Chapter 211   - 211: My Mother

"Send some pesky people back to where they belong?"

Charlotte’s guard almost completely fell as soon as she heard Evangeline’s words. She thought for sure that Evangeline’s plan was to force her to join her little resistance and finally crush the Circle and remove them from America once and for all...

...But to think she wanted her to go away to some errand?

"...You want me to chaperone your son?"

The others who were listening in on the conversation also looked at each other. For most of them, this was the first time they will ever be seeing Van’s mother, the same as him.

To think that she didn’t even move an inch as Charlotte threatened her, and even asked her for a demand, truly left them speechless. Of course, there was still the case of Victoria potentially being a hostage in Evangeline’s schemes, but still...


...To think that there was someone who would stand their ground against the strongest Enhancer-type in the world was not something they were expecting to see today.

Andrea, however, focused on another thing.

"What do you mean take Evans to other lands?" Andrea approached the two-- this act, however, overshadowed anything else.

It was as if a normal human stood between titans, even Sarah was at a loss as to what to do and failed to stop Andrea from interrupting the two’s conversation.

"To other countries," Evangeline answered, not even minding the fact, "Van needs to... explore the world."

"...What?" Andrea raised an eyebrow.


"Can I ask the reason why?" Charlotte asked.

"My son will tell you," Evangeline looked at Van, whose eyes still held an unfounded pang of guilt from everything that’s happening, "...As soon as he discovers what he truly is."

"Why do you persist in being myste--"

"Can you two stop for a second and talk to us normal humans!"

Before Charlotte could even finish her words, Andrea completely got in between the two, her tone carrying a tinge of authority.

"...My son’s caretaker," Evangeline finally looked at Andrea, releasing a light sigh as she did so, "I thank you for taking care of--"


"Who cares about gratitude," Andrea quickly scoffed, "If the two of you are talking out in the open, then include the other people! Why does it feel that you’re always looking down on everyone you meet!?"


Those who were watching the scene unfold could not help but nod their heads, some of them releasing hums of admiration as Andrea scolded Evangeline without fear.

"And is that your doing!?" Andrea then pointed towards Victoria and Latanya, who still held no signs of waking up, while Victoria was still... still, as if frozen in time, "We know you’re one of the worst mothers in this world, but why are you tormenting other mothers as well!?"

"It is not entirely my doing," Evangelin shook her head, "The girl using her Skill on a God Artifact was her own choice, I merely guided the path that everyone here would take."


"Was the explosion your plan as well!?"

"...No," Evangeline shook her head, "It was most probably the Circle’s doing."

"Do you really expect us to believe you no--"

"I don’t care about any of that."

This time, Charlotte was the one to interrupt the two, "Tell me, what does me taking Van to a little adventure have to do with my granddaughter being frozen?"

"I know how to fix your granddaughter," Evangeline turned her head towards Victoria, "Do as I ask, and I will heal her."


A thunderous snap suddenly roared in the air as Charlotte’s muscles once again bulged up. Andrea, who was standing close to her, could not help but slightly back away, almost tumbling down if not for Sarah who caught her before she fell on her butt.

"Then heal her now and I will listen to your demands," Charlotte demanded.

"We’re back to where we began," Evangeline shook her head, "I will fix her once I know you will do as I ask... and as soon as you step out of this country."


"...Fine," the pressure from Charlotte instantly died down as she relaxed her muscles, "Did you hear all of that, boy?"

She then looked at Van, who was still stupefied by everything that had happened. "W... what?" He muttered as he looked at Charlotte.

"Your mother here wants you to go away as soon as you two met," Charlotte snickered, "Why don’t you marry into my family so you leave this fucker behind once and for all?"

"..." Evangeline didn’t seem to have any reaction to Charlotte’s words.


"Let us help you, Van!"

Before Van could finish his words, Harvey, Beatrice, and Edward stepped forward, "I don’t care what kind of fucked up mother you have, all I know is that our friend needs help!"

"...Guys," Van finally stood up, letting go of Latanya’s hand who was now being carried by Nisha, "I--"

"I am afraid that’s not possible," Evangeline once again shook her head, "Only you and Charlotte will be going."

"W... what?" Harvey, who already has his resolution fully covering his entire body, could not help but drop his hands, "But why? We were--"

Before Harvey could even say any more words, his brother once again stopped him, "What are you doing--"

Harvey was about to move his brother’s hand away once again, but as soon as he saw Gerald’s expression, Harvey could not help but shut his mouth. Gerald’s face was currently filled with sweat, his eyebrows shaking as he looked straight into Harvey’s eyes.

"Don’t. Are... are you crazy?"


