Mia quickly rushed towards Kiana's house as Kai had forgotten to take her with him. As soon as Mia went away, Watanabe stepped closer to the blood flower and picked one up.

It was entirely read and a drop of blood was there in the middle of it. The remaining disciples, elders, and sect master of the Blue Moon sect stared at the flower in Watanabe's hand.

Their gaze then shifter towards the group of flowers spread throughout the area. The flowers emitted a fragrance that was similar to blood, however, a sweet fragrance.

They all thought at the same time -

'What would have happened if Kai was not here?' They didn't want to imagine such a thing so they removed the thought from their mind and sat on the ground.

On Kai's end, he was about to treat Kiana when Mia suddenly burst in through the door. She was panting because she had run across the entire sect to reach here.

"I think you forgot something." She said sarcastically as she glanced at Kiana, who was peacefully sleeping on her bed.


"Well, good for you. You set a new record for running." Kai replied with a smile that quickly disappeared.

"Can you heal her?" Mia asked, her voice full of doubt.

"The soul-controlling pill binds your soul with the soul of another person. You have to obey their command whether they tell you to die or kill." He said, not answering her question.

"But she was fighting back." Mia said as she remembered Kiana saying 'help me' to Kai.

"The pill she ate was a low-grade pull. The fewer impurities the pill contains, the more powerful it is. But because it was a low-grade pill, Kiana's soul was able to defy the other soul tied to it." Kai explained. He then turned back to look at Kiana as his hand lit up with a white light.

He touched her forehead with it and her eyes flew open. She stared at Kai, then Mia, and then the entire room before passing out.


"The soul tied to her soul is already dead. Only a few parts of that soul remained in her and it was quite easy to remove them. She will heal after some time." He said and left her house, Mia following him.

"The real question is, how did that trader obtain this pill?" Mia asked Kai as they were walking towards the sect's entrance.

"Only five people in the entire universe can create that pill. Two of them belong to the best alchemy sect in the entire universe and are also Risea's former disciples. The third is Risea herself and the fourth person, the creator of this pill, is dead. The fifth person is of course me." He counted the people on his right hand.

"This means that Risea is also on this planet." Mia said suddenly as she understood the meaning behind Kai's words. He nodded in approval.​ "This means that we will have to find her. But the problem is, I cannot teleport us to another continent. I will have to break through to the 2nd stage of imperial spirit realm before I could do that." He said with a sigh as he and Mia teleported back to the sect's entrance.

Nobody had moved from their spot. It looked as though they were waiting for Kai to come back because as soon as they saw him, all of them stood up and bowed, except for Watanabe.

"Thank you for your help, Kai. I have an important question to ask that I will ask later. Come meet me at the sect masters pavilion." Riang said and departed, the disciples following her. Only Kai, Watanabe and Mia remained.


"Where did you obtain that treasure?" Watanabe asked and Mia raised her eyebrows at Kai.

He had to freeze Watanabe so that he could tell the entire story to Mia.

"I altered their memories so they saw that I sacrificed a treasure to summon an 8th stage heaven spirit realm beast. The traitors died instantly and I told everyone that I have many more treasures. They don't remember about you having a 1st stage heaven spirit realm cultivation or about them dying and being resurrected again or practically everything that happened." Kai explained.

As you already know Kai's motto - 'Remove memories if you don't want drama', he had to do that. He unfroze Watanabe and answered her question.

"You don't want to know that." He said in a dangerous tone and Watanabe decided to change the subject.

"I am going to stay at this sect for some time. Just to make sure that the Red flower sect doesn't launch further attacks." She said and moved towards the sect.

Mia and Kai raised eyebrows at each other, both confused about Watanabe's actions. In reality, Watanabe didn't care about further attacks as Kai would take care of them.

The power of the Red flower sect was halved anyways. In reality, she wanted to stay with Kai and you know the rest.

"Did you just seduce that woman in two tries?" Mia asked when she was sure that Watanabe was out of hearing limit.

"Well, what can I say? Women like me and I like them." Kai said with a shrug and moved towards the right as Mia tried to hit him in the shoulder.

"Jokes aside, how the hell did you seduce death's sister?" Mia asked the question that was chewing up her mind.

"I didn't exactly seduce her. Honestly, I was seduced by her." Kai said and laughed. Mia was puzzled by his answer.

"What do you mean by that?"

"When you will see her, you will also be seduced by her. She's even got a nickname for herself, 'the seducer of death'. Even though her twin sister is completely different from her. Her twin's nickname is 'the tsundere of light'." Kai said and his eyes turned hazy as he remembered the past. But Mia was full of questions."She has a sister? Is she related to death too? Is sh-"

"Calm down. Death has a counterpart, in fact, many counterparts. The creators, if you would like. And like that, his sister also has a counterpart. It's quite simple." He said.

"Ahh, whatever. But the real thing is how did you conquer her?" Mia asked.

"I had to fight death, which I might say, was not a pleasant experience. His damn scythe kept summoning the power of souls and he was so powerful. But still, the battle ended in a stalemate and death asked me to take care of his sister." Mia couldn't believe her ears. Kai had fought death and the match had ended in a tie? That was unbelievable.

"But his sister died and he didn't look angry when he saw you." Mia said as she remembered that death hugged Kai.magic

"He already knew that she didn't die as he knows how everyone really dies. He has a book for every person alive in this universe and that person's book records how they die. But the thing is, no one can read the book. It only opens five minutes before a person dies. So because of that, he knew that she or you or the others were not dead." He explained as Mia's eyes grew wide when she heard that everyone has a death book.

"Well, I will see you later. Gotta go and talk to Riang and Watanabe and I also have to check Kiana's condition." Kai bid his farewell as he disappeared.

Somehow, Mia got the feeling that the 'talk' Kai was about to have, would be something more than a talk. Well, what could she do?


Kai stayed true to his words and went to Kiana's house to check up on her condition. Surprisingly, she was awake and was clutching her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked as he softly reached her.

Kiana jumped when she heard Kai's voice and hugged his chest to her face. She then let go of him and raised her face to meet his eyes.

That's when Kai saw her split pupils. Yellow-eyed split pupils, just like Watanabe's, even though her's were dark yellow whereas Kiana's were more like lightning yellow.

"You are a part of the zian family and you have a strong lightning element." He said suddenly, looking straight into her eyes. Kiana had to break his gaze because it was too intense.

"I did so many things I didn't want to." She said slowly and Kai understood the meaning behind her words.

She had been under the Red flower sect's control from the time she joined the sect. They would have used her as a spy.

As for her eyes, the soul-controlling pill trades one of the person's appearances with the one under the pill's effect. Now that Kai remembered, the man with the mustache did have brown eyes.

"Don't worry, that was not you. You were being controlled by the pill and you managed to fight it quite perfectly. Good job." Kai said in an encouraging voice and patted her back.

"Then who am I?" Kiana asked in a hollow voice.

"Now that's either a spiritual question as in 'what am I doing in this world' or 'for what purpose was I born for' or you are asking about your life before the soul controlling pill bound your soul." He said in a joking voice and Kiana gave him a little smile.

"Well, lucky for you, we have the ancestor of the Zian family staying at this sect. Let's go and see her as she might know you." He offered her his hand as she grasped it, squeezing it tightly.
