The rest of the battles were quite boring considering that the first battle was too much exciting. Kai was so bored that he just decided to leave with Mia and Mariel.

"If anything comes up, contact me by using this communication slip." Kai said to Riang as he handed her a small scroll.

He then vanished with Mia and Mariel as Riang just sighed and kept the scroll inside a space ring.

"So, what should we do on our date?" Kai asked his two lovers as Mia and Mariel chuckled.

"Let's eat and then think about what we should do." Mariel suggested as she was hungry and Kai, who was a foodie, agreed with her.

"Let's just find the best restaurant here and if this time, someone says that I am not qualified to eat in their restaurant, I am gonna slap them till their teeth fall out of their mouth." Kai said as he cracked his knuckles while Mia and Mariel sighed.

It was quite easy to find the best restaurant in the royal capital. It was a seven-story restaurant and it was stated that there was a dress code.


"I guess we should change our dresses." Kai said as he tapped his jacket. His body shimmered for a minute and his clothes changed.

He was now wearing a pure black coat with black jeans and a white t-shirt. Mariel also touched her armor-cum-skirt as it started to extend.

Within a few seconds, Mariel was standing there while wearing a gorgeous red dress. As for Mia, her jacket completely enveloped her body and she was now wearing a piercing black dress.

"W-W-What are you wearing?" The guard at the entrance of the hotel asked as he stared at the group's clothes as the trip facepalmed.

'We wore the formal clothes of the upper realms.' They thought simultaneously.

Kai was at least 10000 years old while Mariel was even older than him. Mia was only a millennium-old but still, all three of them were so old and still made such childish mistakes.


"Ah, whatever. We are eating here while wearing our normal clothes." Kai said as their clothes changed back to their original clothes.

Kai snapped his fingers as the guy forgot about them and the trio entered the restaurant.

"Um sir, there is a dress code for eating here." The receptionist said as to Kai as he sighed.

He then snapped his fingers and put every single person in the hotel under an illusion. It would appear to them that the trio was following the dress code and the problem would be solved.

And after that, it was smooth sailing. After eating their food, the trio left the restaurant as Kai gazed at the sky. It was reaching night time and the fifth battle must be going on.

"I guess we only have an hour or so left till the tournament is finished. What do you guys want to do?" Kai asked as Mia and Mariel both thought about it for a minute."Let's return to the arena. We will tell you about it later."' Mariel said with a grin and Kai more or less understood what they were thinking.


"Well, I am going to take your purity for the second time which I don't think you can do twice." Kai said as he teleported them back to the arena.

It looked as though the battles were over as the sects were leaving the arena. Kai met up with the Blue Moon sect and he teleported them back to the hotel.

But before vanishing, he saw that the Boundless Weapons sect was standing near the entrance of the arena and the sect master was glaring at him with malice.

'He is going to try to attack us tonight.' Kai narrowed his eyes as everyone went back to their rooms.

"I will come back in a few minutes. I have another great sect to kill." Kai said to Mia and Mariel as he went outside the hotel and waited for some time.

Now, he could have just whipped up a barrier around the hotel and the problem would be solved.

But people like the Boundless Weapons sect should be dealt with efficiently or they would just continue popping up like insects.

And as the night surrounded the royal capital, the Boundless Weapons sect started to move towards the hotel.

But as soon as they reached the entrance, they saw Kai who was standing outside with an amused expression.

"And here I was thinking that you won't show up." Kai said in an amused tone as the sect master of the Boundless Weapons sect sneered.

"Even though those bitches were crazy strong, do you really think you can defeat an entire sect?" The sect master laughed savagely as he signaled for the sect members to attack Kai.

Kai just laughed at their futile attempt and at that moment, he looked like a psychopath on the loose.

"Raiden." Kai said as clouds gathered in the sky. Golden lightning struck beside Kai as Raiden appeared as the White tiger.

"T-That's..." The sect master couldn't even speak as he and his sect gasped at the sight of Raiden.

"Let's teach them a lesson." Kai said with a smile as Raiden's purred to agree with him.

Kai's eyes turned golden and Raiden's body started to glow. Golden lightning started to rampage around Kai's body while normal lightning covered Raiden's body.

Together, both of them charged at the Boundless Weapons sect as they controlled the lightning with them.Golden lightning shot out from Kai's body as it electrocuted the members of the Boundless Weapons sect while Raiden summoned natural lightning to strike down the screaming members.

They killed more than half of the sect within a minute and the remaining half covered in fear.

"Please..." The sect master started to say but Kai cut his tongue as blood exploded out from the sect master's mouth.

"What's the point of begging for forgiveness when you already did something shouldn't have done. I am not some hero who will spare your life just because you are sorry. Accept responsibility for what you do." Kai said as he killed the rest of the Boundless Weapons sect.

"And sometimes, that responsibility might include dying." Kai said as he dismissed Raiden.

Kai left the bodies there as a message to Watanabe and the rest of the continent. The message was clear, don't mess with him or you will suffer the same fate as the Boundless Weapons sect.

Now, the royal family would have decided to punish the person responsible for this slaughter but Watanabe knew Kai and since she loved her son, she would, of course, make sure that no one would try to do this again.

Kai then went back as guards patrolling the city finally found the bodies. They would have found them during the battle as there were many screams and outbursts of energy but Kai had already thought of that.

Thus, he has surrounded the entire area with a barrier that kept everything inside it. And because of the barrier, the guards had neither heard nor seen what Kai had done.

But before leaving, Kai had opened up the barrier and gave the guards a little signal before leaving.

But what Kai didn't know was that someone had been standing outside the barrier and had seen him move inside the hotel after killing the Boundless Weapons sect.

"That person is going to be fun." A girl's voice was heard as a pure black tiger appeared behind her.

,m The black tiger purred as the girl gently stroked its fur while watching the guards below as they scrambled up to count the bodies.

"Would you enjoy fighting him black?" The girl asked as the black tiger purred again, indicating that it sure wanted to fight Kai.

"Then I will personally make sure that we fight him." The girl said as the tiger and the girl vanished.

As for Kai, he simply went back to his room to only be assaulted by Mia and Mariel. Both of them tied him up and he let them do it since he wanted to see what they will do to him.

After tying him to the bed, they quickly stripped him naked and smiled at him. They then just untied the knot around his mouth to let him speak.

"So, what do you plan on doing to a defenseless little me?" Kai asked as Mia and Mariel just grinned.

"We know that you can easily destroy those ropes but for once, enjoy the show. And also, you are not allowed to do anything unless we say so." Mariel said as Kai chuckled.

"Commanding. I do like that. So you are going to treat me like a toy aren't you?" Kai asked with a charming smile.

"Well, if toys are as handsome and nice as you, I will buy millions of them. But unfortunately, nobody can make a toy like you. So instead we are going to treat you like our little toy." Mariel said again as she grinned at Mia.magic
