
"Instead of cultivating, I could just give them my yang qi." Kai said as Mia and Mariel's face turned completely blank.

[ Did I just hear it correctly? He is giving his yang qi to random humans for free?! ] Mariel asked Mia as she wasn't sure that she heard the right thing.

Mia was also not sure that she heard the right thing. Kai's yang qi contained an explosive amount of yang energy. Even though normal cultivators could only absorb up to 10% of this energy, it was still enough to help them make multiple breakthroughs.

In the past, Kai's yang qi was famous throughout the upper realms and in the beginning, he even sold it for a large amount of wealth. They were named as the Vials of Seduction as he sold a fixed amount of it in a glass vial.

[ I guess this is how he changed. ] Mia replied as she didn't had a better answer for it.magic


"But the problem is, who will train them?" Kai asked the two of them.

"Of course you will train them." Mariel replied in a confused tone.

"I am going back to the southern continent for a few days to check what is happening there and that's why I won't be able to train the disciples." He replied as Mariel's expression darkened.

"You are right. Now that I am gone, Jin would have seized power and the entire continent must be bowing down to him." Mariel replied in a dark tone.

"Don't worry about that. I killed him and his entire army of followers and because of that, the other royal family members must be fighting against themselves to obtain the throne and since I created that commotion, I should be the one to resolve it." He said and Mariel nodded.

"Can you make sure that this person becomes the new ruler?" Mariel asked as she closed her eyes and let Kai peek inside her mind.


He saw an image of a boy with bright red hair and calm brown eyes. Mariel opened her eyes and he nodded.

"Wait here for a moment." He suddenly said and disappeared. He reappeared after a minute and handed Mariel a space ring.

"This ring contains exactly twenty-six vials of my yang qi. Ask Riang to give two vials each to 13 disciples who she thinks are the most loyal disciples. Each vial is specifically created to boost someone's cultivation to the 2nd stage of the hell spirit realm and it won't affect anyone who is in that realm. And please train everyone else too and I am sorry for asking this much from you." He said with sincerity before vanishing.

Mia and Mariel just blinked and sighed as they started walking towards Riang's residence. As for Kai, he appeared on the edge of the western continent.

"I said that I will go there but I am only at the 1st stage of the imperial spirit realm. I have to be at the 2nd stage so that I would be able to travel between the continents. But thankfully, I have this." Kai murmured to himself as he took out a small shard of glass.

The southern continent was visible on the glass. This was a piece of the shattered space gate that Kai had picked up before coming back to the sect.


This shard still had a small amount of space element inside it and it would lower Kai's cultivation requirement to the 1st stage. It will HOPEFULLY lower it.

"Here goes nothing." He said with a sigh and shattered the glass with his bare hand. Blue tendrils of power shot out from it and wrapped themselves around Kai as he teleported to the southern continent.

He somehow managed to land at the entrance of the royal capital as he staggered for a moment. Even though he somehow managed to land here, he didn't know if he could return back or not.

He decided to find a city closer to the royal capital because he saw a wanted flier on the entrance of the city and it had Kai's handsome face drawn on it. It was written that anyone who will capture him would get 50000 spirit stones from the royal family and that was a massive amount of spirit stones.He staggered towards the west and found a good-looking town. No wanted fliers were here and he easily managed to enter the city. And as always, people stared at him.

"Can you tell me the best hotel in this place?" Kai asked a random woman who looked a little disappointed.

"Two blocks away from here is the most famous hotel in this city." She said and Kai immediately teleported to the hotel's entrance.

"He was so handsome. If only he was a straight man, I could have invited him to live at my house." The woman said with a tch as she saw him vanish.

Kai appeared at the hotel and he bought a room at the reception and directly teleported to it while the receptionist said something which he didn't hear completely.

"We will send..." That was all Kai heard as he crashed on the bed. What the receptionist had said was -

"We will send entertainment in a few minutes."

Suddenly a knock came at Kai's door and he used his spiritual sense to see who was there. Surprisingly, everyone standing outside his room was mortal.

"Enter." Kai said as he thought that someone had brought some food for him.

But he was shocked when saw a group of four women enter the hotel and all of them were in their underwear.

One of them had tears in her eyes but she quickly wiped them and tried to form a smile.

"What is happening here?" Kai asked as he looked at their expressions.

"What do you mean by what's happening here? You came to this hotel without knowing that you get free women here?" One of the women asked as Kai's expression turned to shock.

He snapped his fingers and cloths covered the women's bodies. The women were shocked by what they saw and they looked at Kai as though he was a god.

"Will you tell me what happens in this hotel?" He asked as he stood up.

