Chapter 195   - 195: Words I Wish To Say

"Wait, so you accidentally became the President of the Pit!? Ba... Bahaha... Hahaha!!"

Harvey’s laughter reverberated and echoed through the now somewhat barren base. With the unexpected cold wrapping around their bodies, the Pit Locals decided to go back inside the Portal.

The climate in the Pit had always been somewhat tropic, and with the winter’s veil so close to covering the country, the nights were abnormally cold for their untrained bodies. Now, only the soldiers, as well as the remaining surviving Prisoners, were outside. Most of the Locals decided to spend the night back in their original home.

However, they made a silent promise... that tomorrow, they would be sleeping in the world that was hidden from them.

Van and the group were huddled up around a fire, all having their own conversations.

"But..." Harvey’s laughter then ceased as he let out a stuttered breath, "Did... you really kill someone?"


"...Yes?" Van answered, his head slightly tilted to the side.

"I... I see," Harvey once again let out a chuckle, "I guess it can’t be helped since you’re in prison and all."

Hearing Harvey’s words, Gerald, who was standing by the side and watching his brother, could not help but let out a long and deep sigh. He stayed here in the hopes that Harvey might attempt to find Van-- but to think that they would meet just hours after they successfully escaped the Pit. It truly was an unexpected coincidence, almost... disturbing.

It was as if there was some sort of string binding them together. Like clockwork, making sure they are where they need to be at a certain time. It truly feels... wrong, as if they were puppets being controlled in a play.

"So, that’s your brother?"

Gerald’s deep thoughts were then disrupted by the sound of footsteps whispering from behind him. He took a slight glance, only to see Xinyan approaching him and holding a bottle of what seemed to be alcohol in her hand.


"Want one?" Xinyan quickly said as she saw Gerald looking at the bottle.

"Where’d you even get that?" Gerald clicked his tongue, "And I don’t drink. It messes with my insane reflexe--"

"Alright, alright. I only asked out of courtesy," Xinyan let out a short sigh before flicking her long black hair, pushing them to one side of her shoulder. "Your brother seems like a sweet boy, if it wasn’t for the two of you almost looking identical, I wouldn’t think you were brothers at all."

"...We don’t look that much alike," Gerald let out a scoff.

"Really?" Xinyan squinted as she looked back and forth between Gerald and Harvey.

"How can you even see the difference if you close your eyes?"


"...They’re open," Xinyan could not help but roll her eyes as she heard Gerald’s somewhat racist remarks, "Anyway... Your brother feels like he doesn’t belong in the same world as us."

"What are you trying to get at?"

"You... Van. The two of you are survivors," Xinyan said, "But your brother... I don’t think it would be good for him to stay by either of your sides."

"Who are you to even tell me what’s good for my brother?" Gerald furrowed his eyebrows as he looked Xinyan straight in the eyes, "You don’t even know my brother."

Hearing the haughtiness slowly clouding Gerald’s voice, Xinyan quickly raised her hands in defeat before letting out a sigh, "I’m just saying... your brother might die if he sticks with you or Van...

...just like how my brother died because I dragged him to where he shouldn’t be in the first place," Xinyan’s words grew quieter as she slowly walked away.

"Where are you going?"

"I’m going to join them," Xinyan said as she pointed towards the group around the fire, "I’m not a loner like you, you know."


"Madam Charlotte!" Before Gerald could even rebuke, Xinyan was already near Charlotte and the others, "It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!"

"Oh? But why do you seem so nervous?"

"I... Of course... meeting the strongest Enhancer in the world is a privilege!" Xinyan could not help but stutter as she sat near Charlotte.

The group had their own conversations going on for quite a while now, trying to pass the time or waiting for the Circle to do something.

Victoria was currently taking side glances towards Latanya and her gigantic breasts, before looking towards her own and letting out a long and deep sigh.

"...It’s alright, you can still grow," Victoria’s mother quickly said as she patted her daughter’s shoulders, "You’ll also meet other men out there. I know you’re grateful towards Van because of what he did for Edward... but you’re still young, you will still fall in love-- truly fall in love."

