Chapter 260   - 260: By Force

"This country... belongs to me."


It was as if all the chaos was filtered as everyone stopped whatever it was that they were doing as their heads were all slowly turning towards the young man who was suddenly claiming ownership of their country.

Even Nadeen and President Ishaq, who were previously in a heated argument, could not help but look at Van, who held a little smile on his face. It didn’t help that half his face was covered by his hair, so they couldn’t really guess what he was really thinking right now.

But perhaps the most baffled of all was Charlotte. She did tell him that he should learn how to take charge from now on as he will hold a great and inevitable responsibility in the future, that he would decide not only his fate but others as well.


But this...

"Kid, this is taking way too much charge," Charlotte could not help but shake her head. But this isn’t necessarily a bad change, she thought. Someone with Van’s powers should learn how to be proactive.

Artemis, on the other hand, was just nodding her head at Van’s words. She had seen and read a lot of the epics of the greatest heroes of their world, and it all involved them conquering a city or a country.

Van was on the right track, she thought. And it was even better that he was doing it not by waging war, but just by his words.

"...Are you crazy?" Nadeen said as she was starting to get dizzy from all the blood she was losing.

"Maybe," Van said before he turned his head towards President Ishaq, "How about it?"


...How about what? Was this guy really expecting him to hand the keys to the country just because he says it? And why do this now of all times when they were experiencing a tragedy?

"Let’s... talk about this once I have solved this problem," President Ishaq did not really know how to respond to Van. Van was a companion of his father’s friend, so he didn’t really want to dismiss or offend him in any way. But perhaps he should have expected this, someone who stands next to a Platinum-rank explorer is bound to be... eccentric.

"I’m afraid I need to rush," Van shook his head, "I am sure General Salim already told you why we were here. If you can grant us passage to the Pit, then we’ll just gladly get out of your hair."

"I am afraid this is not a good time, Mr. Evans. If it wasn’t obvious already, I am not in the position to grant your request at the moment," President Ishaq said as he gestured to their surroundings. People were still wounded and their cries were still fresh in the air. There was also the fact that they just found out that one of their siblings was part of the ESE and was planning to commit genocide...

...and this young man was doing this now?"

"Give me your country and I will give myself the permission to go to the Pit," Van said, not even a slight stutter in his tone as he looked directly at President Ishaq’s eyes.


"Enough with this nonsense!" Nadeen could not take any more of the young man’s nonsense as she rushed towards him with her fists completely loaded. However, before she could go near him, Charlotte blocked her path.

"Maybe you should shut your mouth first, girlie," Charlotte said as her hand grabbed Nadeen’s face whole, "The new... the new leader of your country is talking."

Nadeen wanted to pull herself away, but the only thing she was able to do was let out muffled noises as Charlotte was not budging even a single inch.

"What... what’s the meaning of this?" President Ishaq did not really understand what Charlotte said, but he knew enough that she was giving way for Van, "Are you... really taking over the country?"

"That is entirely up to you," Van said.

"Then just go!" President Ishaq waved his hand, "I grant you permission to go to the Pit. Hamed, escort our... guests to the Pit and give them whatever they need."

"Are... are you sure, brother?"

"Of course, I am sure. Go!"

How is this even a choice, President Ishaq thought. His country was already in an ongoing civil war, not to mention they were in a climax that would decide the fate of their country. They weren’t going to add having the strongest Enhancer in the world as their enemy to the list.

"O... okay!" The man called Hamed quickly saluted to his brother as he carefully approached Van. "Shall... we go?"

"Hm," Van nodded. Charlotte also casually dropped Nadeen as she made her way towards Van.


The others, who had watched the full scene from that start could not help but turn their heads all at the same time as the three guests of their country all walked away as if they didn’t just threaten to wage war with their country.

"...Take the traitor away," President Ishaq then said as he looked at Nadeen, who was sprawled on the ground. Their first priority now was making sure that their father, General Salim Said, will live. Even if they got bullied by guests from outside the country, he was sure that General Salim Said would commend him for preventing an even more dangerous war.


"’Tis a shame. I would have wanted to see you conquer these lands, Evans," Artemis could not help but let out a disappointed sigh.

"He’s already a president of a small nation."

"...Really? Why did you not tell me this? So you are already aware of the responsibilities of a leader?"

Hamed, who was tasked to lead the three to the Pit, could not help but glance at the three numerous times. The three were speaking in English, and even if he wasn’t fluent at it, he could still understand what they were saying word for word; and the only thing he could think of was how weird these 3 were.

But considering one of them could probably destroy their country, they had no choice but to obey, especially now that their father is currently wounded.

"So, you’re called Hamed?"

"Yes, ma’am!" Hamed slightly saluted towards Charlotte.

"How long has this been going on?"

"...The civil war, ma’am?"


"The group first made their presence known about 30 years ago," Hamed answered without any stutter in his voice.

"30 years and Salim still has not dealt with them? It should be simple for your father to resolve something like this."

"I am afraid I don’t delve too much in politics, ma’am," Hamed let out a long and deep sigh before gesturing Charlotte and the others to proceed, "Please get inside the chopper, I will just let the people guarding the Pit to expect us."

Van could not help but raise an eyebrow as he saw the flying vehicle that he also saw earlier. So it was called a chopper? Van thought. He was the first to get inside, seemingly excited to see how it worked. But to his disappointment, it just seemed like a car except for the added buttons.

"Why do you act like a kid sometimes and a murdering lying psychopath most of the time?" Charlotte could not help but comment as she got inside the helicopter.

"Reminds me of Ares," Artemis also snided a comment, "I am sure he would be... ecstatic to find out that Hermes’s son is growing to be more like him."

"Ares? I think Mister Hercules has mentioned him before."

"Ah yes, he is... probably the most problematic out of all of us. 2nd to your father, of course," Artemis let out a slight chuckle as she looked at Van as if reminiscing the past.

"Since we’re on the topic of childish and erratic gods, any information we should know once we meet the next of your kin?" Charlotte interrupted the two, "Like slight changes in behavior and things we should avoid?"

"My kin are exceptionally understanding, you do not have to worry about anything."

"Like how you almost murdered the three of us after offering us a nice meal?"

"...I have no recollection of that," Artemis said as her eyes looked to the side.

"...Right," Charlotte could not help but let out a long and deep sigh. She can’t say she wasn’t afraid. But it had been a very long time since she felt that she was in genuine danger and it somewhat made her excited. But if she dies...

"Kid, if ever something grave happens to me... make sure you quickly take my life first, okay?" Charlotte then said.

"...Nothing is going to happen to you, Miss Charlotte," Van quickly dismissed Charlotte’s words by waving his hand, "You’re the strongest person I know."

"That is true," Artemis nodded, "Even if it was brief, you were able to break my hand. Not even Hercules would be able to do that before his ascension to godhood."

"...This kind of talk makes me think something bad is actually going to happen to me. Let’s drop it."

It took a few more minutes for Hamed to come back. And as soon as he did, they were handed some kind of muffler to cover their ears as the chopper started to ascend into the air. Although it was a lot slower than when they were flying with the colossal stymphalian, it was a lot more stable-- except for the noise that made Charlotte completely irritated.

It didn’t help that they flew for more than an hour before they reached their destination. Unlike in America, there wasn’t a Dome to cover the Portal. Instead, it was inside a tower, completely secured by several other types of machinery whose purposes were still unknown to Van.

As soon as they arrived, the guards quickly escorted them to the Portal. And without even a single question asked, they entered it.


"Wake up... Athena, wake up!"

"Why do you disturb my sleep, Dionysus!?"

"I think...

...he’s here."
