Rei's chakra coursed through his hand into Kaguya's back, massaging her muscles and tingling her nerve endings with pleasure. Kaguya's eyes widened as a loud moan involuntarily came out of her mouth while her back stiffened from the sudden rush of pleasure.

As Rei's fingers started moving over her shoulders, slowly working their way down her upper back, pouring more and more of his stimulating chakra into her body, Kaguya couldn't help but whimper into the pillow and tightly close her eyes in joy, her body shivering in pleasure.

Rei watched as the gorgeous woman squirmed under him, listening to her muffled moans and feeling her involuntary shudders. He had to admit, it made him feel quite good to be able to get such a reaction out of her.

While his hands tried to make Kaguya orgasm with just his touch, his eyes scanned the intricate tattoo on her back, peering deeper into it. It was a masterpiece, both in artistry and seal making. At least he thought so but, then again, he was its creator so of course, he would have a high opinion of it.

Hearing another drawn-out moan from the woman under him, Rei's concentration was disrupted, causing him to wryly smile. He already knew they wouldn't be stopping anytime soon as he first wanted.


In the end, Rei spent another twenty days with Kaguya before they decided to rejoin the real world. When they did, they found out Izumi was already looking for them and only the prompt glomp from Kaguya stopped the girl from asking some uncomfortable questions.


Kaguya quite adored Izumi and before the Uchiha could even start to protest, she was 'confiscated'. Kaguya dragged her to her prepared room for some girl talk while Rei amusedly watched the mortified expression on Izumi, pleading with him to stop Kaguya.

He wondered if she already regretted helping him to free the woman or if it will take a few days yet.

"An entire day, huh?" Konan's voice resounded from behind Rei, startling him.

He turned around and spread his arms, causing Konan to chuckle as she dove into his embrace and kissed him.

"Will I also get an entire day of you just for myself?" She asked, intently starting into Rei's eyes and causing a cold sweat to appear on his back.

Unfortunately for him, he knew it wouldn't matter if he tried to hide how long he spent with Kaguya. She would brag about it anyway so...


"Sure," Rei smiled at Konan, putting her head to his chest. "Kaguya can make a special dimension for us where time flows slower." He instantly felt Konan stiffening in his embrace and could almost hear the gears turning in her head."

"Hmm~, and how long were you with Kaguya again?" Konan sweetly asked and Rei almost felt how she narrowed her eyes despite her having her head nuzzled to his chest.

"Around a... hundred... and seven...ty days?" Rei ended that statement with a clear question mark.

"Mhm. You are spending two hundred with me next time." Konan stated with finality and melted into the embrace again, her hold of Rei tightening.

Chuckling in relief, Rei gently nodded, letting her feel it since his chin rested on her head.

He could only briefly hear the muffled, "Who could have thought Kaguya would have been so useful." that came from Konan.


Deciding to do the right thing and ignore it, Rei asked, "So... what did you do while I was away?"

"I watched the other continents and even received new info from some of my spying clones. This world is a mess. I am grateful you took me in." She said and Rei was touched by the sincerity in her tone.

He may have been using her because of her talents, no way would he take just some random orphan from the streets, and she was also using him to survive but it all worked for the best. Rei would not change his actions for anything and he knew if Konan was thrown back in time, she would also look for him no matter what.

"We created a nice thing with the Village on the Other Side." Konan idly mused and Rei hummed in agreement.

They really did. Despite still being a mercenary village full of trained killers, the village was not divided into clans or ranks or anything. Even Uchihas were starting to come out of their shell and mingle with other villagers.

There was also not much hatred for other villages and no threat of war.

The Village on the Other Side was the most peaceful ninja village in these lands.

"Anything interesting from your spying clones?" Rei asked and pulled away from Konan, making her pout before he stretched his hand towards her and she cheerfully smiled, taking his hand into hers.

"Come, I will tell you in the Teleportation Room." Konan said and started dragging him towards a room in their mansion in the Village on the Other Side of the Moon.

Rei, however, had no idea what she was talking about. 'Teleportation Room?' He thought in confusion.

They arrived there in companionable silence, Rei opting to wait and see rather than demand an explanation. In the middle of the room was a drawn array of seals that Rei instantly recognized.

During his off time, Rei worked on the special teleportation seal that got them to the Moon the first time and he did finish it but then the work on Kaguya's seal took most of his time and he never implemented it.

"You... finished it?" Rei incredulously stated, not believing his eyes. He turned towards Konan who almost glowed with pride and expected praise but Rei only looked at her in utter disbelief and uttered, "You? Really?"

Needless to say, Konan was not amused to hear that. She pouted and hit Rei in the side before swiftly approaching the map in the room with a huff and frown on her face.

The map was clearly still a work in progress but it at least contained all known continents. and names of some states and layouts.

Rei was quite impressed and as he arrived next to Konan, he put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him, "It's beautiful." He whispered before kissing the side of her head and Konan preened, an indulgent smile forming on her lips.

"There is trouble brewing on the island to the west." Konan pointed towards an island between the western unknown continent and the Elemental Nations. "The Organization there is gathering some of its warriors in the north. All I could hear about it is the appearance of multiple Yoma there but I can't help but think something is fishy about it. And the whole Organization. Their whole modus operandi in the past reeks too much like Orochimaru's labs. I don't like it."

"So, you think these warriors of theirs-"

"Claymores." Konan added.

"Clamores," Rei nodded, "are just experimental subjects for them?"

"After learning their language I visited the towns with libraries..." Konan huffed, "Not that there was much to discover. The people there are so backward it hurts to spy on them. Most things I had to get from the context." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, the history of Claymores is just weird. Everything from the fact there is always only 47 of them at any given moment to the fact there was no progress in their living or fighting style for centuries now."

Rei looked at the map. He didn't remember much from the anime Claymore. It had been decades since his reincarnation and his mind was firmly set on the Naruto series. He distantly remembered what happened in the North but for all he knew, the canon might be long over or not yet started.

In the end, he asked, "And you think they are deliberately kept that way."

"Yes. You know that ninjas do not believe in coincidences. Dig deep enough and..." Konan started.

"There will always be some fucker pulling the strings." Rei finished for her with an amused chuckle.

"You would know, wouldn't you..." Konan snorted.

Rei ignored her and looked deeply at the map. This was a dilemma. He could go and save the Claymores or he could leave them be. Both options had pros and cons. "Hmm, what to do...."
