Chapter 228   - 228: Hans And Evangeline

"Master, do you think Angela will be alright? She hasn’t been this far away from you since what happened to her."

"You do not need to worry about her, Hans. She is with my son, their connection with one another is far greater than you think."

Back in America, the New Wall that the people from the Pit created was now being used as a temporary base of the Resistance. More and more people have come, its branches all over the country have heard that Evangeline was here, and so, most of them chose to travel long distances just to regroup and meet her.

"They have... a connection?" Hans slightly pulled his mustache as he looked at Evangeline, "Is that why you sent her to this important task and not me?"

"A part of it, yes," Evangeline said as she looked at the almost thousand people that were wishing to meet with her, "But mostly because you are too weak for the task."

"..." Hans could only look down as he heard Evangeline’s words that serrated his ears.


"Your place is here by my side, Hans," Evangeline then followed.

The expression on Hans’ face immediately brightened up from what Evangeline just said. It was true, throughout the years ever since he had met Evangeline years ago, Hans had never left her side.

She approached him one day, out of nowhere. Not even a day after he was elected as the new Headmaster of the Newer York System Academy, Evangeline showed herself to him. At first, he thought she was a senior student, or perhaps an instructor in the Academy that wanted to introduce herself to the new Headmaster personally.

Hans had already been in the Academy for a while as an instructor, and this was the first time he was seeing this beautiful silver-haired woman. But as the Headmaster, it would be a mistake if he didn’t know who this woman was that had the authority to enter his office unannounced.

Hans, you see, was already part of the Resistance at this time, it was his mission, along with Angela Elton and some other instructors, to recruit some potential members. Angela was supposed to take his role as she had seniority over him in the Resistance.

But alas, even with all of her powers-- Angela was too unstable.


And so, he tapped into her memories.

And that was when he knew of the existence far greater than he could have ever imagined. He thought that he knew the secrets of the world, the world of lies that the Circle had built to keep the people in check... but he knew nothing.

At that instance, the stranger that entered his office just a few seconds ago was now a person that he knew everything about. He did not intend to see through everything, but it was too alluring not to look at the memories that Evangeline held in her mind. More than a thousand years of memories, Hans saw in just a few seconds.

Each of her movements, each of her plans, each of her breaths... each of her pain-- all available for Hans to see and feel. It was as if at that instance, he became one with the universe that is Evangeline.

How she became the very first System Holder.

How she created the Circle.


How she saved the world a thousand years ago.

How she suddenly awakened to her true self.

How she left the Circle.

How she traveled all over the world carrying the burden of her secrets.

How she created the Resistance through Clark Hearst.

So many memories.

And it was so beautiful, and there was still so much for him to see.

Evangeline did not even need to say anything. Hans, without any hesitation, suddenly kneeled before her. He was, perhaps, her greatest weapon in a war that has yet to come.

Evangeline was not part of the resistance then, not yet. Hans single-handedly made her the leader by manipulating the memories of every single member of the Resistance. Their current leader back then was no exception, he gave up the seat to Evangeline without even a question, as if she had already been part of the Resistance for years as if she was his most trusted friend. The members of the Resistance idolized her, all because of Hans.

But Hans wasn’t that powerful to do something like that, no. He had to borrow the power of an old friend-- Charlotte. Or more specifically, her granddaughter.

One way or another, for some reason, Evangeline knew of what Victoria could do. Unbeknownst to Charlotte; In the guise of letting her tour the Academy, Hans used Victoria to amplify his powers to manipulate the members of the Resistance.

There was one, however, who his powers did not work in-- Angela Elton. But he did not need to. To his surprise, Angela seemed to have known Evangeline already for quite a long time... a memory that wasn’t available for him to see.

But Hans did not mind, it only added to the beauty of Evangeline. She knew almost everything about her, but the most interesting parts were still hidden from him. It was as if she was able to control what he wanted her to see.

As he was reading the minds of others, Evangeline was reading his.

Everything that happened up until now, was all part of Evangeline’s plan. And until now, not a single one of her plans had gone astray. And it was not because she was not able to see the future, no. That enough was clear for Hans. It was because she was powerful enough to shape the future itself.

