Chapter 8: Chapter 8 The Lobbyist

Translator: 549690339

After bidding farewell to the grateful parents and refusing any gifts, the two returned to Yuan Wuxing’s small courtyard.

“You were pretty articulate when facing me, but why did you stay silent in the court? Maybe the city lord didn’t even notice you,” Jiang Li said.

Yuan Wuxing scratched his head and chuckled, “Too nervous, I’ve never been in such a situation, and my mind was a bit slow.”

Jiang Li surprisingly laughed and said, “You, ten years spent investigating the colossal Jiang family, knowing the chances are slim but still persisting. If anyone says you lack resolve, they must be blind. But you are always timid at crucial moments, that happened today with the Jiang family and in the court, even when you tried to break through the Nascent Soul stage. We in the Dao Sect emphasize the cultivation of both our life force and character, but you are only cultivating your character, not your life force.”

Yuan Wuxing felt thunderstruck.



Indeed, it was just as Jiang Li had described. Whenever he attempted to break through to the Nascent Soul stage, he was always hesitant, his thoughts crashing in like waves. He tried to convince himself that he was still young, why take the risk of death to make the breakthrough. Wasn’t it better to enjoy a hundred more years before attempting again? Does the Nascent Soul stage serve any purpose? Above the Nascent Soul stage, there is the Divinity Transformation. When will his cultivation ever end? So many others had failed in reaching the Nascent Soul stage, why should he be any different? As a result, he had often failed despite being on the brink of breaking through.

“Thank you for enlightening me,” Yuan Wuxing respectfully bowed to Jiang Li. Jiang Li simply smiled and didn’t say anything.

Remembering something, Yuan Wuxing anxiously asked, “Jiang, I suspect the Jiang family will send people to that space to destroy evidence. We must stop them quickly!”

“I’m hoping they will go to that space, otherwise, how can we escalate the matter?” Jiang Li signaled Yuan Wuxing to calm down without telling him the reason. Regardless, Yuan Wuxing believed Jiang Li’s words and calmed himself.

Interestingly, Yuan Wuxing began to trust Jiang Li unquestioningly, even though they barely spent a day together.


Just then, a knock was heard at the door, “Is Mr. Zhang Li and Mr. Yuan Wuxing in?”

The knock was gentle. Upon realizing there was no answer coming from inside, they did not repeat the action, but simply stood respectfully outside the door, showcasing commendable manners.

Yuan Wuxing opened the door, his hand trembled uncontrollably, but he barely restrained himself from attacking the person outside.

“I’m well aware of my guilt towards the world. If beating me up would alleviate your anger, I wouldn’t utter a second word of protest,” the person said.

Clan Leader Jiang was waiting outside the door, leaning on a crutch and wearing an apologetic expression. Despite his Golden Core Stage cultivation, he was meeting a Golden Core expert and a Nascent Soul expert without any bodyguards by his side.

How could Yuan Wuxing not hold a grudge against Clan Leader Jiang? If Jiang Yixing was the chief culprit, then Clan Leader Jiang was his primary accomplice. The deaths of those infants could definitely be blamed on Clan Leader Jiang.


“What are you doing here, threatening us?”

Yuan Wuxing, in the end, didn’t attack. He merely sat down on a chair with a sarcastic smile, sipping tea in large gulps.

He dared not act rashly. Who knew what kind of trick this old man might have up his sleeve? It was best to avoid unnecessary trouble.

To his surprise, Clan Leader Jiang threw his crutch aside immediately upon entering the house and fell to his knees. Yuan Wuxing was startled, almost dropping his teacup.

Jiang Li looked at Clan Leader Jiang with interest, curious about what this younger generation man would do next.

“Even though our ancestors made mistakes, none is bigger than those committed by the Human Emperor. If the information about the Human Emperor practicing demonic arts spreads across the Nine Provinces, the public might harbor suspicions and might even be manipulated by unsavory individuals. This can pose a huge threat to the Human Emperor’s reputation!”

