"So it's finally time huh." Kai muttered as he and Fanglin were suddenly teleported back.

Surprisingly, Kai had spent the entire time patting Fanglin's head and the girl had immensely enjoyed it.

Kai had no idea why she was so fascinated by it but if she was happy, he was more than happy to pat her head.

"Now please stay back and no matter what you hear or see, please don't try to step ahead or stop me." Kosma suddenly said in a warning tone which was mostly directed at Kai. "It will only make things worse if you step forward."

"Why are you telling me about that? Isn't it supposed to go like when you extracted Fanglin's soul?" Kai was curious about why Fanglin was saying about such things even though he had a small clue about it

"The only reason I am telling you this is because this will be even more painful and excruciating to watch or experience. After all, a body was never supposed to hold more than a single soul." Kosma looked almost surprised when she looked at Laofen. "It's a wonder she managed to live for that long."

"What are the chances of survival of a normal cultivator?" Kai then asked in a grave voice as Kosma gave him a dark humorless smile.


"A normal cultivator around her cultivation would have exploded within a week of hosting three souls and would have caused massive damage to his or her surroundings."

"Then how did she hold on for so long?"

"Just through sheer willpower and the desire to see her sister again." Kosma muttered while gently tugging a strand of Laofen's hair behind her right ear.

"Anyways, I am starting the extraction of the soul." She said and closed her eyes.

She laid her right hand on top of Kosma's forehead the blue glow returned. But this time, it didn't move to cover Laofen's entire body.

"I tried to make it a little less painful last time but there is no hope this time." Kosma mainly explained to Kai as she suddenly lifted her hand of Laofen's forehead.


"AHHH!" A loud glass-shattering scream escaped Laofen's mouth as a white ball of light came out from her mouth.Her body became limp again as a few drops of blood gathered at the corner of her lips. Slowly, her body started to become healthier.

Her wrists got a little thicker while she grew two to three inches long in height. Her curves were also upgraded by a size before she gently landed on the ground.

Her eyes were now back to black but she soon closed them.

"This time, she will at least need a week-long rest." She muttered and looked at Kai's blank expression.

"Kosma, now that we extracted the third soul from her body, how are we supposed to put it in a body?"

The only reason Fanglin was able to have a body was because of her pseudo life powers. And as for why she had them, it was because of the creators.


But Kosma didn't have anything like this to help her get a body so Kai was naturally wondering what they should do about it.

But before Kosma could reply, Fanglin suddenly stepped forward and moved towards the white ball of light.

She gently wrapped her arms around it even though she wasn't able to hold it. A bright white glow surrounded her entire body as the ball of light gently started to buzz.

It was as though there was a shifting of energy inside it. Fanglin then stepped back as she gave Kai a small smile.

"I technically wasn't supposed to have big sister Aizza's powers... But I was still given a pseudo version of her powers..." Both Kai and Fanglin looked at the white ball of light which was slowly expanding. "So I decided to use them to help Kazemi get a soul..."

"Does this mean that I don't need to search for a half dead body which is still functional and without a soul and has the exact features Kazemi has?" Kai asked with wide eyes as Fanglin chuckled softly.

"You can put it in that way if you want..."They then kept staring at Kazemi's soul as it slowly started to take her shape. But unlike Fanglin, Kazemi was clothed in her actual clothing.

(I am typing this after a long time. Check this paragraph comment for her image.)

"I didn't want the same incident to repeat with her so I made sure that she was wearing her clothes..."

"You did good Fanglin." Kai patted her head again as Fanglin felt happy.

'I never noticed this before but she feels as though she is a ten year old child.' Kai couldn't help but smile at this fact as at last, Kazemi appeared in front of them.

"Who are you? What is this place?"

But it looked as though they had a tiny problem. Kazemi looked extremely confused about her surroundings and didn't recognize either Kai or Fanglin.

"Don't tell me she has her memories blocked..." Kai groaned loudly as he was already tired of unlocking different types of memory seals.

After all, who knows how many unique seals were there.

"I can try to force break the seal you know. But I can't guarantee that she would be mentally stable after it." Kosma offered as Kai sighed and shook his head.

"Just tell me what type of seal does she have on her mind."

Kosma shrugged as she looked in Kazemi's direction to see that she was still confused by everything.

"Thankfully, you know about this seal, Kai." Kosma suddenly said in a surprised tone as Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Which seal is it?"

"It's the warrior's pride seal."magic

As soon as Kosma told him the name of the seal, Kai's hopes of recovering Kazemi's memories quickly vanished.

'I guess I am in it for a long time. There is no way taht seal can be removed when Kazemi is this much confused and bewildered. I might never be able to remove it...'
