The smell hit Kai before he found the nest. The smell of burned corpses, either burned beyond recognition or turned to ash.

Bodies of beasts that entered the dragons nest by mistake lay around, half roasted half-eaten.

What Tzu forget to tell Kai was that the nest contained about a hundred and fifty dragons. All fighting and burning the forest.

But Kai, who did now know this, expected the place to have 10 or so dragons. Because of this, he didn't summon any of his beasts and ventured deeper inside the nest, which turned out to be a volcano.

Luckily, his majesty, Kai, is immune to anything and everything. He knew that fire dragons liked to swim in lava and usually took deep dives in it.

Their nest was not a nest. It was just an area around a volcano where they liked to sleep and do other things.

Kai was always curious about how dragons reproduced, so he once snuck into a nest to witness it. What he saw there was enough to turn his hair white for the next century or so, and that was from fear. After that, he swore to never witness a beast's reproduction.


Back to the present, he glanced at the lava beneath him and jumped straight into it. Now that might be considered foolish but he had complete resistance against the elements, given to him by the elemental spirits.

His eyes turned golden, like the lava around him as they always adjusted to any situation, changing their color along with it.

He searched the entire volcano from the top to the bottom and found nothing. After coming back to the surface, Kai heard a roar and thought that he had found his dragon.

But instead of finding a single dragon, an army of 150 dragons were standing in front of him, and to his surprise, one of them, looking much older than the others, was at the 4th stage of the imperial spirit realm.

"Curse that stupid madame Tzu!" Kai cursed out loud as a hot breath of flame was launched against him.

'What should I do? Oh right, I should summon my own dragons and let them reason with these boneheads.' Kai thought as he remembered how the Azure dragon had managed to make the other dragon its underling.


Usually, he just needed to snap his fingers to kill everyone but the dragons in front of him were strong, especially, the imperial spirit realm dragon.magic

Kai took out two swords, one blue and the other brown. He tossed one into the air and plunged the other into the ground.

"Azure Dragon of East."

"Yellow Dragon of Centre.".

The imperial stage dragon felt that something was wrong and told the other dragons to be fully alert.Except nothing happened, no storms or earthquakes or anything else. Just complete silence.

"Did I chant the wrong words? No, that's not possible. Are the dragons sleeping or something? Ahh, who cares." Kai said to himself and took out three swords, one yellow, one red, and one ocean blue.


He tossed one into the volcano, one into the sky, as for the last, Kai cut a wound on his palm as golden blood started to flow out from it. He drenched the sword in his blood and kept holding it.

"Black Turtle of North."

"White Tiger of West."

"Vermilion Bird of South."

And once again, nothing happened. Now the dragons were looking at Kai with a hungry expression.

Kai could use one of his overpowered techniques, but that would make him lose a lot of ichor which was precious for him.

And if he lost a significant amount of it, then... He didn't want to imagine it. The reason for him losing ichor was be that his techniques were made for cultivators with god-level power or something similar like that. But here, Kai's cultivation had decreased by many folds, and using the techniques might make him use more of his ichor which in turn would lead to him becoming a..... No, he should not imagine something like that.

"I guess all of you will die by my hands." He said sadly as he took out another sword, this one completely different than the others. A sleek black sword with a shiny purple hilt, just like Kai's eyes and hair.

The aura of this sword far outclassed Kai's current cultivation. The sword was a precious relic he loved very much, its power incomparable to any weapon except a few weapons as strong as this.

"Basic Demon Sword Art, Heart Pierce." Kai said and made a stabbing motion with the sword. He had decided to use some of the more basic skills as these skills won't make him lose ichor.

A huge purple beam of light shot from its hilt and massacred thirty dragons at once. He then changed his posture and stance and did another attack before the dragons could do anything.

"Basic Demon Sword Art, Mind Crush." He swinged the flat side of the blade in a hammer-like motion and a huge sword appeared in the sky, falling on top of the dragons and killing another sixty of them.

Only sixty more dragons were left, most of them at the heaven spirit realm and three at the imperial spirit realm, including the 4th stage one.

"Remember, you brought this upon yourselves. Kai said before pulling the sword back in a spear-throwing stance.

"Demon Sword Art, Blood Fall." He said and threw the sword in a way that it started spinning.

The speed increased and a tornado formed around it, except that it was formed from purple-black blood.Everything the blood touched, melted on the spot, leaving behind nothing as if the blood removed their very existence.

Every single dragon, except for the 4th stage imperial spirit realm one, died. Torn wings, flame-red blood flowing through the land, the fragrance of it looming in the air, and the dead eyes of the dragon in front of Kai, as if he lost everything, which he did.

"I just wanted a single tail and you attacked me. Your choice leads to this." Kai said and calmly removed the tail of the dragon, it showed no resistance and was ready to die.

"Don't look so sad. I collected about a hundred and fifty tails because of you. Next time, try a less aggressive approach." Kai smiled before snapping his fingers. Right around then, every single dragon was resurrected and the dragon in front of Kai looked at him as though God himself had appeared before its very eyes.

"I wish I was a god but what good is a god who couldn't even protect his own beloved? But I will not say things like 'if I had been quicker' or if 'I had been stronger then I could have won'. What's done is done and I cannot reverse it. But I will change the future and anyone standing between me and my ideal dream will die." He said to the dragon before lightly touching its head. The dragon released a sound of pleasure and looked at Kai with its huge red slit-pupil eyes.

"I will leave you a last gift. I know that the volcano contains about 50 dragon eggs and for some reason, they are not hatching. Bring them out and lay them in these flowers." He said and disappeared and flowers started to bloom from the blood on the ground. Huge flame petaled flowers with the fragrance of spring-blooming in as a reminder that something good can come out of a bad thing.


As Kai teleported a little further away, he tried summoning his beasts and this time, they appeared, their eyes shining.

Vermilion Bird - "How did you, an ugly, large, handless, blue dragon manage to defeat me?"

Azure Dragon - "I got the powers of plot armor, baby. You can't defeat the MC."

Earth Dragon - "You both are so lucky that you could even appear. I am locked away on an island until a kid would come looking for me."

Black Turtle - "Oh yeah, I was locked away in a fucking pendant for god's sake. And when I come out, that stupid firebird defeated me. I mean, how can fire defeat water?"

White Tiger - "I want my belly scratched and perhaps a cup of hot chocolate."

Azure Dragon - "Good idea, let's add a ba-"

"Silence!" Kai shouted as he didn't quite understand what was happening.

"Will, any of you explain what happened?" He asked in a scary calm voice and it turned out that everyone wanted to tell it.

"Lets me get this straight. All of you were role-playing as bit-beasts for Beyblades in an unknown alternate world?!" He shouted, dumbfounded.

Now the world Kai lived in consisted of different realms existing in the same universe. Then there were other universes, each containing hidden secrets. One could be summoned there if the living being there knew of the person's existence and in a way, worshipped him or her.

"Now I am seriously pissed and all of you are receiving punishment for it." Kai gave an evil grin and all of them cowered.

They tried to run away but he bound them to him. Now whatever that will happen to them would be in Kai's hands.


Vote people! Give your power stones and get a four-chapter mass release on Sunday.