If there was a single thing that made Hans’ loyalty towards Evangeline waver... it was what happened in the Relic Graveyard, another part of Evangeline’s memories that he wasn’t able to see.

Evangeline was leading another life. She had a lover, and also a child in the most impoverished part of the country.

Evangeline’s lover was a very kind man, not one would expect from someone who was born in the Relic Graveyard.

Hans watched him take care of his son, as well as other people’s children. Putting his needs below everyone else. He watched him offer him food, even though they had almost nothing to offer. He watched him put food on his son’s plate, not even leaving himself a single thing...

...And yet he smiled. He smiled at his son.

And Evangeline...

...asked Hans to turn this kind man into another person-- A man that would do horrendous and malicious things to their own son.

Hans’s loyalty instantly wavered due to this command. Just what kind of person was she following all this time? Was he so blinded by the beauty of Evangeline’s memories that he had not seen her for what she truly is?

He had already done so much, even gave her the Resistance.

What if it was all for an evil goal?

Hans wavered.

But then Evangeline showed her another memory.

A memory not even of this world.

A memory that showed who... and what Evangeline’s son is. She showed him what Evans would and could become.

And once again, without any hesitation, he turned a kind man into a monster. Something that he still very much holds close to his heart.

But Evangeline’s command did not end there. For the first time since he had met her, she shed tears. And with the trails of tears still fresh on her face, Evangeline asked him to seal some of her memories.

Any memories that held any affections towards Van, she asked him to seal it. Her memories of giving birth to Van, seeing him walk his first steps, his smiles, his cries... locked deep into her mind.

Hans had refused at first, of course. Evangeline’s mind and memories were unstable as it is. But she was adamant that it had to be done, if not, everything would be for nothing.

There was something coming to their world that would make anything they have faced so far into nothing but child’s play-- even the Portal Calamity.

And Van was at the center of everything. He was not the key, no. He was the lock, and whatever opens up from inside him...

...Will decide everything.

"Are we still not going to attack the Circle?" Hans then said as he looked at thousands of people inside the New Wall, "We have almost everyone here. The one that attacked our floating base was already confirmed to be a part of the Circle, there aren’t any more loose ends."

"You know it is not that simple, Hans."

"Is it because of him?"

"Yes," Evangeline nodded, "Even if one of the feathers is there, it is not worth it to risk waking him up, not yet."

"Is he really that strong? Stronger than you?"

"You have seen my memories, Hans. What do you think?"


"Is waiting for Mr. Evans truly our best option?"

"Yes," Evangeline’s eyes then suddenly changed color as she looked above the skies, "He... must wake up, no matter the cost."


"Va-an, you’re finally awake."

"Sorry... are we not there yet?"

"Afraid not, we’re only halfway there."

Van let out a tiny yawn as he looked around him. The other people on the truck were looking at him, especially the team of Explorers that was chosen by King Badru himself. Van, however, did not give them any mind as he turned his attention towards Charlotte.

"...We would have been there already if we ran, Miss Charlotte." Van then said. Charlotte only let out a slight chuckle as she shrugged her shoulders.

"You can still do that. I’ll just have the muscle demon to carry me so we can get this over with," the one who answered Van’s words was Angela, who was being bounced up and down inside the truck due to her light weight.

"And you will be carrying me, Va-an?" Adia joined the conversation with a chuckle.

"...I feel like it would be better if Miss Charlotte carries you instead. You’re taller than m--"

"The two of you seem to be overestimating your capabilities. Even if you are the White Imvubu’s protege, you seem to be talking to her as if she was just your friend."

Before Van could finish his words, the Gold-rank explorer with a beard, Duma, interrupted him. Duma had been giving him looks even when he was sitting sound asleep during the ride.

"Forgive me, White Imvubu. But I feel like I must do this, for your protege and his friend’s sake," Duma then suddenly stood up and raised his hand, "Stop the car!"

"Duma, what are you doing!?" The other Gold-rank Explorer in the team quickly pulled him back, but Duma ignored her as he stared at Van and Angela with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Mr. Va-an, I challenge you and your friend to a duel."

"...Are you stupid?"
