said as he put his hand on his nape.

Marina's eyes drifted to where Justin put his hand, and before Justin covered his name with his hand, she saw that he has a bite mark.

'So they've already bonded, huh?' she thought as she smiled.

She was happy seeing how things are going well for Justin right now. She knew how hurt and sad Justin was back then. Now that he's experiencing the happiness that he deserves, there was no way she'd come bwtween them.

"It's nice if you do that, too. But before you decide it like that for them, you should also ask them about it. They might be fine with it, too," Rafael said as he looked at Justin.


"Yes, your father is right. Although they're still kids, they also know what they want," Ben nodded, agreeing with what Justin's father said."Come sit here with us. You too, Tristan," Marina said as she looked at them.

They sat with their parents and they talked about random things, mostly about the twins.

After a few more minutes, Justin decided to leave for a while to check on the twins.

"I'll go check on the kids for a while," he said before leaving.

He left the room and went back to the banquet hall where the kids were. His eyes searched for them and saw them sitting on the edge of the room.

The twins were sitting on Theodore's sides. Troy and Xander were sitting on a table near the kids, keeping an eye on them.

Justin walked towards them to check what they were doing. When he got a bit closer to them, he saw that Theodore was playing a game on his N*ntendo Switch. The three of them looked so engrossed with the game that they couldn't take their eyes off it.

He saw how the twins liked it and thought that he wants to buy it for them, too.

"Do they want something like that, too?"

Justin turned his head around and saw that Tristan was standing behind him.

"Hey," he smiled at him. The alpha hugged him from behind and rested his chin on top of his head.

"Well, do they?" Tristan asked once again as he watched the kids. "I think they do," Justin said as he put his arms over Tristan's.

"They'll get that when they open their gifts," Tristan chuckled and kissed the top of Justin's head.

"What did I even expect? Of course they'd have something kids their age would want," Justin chuckled.

"Come. Let's go. Troy and Xander are looking after them, anyway," Tristan said as he smiled and hugged Justin even tighter.

"Okay, okay," Justin giggled.

They both headed out of the banquet hall and before Justin could go back to the room next to it, Tristan held his hand and statted walking to somewhere farther.

"Where are we going? Aren't we going back there?" Justin asked, confused as to why they were going somewhere else.

"You're emitting pheromones, darling," Tristan responded, still facing front.

"What? I'm not. It's not the time for my heat yet," Justin said, still following Tristan.

"But you are," Tristan said as he stopped on his tracks. Justin almost bumped into his back because of what he did, but thankfully, he stopped before he could even do that.

Tristan fished his phone from his pocket and clicked the camera application.

He turned around to see Justin. "Look how flushed your face is," he said as he raised his hand that was holding the phone so Justin could see his face on it.

It was true.

What Tristan said was true. His face was flushed and it looks like he'd go into heat any minute now.

And because of his awareness of his condition, his body started acting up as if it knows that it'a time for it to act like am omega in heat.

His body felt hot and his breathing became heavier as his heart raced. He could also feel his underwear getting a bit damp as he stood there.

"We're gonna get the suppressants in my car. I brought some with me every day in case something like this happens," Tristan said as he continued walking.

'Suppressants? Aren't we having sex?' Justin thought as he pouted while following Tristan again.

"I'll bring you to one of the rooms here since we'll be staying here for the night anyway. Wait for me there while I get the suppressants," the alpha said as they walked up the stairs, heading to the said room as he speaks.

"Okay..." Justin mumbled, feeling a bit upset that instead of holding him, his alpha is giving him suppressants instead.

They finally finished wlaking up the stairs and after a few more steps, they finally arrived in their room.

Tristan took a key from his pocket and opened the door before him. They immediately headed inside and he guided Justin to the king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

The room looked like something you'd only see in movies. It looked classy yet fancy at the same time, and everything inside it looked very expensive. The same as the other rooms, it was also painted with ivory.

But even though the room looked very eye-catching, the teo paid no mind to it because they were too focused on the situation right now.

Tristan asked Justin to sit on the bed. "Listen, just stay here for a bit while I get your suppressants. It will be dangerous for you to go out in your condition right now. I'll be back real soon," the alpha said as he sat next to him and cupped Justin's cheeks.

Justin put his hand on top of Tristan's and rubbed his face on the alpha's hand. "Can't you stay with me?" he said as he looked at Tristn with pleading eyes.

"I still have to put the twins to bed later, darling," Tristan said with an apologetic look on his face as he smiled gently at Justin.

"You can do that after staying with me... Don't you want to hold me, too?" Justin said as he leaned his body closer to Tristan.

The alpha couldn't help but swallow hard as he tried his ebst to resist the temptation. He knew that if he gives in, he might now be able to leave the room until morning.

"I do. I really do. But the twins..." Tristan's words were cut off when Justin placed a soft kiss on his lips. Tristan's hands dropped to his lap, feeling the little self-control he had left slowly vanishing.

"We can ask Dani to put them to bed..." Justin said as he put his hand on Tristan's cheek.

The omega took Tristan's hand and placed it on his waist as he leaned even closer to him.

Tristan took his phone from his pocket and dialed Troy's number.

"I'm sorry, but can you look after the twins for a while? And please ask Justin's brother to put them to bed on our behalf if I'm not yet back in an hour," Tristan said while looking at Justin, who now has a smile on his face.

"Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to leave our room for a while."
