Chapter 188   - 188: Gerald V Super Humans - Dawn Of Vengeance

The 5 remaining enhanced humans were all looking at Gerald, who had his thumb down pointing towards them. The 5 then looked at each other, before nodding and rushing to Gerald without even saying a word.

"Ice Wall!" Xinyan quickly cast one of her skills, blocking the advance of 2 of the enhanced humans. The three managed to leap over the ice wall, even using it as a step to hasten their rush as they pushed themselves towards their target.

Gerald, on the other hand, just remained on his spot, not even looking at the three as they were nearing him. However, as soon as the three were only a meter away from him, Gerald stretched his right arm as he rotated his body. This allowed Gerald to swiftly dodge the leg that threatened to kick him straight on the chest, causing it to just slide on his back.

Gerald’s movement did not stop there, however. Before the enhanced human could land his feet on the ground, Gerald once again spun before slamming his whole body towards the enhanced human.


The man could not help but grimace in pain as he was thrown towards the two others that were leaping towards Gerald.


With no one no longer in his reach, Gerald then flailed his arms, rotating them in the air along with his body before going into some sort of stance as he bent one of his legs up. He then slightly glanced towards Xinyan with a smirk on his face.

"T..." Xinyan could not help but twitch her a couple of times as she saw the arrogant smirk on Gerald’s face. Of course, she knew why Gerald was smiling at her like that; the moves that Gerald just used, his stance right now-- they originated from her country.

And that smirk... It was as if Gerald was telling her that he was better than her at using her own country’s martial arts. That was fine and all... but she was a Mage-type, Xinyan thought as she could only shake her head with a sigh.

"So... these freaks are normal humans?" Gerald muttered as he looked at the 5 enhanced humans that once again regrouped meters away from him.

"These weaklings killed your comrades?" Gerald then let out a tiny scoff as he once again glanced towards Xinyan, "Your comrades... were weak."

"We were not!" Xinyan quickly waved her hand, "We... were just caught off guard. Be careful, they have something up their sleeves!" She then shouted as she focused her attention towards the 5, ready to provide support to Gerald.


"Hm," Gerald once again smirked as he heard Xinyan’s words before looking at the 5, "Oi, you commoners. Is it true that you’re just Normies?"

The group of 5 did not answer from Gerald’s provocations, instead, they all reached for their pockets, grabbing what seemed to be a vial filled with red liquid.


As soon as Xinyan saw that, she roared and once again shouted one of her skills, "Ice Wall!"

The 5, however, managed to leap back into the air as they all took off the cap of the vial, drinking it all at the same time before they could even land.

"Stop them from drinking, Gerald!" Xinyan screamed, "That... that red potion makes them stronger!"


"Oh?" Was Gerald’s only response as an amused expression quickly covered his face, "Why didn’t you say so earlier?"

Gerald then removed his stance as he stood straight, crossing his arms as he watched the 5 finish up the red potion.

"What are you doing!?"

"I want to see... if the weak can truly become strong."

"That’s so stupid!" Xinyan could not help but let out a frustrated voice, "Kill them now while the potion still has not taken effect!"

"Have some patie--"

"Too late, arrogant brat."

Before Gerald could finish his words, he felt a slight breeze on his cheek. He quickly turned his head, only to see a fist already in front of him, threatening to hit his face. Gerald, however, was able to once again dodge the enhanced human’s attack as he rotated his body.

This time, however, another attack was already waiting for him.


Gerald was unable to move as a pair of boots landed straight on his stomach. A thunderous snap resounded in the air as Gerald’s body almost seemed like it bent slowly, before being fully thrown dozens of meters all the way to the New Wall, his whole body embedding through it.


A click of a tongue snapped at the same time with the crumbs and tiny debris of the New Wall bounced towards the ground as Gerald slowly emerged from the Wall. Gerald then slightly tilted his head, cracking his neck as he stepped forward.

