Chapter 269   - 269: Let's Go Back

"...So that’s your history? This Evangeline-Azrael combo truly is a wicked woman. I cannot fathom tormenting my own child for whatever reason. Also, this Circle that you speak of, it is quite obvious that their initial goal was to populate the world with System Holders. But now that their matriarch, Evangeline, is gone, they have started to stray from their goal and instead want to destabilize the current status quo."

"...You got all of that from what I told you?"

"Yes, it all seems pretty clear, does it not?"

The group was now currently on a helicopter, all wearing headsets so that they would be able to hear each other talk without any interference. Dionysus was still drinking his wine, and for some reason, it wasn’t spilling even as the chopper was turning. Artemis was outside the chopper, hanging on the railings as she checked the current condition of the city.

Egypt truly was a beautiful place, even with the rebellion going around.

"I am more interested in the latter part of your story, you said that the normal humans of your birth country were being extraordinary strength by the Circle? Do you know how?"


With this question, Musad, as well as the pilot had their ears perked as they listened in on their conversation. Van, however, looked towards Charlotte.

"Don’t know, don’t care," was Charlotte’s only response, and with that, Van just shrugged his shoulders.

"Seeing as the technology of this world is almost just the same as ours, even after experiencing a calamity... I don’t think they would be capable of turning ordinary humans into super humans," Athena placed her hand on her chin as she thought of the possibilities, "Unless of course your human mother had a hand on it, but I doubt it since she is fighting with them now. Wait, this Evangeline woman, how strong is she?"

"Strong," Charlotte was the one to answer.

"Stronger than you?"



"Then she is probably stronger than Dionysus or maybe even Artemis," Athena surmised, "If so, why doesn’t she just attack them seeing as she wants them gone... Oh, I see."


"The Circle probably has the body of Hermes," Athena let out a long and deep sigh as she looked at Van.

"...How can you be so sure?" Van asked, "Does that mean... Hermes is dead?"

"Sadly so," Athena shook her head in regret before turning her attention towards Artemis, "It is sad that you are not going to see your lover again, Artemis."

"W... what!?" Artemis quickly jumped back inside the chopper, "That’s not--"


"Sorry, Artemis. I told her," Dionysus let out a slight chuckle before sipping his wine, "You know how parties can get."

"No, that’s not true! Nothing happened!"

"We know, we know," Athena waved her hand, "It was just a bout of feeling since we were about to go to a hellish war that the pure Artemis almost lost her world-renowned chastity."

"But that’s--"

"Unimportant now," Athena once again waved her hand, dismissing Artemis’s words, "What’s important is how they were able to procure Hermes’s body."

"How can you be so sure they have the boy’s god... father?" Charlotte asked.

"Unless they have a System Holder that can make thousands and thousands of people stronger, then that is the only thing I could think of that is close to possible," Athena said with conviction, "And it is not Azrael as well, as the Seraphs’ bodies disintegrate into light when they die. The chance of them using Hermes’s body to enhance the normal humans has the highest probability to be true... Evangeline refuses to attack the Circle as well, maybe in fear that Hermes’s body will be destroyed... after all, hundreds of years is a long time not to get attached."

"...What makes you so sure he is dead, Miss Athena?"

"You have his gift, he is--"

"He is dead."

Before Athena could finish her words, Artemis’s slightly pained voice echoed through their speakers.

"How else would they have been able to use him like that?" Artemis continued, "Some of them do not want to admit it, but Hermes was the strongest of us all, even father... maybe even the Primordial gods."

"...Even stronger than Miss Athena?"

"When your opponent can move from one galaxy to the next before a human could even blink halfway, there’s not really much strategy you could do except poison, but he is immune to poison, so there’s that."

"I... see," Van let out a short sigh as he looked outside. There was a slight disappointment growing inside of him from knowing that Hermes was dead. From all the stories about him, he seemed to be a pretty... decent guy. Van didn’t experience having a father, nor a mother, not really.

So there was a part of him that at least wanted to meet Hermes, but now, there was no hope for that.

"Do not be saddened by this, young King Evans. With Hermes gone, you could say that we are now your immediate family, don’t you think? Unless of course, you think your human mother is family," Dionysus wanted to hand a goblet of wine to Van, but Artemis grabbed it and drank it herself.

"Family..." Van could not help but let out a small smile from hearing Dionysus’s words, but after a few seconds, the smile on his face was replaced by shock as he realized something important, "We’re family... but Hermes had romantic relationships with the others?"