Gerald’s words stuttered as he continued to look at his brother, "What’s... wrong with you?"

"I should be the one saying that to you," Gerald said, almost biting his lip, "Don’t you... realize who you’re talking to?"

"What?" Harvey could not help but raise an eyebrow as he turned his attention back to Evangeline, "My friend’s mother?"

"She’s a monster," Gerald said, "She’s a fucking monster."

Gerald’s eyes slowly strayed towards Evangeline, but before it could reach her, Gerald’s breath stuttered even stronger as his eyes went back towards Harvey.

"...Interesting," Evangeline let out a breath as she looked at Gerald, "Why do you say that?"

Gerald, on the other hand, could not help but flinch as he heard Evangeline’s steps approaching him.

"Enough terrorizing the children!"

But before Evangeline could get near him, Charlotte blocked her path. "So you just want me to babysit your son and tour some other countries?"

"Something like that," Evangeline then turned her head towards Charlotte, no longer minding Gerald, "I am not forcing you or anything, it is still your choice in the end. My son could go alone if he wished to."


"No," Charlotte shook her head, not even letting Van get a word in, "I am coming with him. Seeing as this little war of yours has caused the country to go to shit, only someone like me would be allowed to go outside the country."

Hearing Charlotte’s words, a rare smile crept on Evangeline’s face, "That is true, isn’t it?"

"Tch," Charlotte clicked her tongue, "Just what the fuck kind of person are you?"

"The kind that will save this world, Charlotte."

Evangeline breathed out, her words containing not even a single bit of hesitation, "But like the rest of you, I am but a small piece to what is to come."

Evangeline then let out a small breath before looking at Van, "I am truly sorry for leaving you in this world, Evans."

"I do not need your--"

"Until we meet again," Evangeline then said before closing her eyes, "Everything I have done... I did it for you."

She once again said. But afterward, it was as if she fell asleep, her whole body giving out as she stumbled. If it wasn’t for Van catching her, then she would have definitely planted her face on the ground.

"...Evangeline?" Van could not help but furrow his eyebrows as Evangeline suddenly fell towards him. "What is wrong with you now?"

Van was so tempted to slap Evangeline awake, but before he could do so, she slowly opened her eyes, letting out a stuttered groan as she tried to lift herself up. However, as soon as her eyes met Van’s, her eyebrows quickly creased and her eyes turned red with moisture.


And all of a sudden, she embraced Van, "My... my son... my son."

"...What?" Van quickly pushed Evangeline away. And unlike before, Van easily got her off of him.

"It... it is you, right?" Evangeline then slowly touched Van’s face, and as soon as she saw the scar that adorned it, her lips quickly trembled, "No... what happened to you?"

"Are you... crazy?" Van could not help but breathe out as he tilted his head. He then looked at the people around him, who seemed as clueless as he was from Evangeline’s sudden change in temperament.

Even Gerald, who had been on edge ever since Evangeline showed himself to them, was now able to breathe properly.

"Mommy won’t leave you again, okay?" Evangeline’s words once again started to stutter as she looked directly into Van’s eyes, "Mommy is here, mommy is here."

"...The fu--"

"I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry for leaving you," Evangeline placed both her hands on Van’s cheeks as tears suddenly burst forth from her eyes; her words, filled with remorse and guilt.

"I already told you... I don’t need your--"

"Mr. Evans."

Before Van could finish his words, ex-Headmaster Hans, who had been keeping his mouth shut ever since he was reprimanded by Angela and Charlotte, finally spoke again.

"If I were you, I would hug her," Hans then said, his words completely serious, "Not for you, but for her."

"Huh?" Van furrowed his eyebrows even further.

"M... Mr. Hans?" Evangeline said, "Were you... were you the one who found my son?"


"Yes," Hans nodded his head, "He’s a student of the Academy."

"You’re a System Holder!?" Evangeline’s voice turned louder, "Is that why you have a scar on your face!?"


"No!" Evangeline shook her head as she once again hugged Van, "I forbid it! Quit your job now! Mommy is here now, okay?"

"...What?" Van could not help but let out another breath as he looked around him. The Evangeline from a couple of moments ago and the way she acted now was completely different. And that wasn’t the only thing different.

When Evangeline hugged her before, Van only felt a sort of disgust, as well as a pinch of hatred. But this time, Van felt a certain warmth that he couldn’t explain. It was sort of similar to Andrea’s, but at the same time, it was different.

"...What the fuck is going on now?" Van muttered.

"Who... who taught you that language!? Is it him!? Is it that golden-haired kid!? He looks like nothing but trouble!"

