Hello readers, this is the author here and I want to inform you guys that chapters containing 'the past chapter' bracket are optional chapters. These chapters will be focused on how Kai met certain members of his harem and will be written from his perspective in the past.

In simpler terms, you won't find the words 'younger version of Kai' or 'his past version' anywhere. Hope you like these details on how he met them.


"I said that I will do it but I am not that sure anymore." Kai muttered as he glanced around the arena.

He was currently standing in an arena that was situated near the palace of Levina, the elemental ruler of lightning.

Even though he had told Mariel that he would take care of Levina, Kai wasn't sure if he could actually do it.

Sure he was strong and had a high level of cultivation but his opponent was the ruler of lightning who had been alive for a very long time.


"Well, here goes nothing." Kai said as the crowd suddenly started clapping.

Levina landed gracefully in the center of the arena, her silky white hair tied behind her head in a ponytail. She was wearing white robes that looked as though they were made from lightning as Kai could see a few sparks of lightning traveling throughout her clothes.

"So your name is Iak and you are going to be my latest opponent." Levina said as she examined Kai.

He had to change his name and appearance since he was the most wanted person on the spirit realm. He was wearing purple robes which were the common dress for the lightning spirits.

His hair was still purple but they were completely flattened against his head and his face looked like an average person's face with normal black eyes.

As Levina was examining him, he too started examining her. It was easy for him to tell that she was sealing more than half of her cultivation which made sense since she was very old and was very close to reaching the peak of cultivation.


'She is approximately as strong as a Divine Core realm cultivator and I am only at the Spiritual Core realm. It would be difficult to even think about bruising her, much less defeating her. But still, I have to try.' Kai thought as a spirit started to count backward.

"3... 2... 1... Begin!" The entire place burst with cheers as Levina moved, lightning flickering around her entire body.

'Left leg and right shoulder.' Kai closely followed her movements with his eyes but it was difficult to do it since she was moving at an extremely fast speed.

But he was able to predict her moves in time as he moved to dodge her attacks in time. But she suddenly surprised him when she swept his legs.

He hit the ground with a thump as blue lightning traveled throughout Levina's right leg. She raised he leg and put it above his heart, her lightning-covered foot an inch above from his skin.

"In a real battle, you would be dead by now." She commented and turned back as she walked away.Kai stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes and for some unknown reason, his lips curled up to form a smile.


"I have been defeated by many people but she knocked me off my feet within a minute after the match began. This is interesting." He muttered to himself before he raised his hands to his mouth.

"I will be back to challenge you!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as Levina stopped and turned back to look at him.

"We will see." She said and disappeared with a burst of lightning.

'I have to raise my cultivation to a higher level.' Kai vowed as he exited the arena and teleported away to tell Mariel that he had failed.

"That spirit had an odd aura. It was similar to the aura of a human, demon, and a *******. But how could a spirit have an aura of three other species? I will have to keep an eye on him." Levina muttered to herself as she entered her palace, her mind lingering on the thoughts about a spirit who was more than what met the eye.

But she wasn't able to find a spirit named Iak anywhere in her area on the spirit realm.

The spirit realm didn't have any continents on it nor did it had any water, air, or practically anything on it. It was colorless and no one could see it in the starry sky.

It was instead divided into seven special realms that were accessed using certain spots on a planet that was almost transparent.

Only spirits were able to see the colorless realm but even they wouldn't be able to find the seven realms if they didn't know what they were looking for.

After that, each realm was governed by seven spirits which and they were titled as the elemental rulers.

An elemental ruler had certain privileges while they were in their own realm but outside it, they were normal cultivators with a very high level of cultivation.

But despite being a ruler for such a long time, Levina wasn't able to find a spirit named Iak in her realm.

She released her frustration in the arena battles until one day, Iak came back. He still looked the same but his gaze was more focused and he had a higher cultivation than last time.

Kai had just spent many centuries training himself. He had cultivated with more women than he could have imagined and his cultivation was now a realm below Levina's sealed one.

​ "I told you I would come back." Kai commented as Levina narrowed her eyes.

She decided to first battle him and then interrogate him for information about his residence and mixed aura.

As soon as the battle began, she came behind him and kicked him in the abdomen.But surprisingly, she only hit an afterimage as Kai had vanished from his spot.His eyes glowed a little as normal purple lightning covered his entire body. He directed it at Levina as a bolt of light in was released from his hands.

Levina's hand also lit up with lightning as a blue bolt of lightning was released from her hand.

The two bolts of lightning collided mid-air and Levina's lightning cut through Kai's lightning as though it was made from paper.

But that was only a distraction as he suddenly appeared behind Levina and pierced her stomach with his lightning-covered hand.

She didn't even flinch as white blood, the blood of a spirit, flowed out from her wound. But before Kai could move away, Levina's muscles tightened around his hand and trapped him.

'Perfect body control.' He thought in awe as lightning ran through her body and traveled throughout Kai's body.

"Argh!" He screamed in pain as his insides started to burn from the lightning. His skin started to ashen and blood started coming out from his ears and eyes.

But before he could die because of electrocution, he cut his arm in half as the lightning stopped. He felt as though he would faint as unimaginable pain took over his body.

He dizzily jumped back and took a pill from his pendant with his other hand.

He quickly swallowed it as his decapitated arm grew back and his injuries vanished. He then stared at Levina carefully as he saw her injuries starting to heal.

"Next fight will be the one where I will defeat you." He said as Levina moved forward to catch him and stop him.

But she only came in contact with an afterimage as Kai had already vanished. After that match, Levina stopped thinking about him as she knew that he would be back to challenge her once again.

And he did come back, this time with the same cultivation as her. His eyes were more focused than ever as both of them got on the arena stage for the third time.

As soon as the match started, both of them disappeared and met in the middle of the arena. They started punching, kicking, dodging, or blocking as the spirits gathered there were only able to see their afterimages.

"You really think that you can beat me with such easy moves." Levian scoffed as she launched a lightning wolf at Kai.

"I have been waiting for you to launch your lightning." Kai said with a smile as black flames suddenly danced around his hand.

Levina stopped and stared at the flames in Kai's hands. She had seen them before and the person who used those flames was the most wanted person on.

"You..." For once, Levina was completely stumped as Kai launched a small fireball the size of a marble towards her.

The flames engulfed her lightning and reached her in a heartbeat. But she was aware of them and easily swatted them away.

But she was not careful enough as a spark of the flames caught the sleeve of her robes. Her entire shoulder was burnt before her other hand started glowing with lightning.

She cut her shoulder to stop the advance of the lightning as her detached arm fell on the ground. A new arm grew in a matter of seconds as she stared at Kai whose appearance changed back to normal.

And for some reason, he had the nerve to grin. It was then that she truly started hating him even though a feeling of curiosity started to bloom inside her.
