Kai decided to walk around to see how the sect was behaving after his little show. But to his surprise, the entire hallway around his house was clean. It was as though everyone living near his house ran away.

Since no one was around, Kai decided to move to other parts of the sect. He went to the mission hall, which was always crowded.

As soon as he entered the hall, everyone gasped at him. They suddenly closed their mouth and the room was silent enough to hear a pin drop on the ground.

Kai acted as though he didn't see them and simply started walking again. This time, he moved towards Mia's house, hoping to cure her memory.

Kai slowly turned the doorknob and entered her house. The smell of something sweet hit his nose and he saw Mia come out of her room and gasp in shock.

She was wearing her normal sect robes and a rose was stuck in her hair, pinning them. Her eyes were still the same eyes Kai fell in love with way back.

"Y-You are finally back!" Mia jumped in joy and ran to hug Kai.


He pulled her close to him and hugged her back. Mia pushed back a little and kiss Kai. He kissed her back with passion and Mia returned his passion.

Both of them are wrapped up in inflaming passion and their bodies were neatly pressed against each other. Kai's tongue invaded Mia's mouth and startled tangling with her tongue.

Mia moans and loops her arms behind Kai's neck, pulling him closer. After a few minutes of passionate embracing, Mia broke the kiss, leaving behind a trail of saliva.

She then punched him in the shoulder with full force. Even though he didn't feel any pain, he was still taken back by this.

"For how long have I been gone?" Kai asked as he looked straight into Mia's eyes as he thought that this question might answer his doubts.

"3 months." She replied in a neutral tone.


Kai sighed at this. He was unconscious for 3 months just because he created a true mind pill. How the mighty have fallen!

"I can now remove the seal from your mind." Kai said while he clenched his fists and led Mia to her bedroom.

He laid her down on her bed and took out the true mind pill. He placed the pill in her hand and closed it around the pill.

"Chew this pill and direct the energy towards your mind." Kai instructed Mia.She nodded and put the pill in her mind. She started chewing on it and her mouth exploded with the taste of chocolate.

She didn't say anything and continued to chew the pill. After that, she started directing the energy toward her mind and her body went limp.

Kai knew this would happen as the true mind pill affected the mind and made you lose your consciousness.


He slowly touched her forehead and passed his spiritual energy into her. He directed the spiritual energy towards the seal in her mind and the seal started unraveling.

He had to do this at a very slow pace since the mind was a delicate thing. One mistake and Mia might go mad.magic

It took him two hours to break the entire seal and carefully let her memories pile through her. He only let a few memories in at first before slowly letting them all in.

Mia stayed unconscious throughout the entire process and when her memories were restored, her eyes flew open.

Ice suddenly started to swirl around her as she pointed an ice spear at Kai's throat.

"Oh it's just you. Where are we?" Mia said as stared at her surroundings.

But Kai was frozen on his spot. He didn't know if Mia's memories were back but she atleast seemed to know him.

"Mia, what's the last thing you remember?" Kai asked slowly as Mia frowned.

"Last thing I remember is you calling me to the mountain of luck and I was going there..." She trailed off as her eyes suddenly darkened.

Kai went forward to check her body but she pushed him back. Before he could anything, the room turned extremely cold and Mia's body started glowing.

Her body started rising from the bed and stopped midair. Her body was completely submerged in a blue aura and her eyes started glowing.

Her hair started changing and turned ice blue. Her eyes followed after this and turned wild blue. Her robes suddenly vanished and a new dress covered her body.

The dress was strapless and was a mixture of white, royal blue, and gold color. It hugged her body and showed her curves. The dress lowered down into a robe-like way. She was wearing stockings that went up to her upper calves and she was bare feet. ( Check the paragraph comment for her picture. )Ice started to cover her body and spread near her in a spiky way. The spikes formed a throne-like structure near Mia. She finally looked at Kai, shock visible on her face.

"Now, I know why you had that appearance. Your mother used her powers to hide your true powers. No wonder your brothers hated you." Kai said and remembered her two brothers who practically hated Mia with all their heart, if they had one.

"What true powers?" Mia asked, her voice shaking. She tried to control the ice but it stood fixed to its spot.

"You have the unmeltable ice, the ice of infinity, ice that cannot be shattered. You are the goddess of ice, or in other words, you are the reincarnation of the goddess of ice." Kai said ceremonially since no official person, except him, was there.

"Ice goddess?' Mia echoed as she didn't recall any ice goddess from her memories.

"Oh, you don't know about her. She and the sun goddess were sisters. Hot and cold, pretty intense arguments. They even destoryed multiple realms once." Kai said.

"How do you know that?" Mia said, even though her voice contained no surprise or shock. She was already used to Kai's strange powers and sources of information.

"The sun goddess told me. The ice goddess declined the previous divine emperor and he took her revenge on her by using a forbidden technique. When the sun goddess learned about it, she went berserk and every star unleashed its fury on the previous divine emperor. She nearly died from it, had it not been for me, she would be dead by now." Kai said and his eyes contained a hint of his past. He then looked at Mia, happy to have at least one of his beloved women by his side.

"That's really sad." Mia didn't talk nonsense and only talked about important things.

"Have you got your memories back?" Kai still asked this question.

"What do you mean by me getting my memories back? And where are we?" Mia asked as Kai sighed a little.

Kai then told her that how his harem was killed and how he used the harem wish to reincarnate everyone. He then told her about his fall on the mortal cultivation realm and how he was alone when he landed here.

He then told her about how he searched for a sect that had dual cultivators so that he could raise his cultivation in order to find his harem.

Kai also told her about his encounter with the reincarnated Mia and how she didn't had any of her previous life's memories. And he finished the story with telling Mia that he restored her memories.

Mia listened to all of this with a dumbfounded face and she was shocked to hear that there was a reincarnated version of her. After Kai completed his story, Mia took a few deep breaths before directly looking into Kai's eyes.

"So we are currently on the mortal cultivation realm and my reincarnated version just got my original memories?" Mia asked as Kai nodded.

She took a few more deep breaths before a smile bloomed up on her face.

"So we are together again." Mia said as Kai smiled a little.

"I expected something more. A few angry yells, a small amount of beatings, perhaps a tantrum." Kai said as Mia laughed.

"I never throw a tantrum. Well, we can't cultivate now since my memories are still a little shaky and any more excitement wouldn't be good for me." Mia sighed a littl as Kai slowly reached forward and hugged her to his chest.

"Well I can do one thing." He said and gently pushed Mia on the bed.