He then ripped off his already tattered shirt, revealing the sharp lines that shaped his muscles which were as if sculpted by the hands of the gods themselves. His muscles were not the only thing that was sharp, however. The dried scars that littered his body from his father’s cane now also showed themselves fully.

"So normal humans could be capable of something like this?" Gerald furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the 5 enhanced humans, "...Why only now?" He muttered as he spat on the ground, not even a speck of blood mixed in it.

Seeing the golden-haired young man completely unscathed from their attack, the group once again looked at each other. And after a few seconds, once again lunged towards Gerald all at the same time.

"Again? You... don’t have Skills?" Gerald slightly tilted his head up, "Then let me show you the real difference between us."

"What are you doing, stupid!?" Seeing Gerald not moving from his spot again even with the 5 already rushing towards him, Xinyan could not help but let out a frustrated scream, "Dodg--"

"Omega Fist of Destruction!"


Xinyan could only shut her mouth as she watched as Gerald suddenly raised his fist. It was then followed by a slight whisper as the veins on his arms slowly started to wiggle as if they had a life of their own.

And soon, a thunder echoed through the air as Gerald kneeled and slammed his fist straight towards the ground.


Xinyan almost stumbled as the ground beneath her slightly rose up. She was, however, too busy looking at the ground surrounding Gerald, which were now moving as if it was water, rippling from where his fist landed.

And soon, the ground circling Gerald violently lifted, completely pushing away the 5 enhanced humans that were rushing towards him. This did not faze the 5, however, as they once again rushed towards Gerald’s position, weaving through the risen ground.

However, as they reached Gerald’s position, they found him no longer there. They were about to find him, but before they could even turn their heads, another rumble resounded in the air.

The 4 of them quickly jumped to the air, expecting another wave of spikes to rise up from the ground. But nothing happened.

Wait... 4?

The group’s eyes quickly scanned the ground below, only to see Gerald holding the neck of one of their comrades on one hand, and on the other, a huge boulder.


Gerald then slowly turned his head upwards to look at them, before a crunching noise whispered into their ears as they saw their comrade’s body dangle in Gerald’s hand as if a puppet that had its strings cut.



Before another one of them could speak, Gerald threw the body of their dead comrade towards him, causing him to instinctively catch it. He quickly found out, however, that this was a mistake. As what came towards him next was the huge boulder that Gerald was holding on his other hand.

And since he was still in the air, he had no way of dodging it, leaving him no choice but to receive the incoming gigantic projectile head-on.

"Grah!" The man screamed as he dropped the body of his comrade before tanking the boulder with his fist, fully breaking it into pieces. However, what came afterward was Gerald, who was hiding behind the huge rock with his arms stretched and his palms fully open.


And as if a pair of blades, a whistle whispered into the air as Gerald’s palms went straight through the man’s neck, cleanly cutting it in half.

The 3 remaining enhanced humans could not believe their eyes as 2 of them died just like that. They already drank their Potion... and yet they were still defeated?

Who was it that said that they would be able to handle the entire army of Prisoners with just the 6 of them? This was only one... and yet half of them had already died.

The three then slowly backed away in unison as Gerald landed on the ground, the edges of his mouth slowly turning upwards as he looked at them.

"Go ahead," Gerald said as the smile on his face got even wider, "Swallow more of the juice you were drinking."

"Retreat!" Hearing the growing chuckle coming from Gerald’s mouth, one of the enhanced humans quickly turned around, "Let’s retreat!"

"You really think I would just let you leave like that!?" Xinyan roared before casting another [Ice Wall] to block the three’s path.

Their slight pause was the only thing Gerald needed to catch up to them, "None of you are leaving here alive! Kakakaka!"

A menacing cackle echoed through the air as Gerald managed to grab the head of one of the escaping enhanced humans, quickly smashing it towards the ground before stepping on it, creating a small crater made with the man’s face.

Once again, the smile on Gerald’s face grew wider, the edges of his mouth almost reaching his ears, his teeth fully showing themselves.

"...two left!"