"M... mother! What are you saying!?" Victoria could not help but look around if anyone heard her mother’s words, but it would seem that the others were busy with their own conversations. Even Van wasn’t looking at her, seemingly busy with catching up with Harvey.

Everything seemed peaceful as if there wasn’t an army 4 kilometers away waiting to strike them. But still, even those who were guarding the New Wall were starting to relax.

They were trying to experience the cold breeze of the world that they fought for. But before they could truly explore this new home of theirs, they would have to defend it.

The night was already reaching its peak, and yet there wasn’t any sign of this supposed enemy attacking. Their President’s advisor, Latanya Boss, already told them that the enemy won’t attack, but still, they couldn’t help but be on guard from time to time. Even the advisor herself was still on edge, after all.

"...Is it wise to be this calm?" Back in the campfire, Latanya approached Nisha, who was leisurely drinking with Gil and Cynthia.

"You should relax, Boss," hearing the tense in Latanya’s words, Gil could not help but let out a slight chuckle, "We have the strongest Enhancer-type in the world with us. If she says she can hear them not moving, they are probably not moving," he said while letting out a small yawn.

"Anyway, enjoy the sights for now," Gil then said as he sipped on his bottle.

"...What sight?" Latanya furrowed, "There’s nothing but the New Wall and the countless stars. It’s as if I am back in the Encampment."

"That," Gil said as he pointed the bottle of alcohol towards Van, "It’s the first time I am seeing Van like that. Laughing and smiling, it’s quite refreshing, isn’t it? To not see him covered in blood once in a while...

...Although I guess you’d rather be in bed with him right now! Hahahaha!"



"...No?" Gil’s laughter quickly faded as he saw the expressions on the women’s faces. He then cleared his throat before standing up. "I’m... I’m going to get more alcohol," he said before once again escaping an awkward situation.

"Let me come with you," Cynthia quickly followed Gil, wrapping her arms around his.

"...Since when were those two so close?" Latanya could not help but furrow her eyebrows as she sat in front of Nisha.

"Surprising, isn’t it? To think that it was only months ago that the both of you were in a crazed orgy... and now the both of you are finding love," Nisha let out a small smirk as she handed a bottle towards Latanya.

"Tch, even you are on about that?"

Nisha let out a small chuckle, her face a bit flushed from the alcohol as she looked at Van, "I do agree with Gil," she then said, "Since you’re not from this world, you have no idea how much of a monster miss Charlotte is."


"Even now, just by looking at her, every pore in my body is starting to stand up."

"...Is she really that strong?" Latanya muttered as she looked at Charlotte. And as soon as she did so, Charlotte looked back at her.


"She is," Nisha let out a tiny sigh, "Strongest in the world, she could probably destroy this New Wall with just her breath. I wouldn’t be surprised if the people from the Circle saw her, and that’s why they’re not attacking."

"...Is that so?" Latanya said as she took a sip of alcohol.

Another hour had passed. With the trickling of the fire drowning the now sedated conversations that surrounded it.

"Van... can we talk now?"

With everyone doing their own thing, and Van and Harvey’s conversation finally turning into a more casual one, Beatrice finally found the courage to approach Van. Van, on the other hand, only glanced at Beatrice before quickly standing up, dusting off his pants as he did so.

"...Where are the two of you going?" Harvey blinked a couple of times as Van suddenly walked away with Beatrice as they were having a conversation.

"...Just talking," Van said, "We’ll be back soon."

Hearing Van’s words, Harvey squinted his eyes as he looked back and forth between the two. "Suspicious," he breathed, "Is there something I need to know about? Like a secret affair--"


Harvey stopped as soon as he heard the distress in Beatrice’s tone. But after a few seconds, Beatrice shook her head as she looked straight into Harvey’s eyes.

"No... Maybe it would be best for you to hear it as well. You too, Victoria."

Victoria quickly flinched as she heard her name being called. She’s been meaning to talk with Van this whole time, but didn’t know where to start... this would probably be the best time to do so, she thought as she approached Beatrice and the others.

"I... would like the two of you to hear what I have to say to Van," Beatrice muttered.

"...Are you sure?" Van looked Beatrice straight in the eyes.


...They have the right to know what I did."