"The owner of this hotel lends money to people. But he doesn't tell them that they will have to return it with 100% interest meaning that they will have to return double the amount of loan they took. If you are a male and you take the loan and you are not able to pay it, the hotel takes your wife and daughters or any other good-looking female from your family.

And if you are a woman and you take a loan and you do not pay it, they simply take you without saying anything. The hotel destroys the women's cultivations and then strip the women naked and force them to roam around in bra and panties. We are delivered to different rooms to satisfy the people living in them and sometimes, the hotel staff decides to have some fun with us." The woman said as she clenched her fist in anger while the woman who had tears in her eyes started crying.

"Doesn't the royal family care about this?" Kai asked as he clenched his own fist. He had seen many places like this one and he had destroyed every single one of them. If he had to guess, he would say that the royal family was involved in this.

And if Mariel, with or without her soul, was involved in this, Kai wouldn't forgive her, even if she was one of his lovers.

"The ruler of the continent, Miss Mariel, didn't know about this. That bastard Jin who was always by her side was the one who orchestrated this place. He made sure that the word didn't leak out to Mariel that this place existed. In her eyes, this was just a plain regular hotel." The woman replied.

'I let him die so easily.' Kai thought even though he killed Jin by the method of Ling Chi and instead of a thousand cuts he has used ten thousand cuts.

"But now, since the royal family is in an uproar because of Miss Mariel's disappearance, the hotel's owner decided to take as many girls as he could." The woman added as Kai closed his eyes for a minute."I will massacre that man and every single person who works for this hotel." Kai said as he opened his eyes.

'And I will then remove everyone's memories that you were ever caught and r*ped and you will be able to live a normal life.' He added mentally.

These women were not like his cheerleading squad. They had a life before this nightmare and he will make sure that they returned to it.

He extended his hand to the group of women who reluctantly took it. A small spark of hope is better than hopelessness.

,m He searched their memories and teleported them directly to the owner's residence. A man with a podgy stomach was sitting on a large bed and two naked women were twerking in front of his face.

Kai didn't say anything and just snapped his fingers. Every single male worker in the hotel, including the owner, were teleported outside the hotel.

Kai's hand started glowing with black flames and he threw them towards the sky. They reached very high before they started falling.

Like meteors crashing on land, the flames bombarded everyone below him. They screamed as their bodies were burnt alive and his black flames completely engulfed them. The black flames then burned them into nothingness.

He then snapped his fingers and the hotel vanished. He manipulated the memories of the people living in the city and no one remembered the hotel or the women that were captured by it.

He then summoned every single woman who was abused by the hotel. He snapped his fingers and all of them turned to ash.

He then resurrected them but this time, their bodies were as good as new. It depended on the person who was using this technique. They could completely restore anyone's body according to their will and Kai used this to restore the women's bodies and reproductive systems so that they will able to have their first time with someone they loved.

And as for the ones who were married or already lost their virginity, he only restored their bodies to their original condition before they were kidnapped by the hotel.

After that, he removed their memories and sent them back to their houses. With a small smile on his face, he teleported to the royal capital to appoint the new ruler of the southern continent.

As for on the western continent, Mia and Mariel met up with Riang and gave her the vials of seduction.

"Quickly choose thirteen people you trust and bring the other nine to the courtyard with them." Mariel said to Riang as both of the girls went to the courtyard.

Riang stood there with a dumbfounded expression as she checked the contents of the space ring. It contained twenty-six vials of yang qi that were full of energy. She remembered that Mia told her that these vials contained Kai's freshly released yang qi.

She quickly gathered a few of the most trusted disciples along with the remaining core disciples and led them towards the courtyard.

Mia and Mariel were warming up as they stretched their bodies. The disciples were somewhat used to Kai and Mia's clothes but when they saw Mariel's appearance, they could only gasp in surprise.

Mariel didn't mind them as she continued to warm up her body. Whereas Riang quickly took out the vials from the space ring and handed two of them to each of the thirteen disciples.

"Just swallow it and cultivate it for a few minutes." Mia instructed as both she and Mariel sat on the ground with their legs folded.

The disciples did as instructed and swallowed the bottles of yang qi. Enormous amounts of energy rushed through their bodies and they quickly cultivated it.

All of them managed to break through at the same time and ripples of energy were released from their body.

Riang and the other core disciples gasped in shock as they saw that the thirteen disciples managed to break through to the 2nd stage of the hell spirit realm.

"Well, he really created it with a specific condition in his mind. He really is able to completely control his yang qi." Mariel commented with an impressed expression.

"As for your training, you should see me and Mariel in a training match." Mia said with a grin as she summoned her unmeltable ice.

Mariel also grinned as she summoned a huge tornado of flames. She launched it towards Mia whose ice started to advance in spikes.

Both of them crashed in between and a huge explosion took place, thus blackening everything and ending the chapter.