“Outside the Nine Provinces, the Heavenly Demons are eyeing us like a tiger watches its prey. Thanks to the Human Emperors across generations who raised the flag of the Nine Provinces to resist the Heavenly Demons, the Nine Provinces have managed to avoid calamity. The Human Emperor’s strength comes from people’s faith. If the human race’s faith in the Human Emperor wavers, the Human Emperor’s strength will inevitably diminish. This poses a great danger to our Nine Provinces!”

“I know you two care for the people and are men of justice. Though my Jiang family is a villain behind the scenes, our stance against the Heavenly Demons aligns. I implore you to consider the countless beings of the Nine Provinces and let this matter go. I thank you in advance for your understanding.”

With that, Clan Leader Jiang actually bowed down and knocked his forehead against the ground three times, causing three dull thuds. When he stood up and looked up, his face was streaming with tears.

Yuan Wuxing was moved by Clan Leader Jiang’s heartfelt words and actions, and thought of letting this matter go. After all, it wouldn’t be a good thing if it actually had any impact on the Human Emperor.

Rationally, so what if the Human Emperor practiced demonic arts? He did so to combat the Heavenly Demons and protect the world’s people.

Yuan Wuxing was almost convinced by Clan Leader Jiang. After all, Clan Leader Jiang’s words made sense, and the possibility of it destabilizing belief in the Human Emperor was truly possible.

The strength of the Human Emperor is based on his own formidable capabilities, and the faith of previous Human Emperors. These two factors multiply and have led to the Human Emperor’s terrifying power. Despite not being an Immortal, the Human Emperor is virtually just as powerful.

Outside the Nine Provinces, there is spatial chaos caused by the Heavenly Demons’ attack every few hundred years, each one bringing an existential threat to the Nine Provinces. The Human Emperor, as the foremost expert of the Nine Provinces, is always at the forefront of the battle against the Heavenly Demons. More than half of the Human Emperors died during this process, with few having a peaceful death.

If the Human Emperor’s faith weakens and he succumbs in future battles with the Heavenly Demons, Yuan Wuxing would live with the guilt for the rest of his life.

“Your words do make sense, Clan Leader Jiang. But if the Jiang family had been aware of the potential damage it could cause to people’s faith in the Human Emperor, why did they still proceed with the infant sacrifices?”

With a shameful look, Clan Leader Jiang replied, “Our ancestors succumbed to the pleasures of the mortal world and wanted to breakthrough the Nascent Soul stage to live longer. We can’t help but regret our actions, and it’s now too late to make amends.”

Jiang Li expressed his surprise, “What are you talking about, Clan Leader Jiang? If the Jiang family intends to correct their mistakes, how could I not support you?”

A glimmer of hope sparked in Clan Leader Jiang’s heart. It seemed those who claimed to be men of justice couldn’t be coerced or bribed. They can only be persuaded with righteousness.

However, Jiang Li continued, “Even if Yuan Wuxing and I no longer accuse the Jiang family, other cultivators will come to investigate this matter. Here is a way out for you: according to the laws of the Great Zhou, we do not hold deceased people accountable. I encourage Jiang Yixing to acknowledge his mistake, correct it, and end his own life.”

Abruptly, the smile on Clan Leader Jiang’s face froze as he struggled to find words to refute Jiang Li’s suggestion.

Indeed, if his ancestor were to die, the issue would be settled. However, how could this be possible? He came to distract them from causing any further trouble, how could they turn things around and sentence his ancestor to death in the process?!

“Mr. Zhang Li, you must be joking,” Clan Leader Jiang could only utter awkwardly.

“I’m just pouring out my heart,” said Jiang Li.

His face turning grim, Clan Leader Jiang slowly rose to his feet, abandoning the previously mournful demeanor.

“It seems Mr. Zhang Li is determined to pursue this matter until the very end,” he observed coldly.

It was only then that Yuan Wuxing realized that everything had been a play, and he felt a wave of fear wash over him. These old foxes are indeed terrifying; you can’t trust a single word or expression. Thank heavens, Jiang Li was present.

“It’s not about pursuing or ending anything, just a penchant for seeing things through to the end, Clan Leader Jiang. Please.”

With an icy scoff, Clan Leader Jiang swung his sleeve and left.
