"Don't worry, I am not going to harm you. I only want to talk." Kai said as he made the beasts go invisible. Watanabe was still alert but when the beasts vanished, she was relieved a little.

"How do you have the five guardian beasts?" She asked as she was sure that she saw a black turtle, a red phoenix, a white and black striped tiger, a blue eastern dragon, and a yellow western dragon.magic

Instead of answering, Kai snapped his fingers and wiped her memories clean of the beasts. This was better than the entire eastern continent chasing him.

"My name is Kai." He said as he extended his hand forward. Watanabe hesitated for a second before shaking his hand.

"Now, I won't bother you or the Zian family as long as you don't bother me." He said and looked at her sharply, his gaze piercing every inch of her soul.

"I can do that if you join my family, I would let you do whatever you want." She offered, still trying to make Kai join her family.

"No matter what you do, I will still do what I want to do." He said sadly before touching her forehead. Her eyes went blank and she stood there, as still as a statue.


Kai removed himself from her memories, including this meeting, their chat, his threatening power that was not unleashed, and pretty much everything about him existing.

"If we meet again, I will definitely seduce you." He said before teleporting back to the sect as he was somewhat fond of her slit-pupilled eyes.

Watanabe woke up from her daze, not sure where she was. She then remembered that she had come here in search of the mysterious cultivator who caused a huge wave of energy from his or her breakthrough.

She couldn't find anyone like that, even after searching the entire forest. She flew back to the palace, thinking about a boy with hair and eyes the color of the universe. But she couldn't quite form his picture and couldn't understand who he was.

***He returned back to the sect and went straight to Mia's room, not bothering to knock or anything.

It looked as though she had just come out from the shower as she was wearing her underwear and her hair were wet and lying down to her face.


"I am not used to you having ice-colored hair and eyes." He said. Mia used to have bright blonde hair and eyes and Kai had always seen her like that. Her new look was something that would take him a huge amount of time to get used to.

"That's one thing that I didn't think you would say. And since you created such a huge catastrophe, I am pretty sure you encountered the Zian family ancestor and had to subdue her." Mia accurately guessed what happened and Kai nodded at her words.

He then proceeded to tell her the entire story. Mia listened carefully and looked at his eyes when he told her the last bit of the entire story, except what he told the ancestor that he would seduce her or Mia would be mad at him.

"Some people create their own storms and get upset when it rains." She said in a voice full of wisdom.

"I don't think think is a good time for philosophy. " He said softly and touched her cheek, still staring at her eyes.

"Remember that I promised to battle you before the whole incident happened. I think this is a good time to fulfill that promise." Kai said as he was about to teleport them to the arena, but then he remembered that Mia was still in her underwear.


He quickly took out another set of her clothes from his pendant and tossed them to her. She wore them and extended her hand to Kai, he firmly took hold of it and teleported them.

He then created some formations around the arena, one for concealment, another for preventing access, and one for not letting anything inside go outside.

Both Mia and Kai faced each other and smiled. He then extended his hand towards Mia had a black bullet made from his Amatera flew towards Mia, who shot a bullet of her own, one made from her unmeltable ice.The bullets crashed in mid-air and a huge ripple of heat and ice was released. However, a small part of Kai's bullet survived and shot towards Mia, who jumped out of its path.

"Let's begin." She said and her body started shining with a blue aura. Ice danced around her entire body, completely obeying her.

Kai didn't do anything like that, however, his entire hand, from the wrist to the fingers, started burning with black flames.

Both of them stared at each other for a moment before extending their hands towards each other, the ice and fire following the trajectory.

The ice rose in spikes and the flames like a forest catching fire and collided. For a moment it looked like they were equal, but soon, it was clear that the fire was more powerful.

The entire line of ice started burning with the black flames as it started making its way towards the ice's source, meaning Mia.

She detached the ice from her arms and hung back as the flame swallowed the entire ice and a huge blast took place.

And with that, every single one of Kai's barriers shattered and the flame started rising like a huge storm that threatening everyone.

Screams started to rise and every single sect elder started running towards the arena, thinking that they were under attack.

Kai facepalmed before flying over the entire sect and drawing some more formations. After a whole minute, a huge formation that covered the entire sect came to life.

Every living being inside the sect froze on their place, as though time itself had paused. Mia was not frozen as Kai's harem symbol protected her from its effects.

He could use the symbol to give his harem complete immunity against his formations, pills, or practically anything he created. But the protection didn't protect them from his attacks, even though he didn't attack them unless they were training.

"What happened? Your formations are supposed to be the best and the barriers still crashed." Mia said, her confusion visible on her face.

"My flames and your ice are too strong. And I created the barrier that was at the peak of the heaven spirit realm. Well, I guess I have to clean up another mess." He sighed. But Mia's eyes were shining.

"I have a plan for it." She said brightly before telling Kai her plan.