"Oh yes, your father even has a child with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty herself."

"...But aren’t they brothers and sisters?"

"Technically, we’re all brothers and sisters," Dionysus took a sip of his wine as he waved his finger, pointing towards himself, Artemis, and Athena.

"Oh, you are worried about the incest?" Athena let out a slight chuckle, "We are not humans, King Evans. Biologically and morally, it does not affect us in any way. Perhaps out of all of us, only Dionysus is averse to it."


Seeing the look of utter shock on Van’s face, Dionysus could not help but let out an awkward chuckle, "I wasn’t always one of the Olympians, I had a mortal mother."

"The same as mister Hercules?"

"That indeed," Dionysus then raised a cup, "To our departed brother, Hercules."

"He came to us a mortal, and stood amongst us as a god."

"He truly has found peace from all the madness."

The three suddenly fell silent as they all paid their respects to Hercules. Van, as well, imitated them. He wanted to ask if there was a chance that Hercules might be alive, but it didn’t feel right to do so now.

After a few seconds of the somber silence, it was Artemis who broke it, "But didn’t you have children with Aphrodite as well, Dionysus?"

"...She seduced me, you know how she could be."

"How many children did this Athena have? Van suddenly asked.

"I guess around 14? At least the ones we are aware of," Athena let out a long and deep sigh, "Who knows how many children she gave birth that we didn’t know."

"I see," Van nodded his head before looking towards Athena, "Is she alive?"

"Yes? I think so," Dionysus was the one to answer, seemingly confused with Van’s sudden question. Athena, on the other hand, closed her eyes as she looked to the side.

"That is unfortunate," Van let out a short but deep sigh, "Because she belongs to the side that won’t see my world...

...she dies."

"That’s... is there really no other way?" Artemis finally sat down on her chair as silence once again wrapped around the whole chopper.

"They don’t need to know what will happen to them," Van said, "Like what Miss Athena said back in the Pit, it will be mercy."

"Already using my words against me, I see," Athena let out a wry smile as she turned to Van, "One of the qualities of your father, I do not hate it, nor do I like it. Nevertheless, I shall follow whatever it is you wish, King Evans, as I am now your second-in-command."

"Wait, wait. Since when did we discuss the hierarchy?" Artemis quickly commented, "Don’t Dionysus and I have a say in this?"

"Please don’t involve me, I just want to party."

"You wish to compete with me?" Athena stood up from her seat, and as if in timing with their conversation, the chopper finally started to descend as they reached their destination. Athena, however, did not wait for the chopper to land as she leaped out from it, "Come then, let us fight to decide who will stand beside our King."

"No, thanks."



Athena had to awkwardly wait for the chopper to land as she stood on the landing pad alone, looking at it as it slowly descended. Out of all of them, it was already clear that Athena would be the best advisor to Van.


"Damn you," Athena said as soon as the others got off the chopper one by one. They were now close to where the Stymphalian was resting. Since they no longer had anything to do here, and there was currently a civil war going on, Van had decided to leave.

It was a beautiful country, and Van finally found out why due to Musad. The Deadzone was almost non-existent here-- they have already reclaimed their country, effectively clearing Portals as soon as they open.

It was also the reason why there was a civil war, as the normal population didn’t really think of the System Holders as their saviors anymore. It was a beautiful country, and someday, Van planned to visit more of it, but now, it was time to go and be whatever this world needed him to be.

"So, where to, boy?" Charlotte walked beside Van as they made their way back to the Stymphalian.

"...I’m the one deciding that as well?"

"You’re in charge, remember? That’s why I already listed the countries with known Pits earlier," Charlotte said, "And with these guys with us, I don’t really see how anything can be a threat to us anymore... I don’t even know why I am here."

"I... see," Van then retrieved the list from his pocket. He looked at it for a few seconds before putting it back and shaking his head, "Miss Athena, you are sure that the Circle has the body of Hermes?"

"There is a very high possibility, yes."

"Then let’s stop the search for the other Olympians for now, I want to cut any loose ends before we continue."

"You wish to go back to your birth country?"


"I stand by your decision, King Evans," Athena said as she patted Van’s shoulder, "I also want to meet this Evangeline person myself."

"They have one of us there," Van said as he nodded,

"Let’s go...

...and retrieve him."
