"Hey Kosma can you hear me?" Kai appeared in one of the many rooms in Azrael's library as he spoke out loud and tried to communicate with Kosma.

But no reply came back.

"I wish it was that simple." Kai muttered and sighed and he sat down on the floor in a lotus pose and closed his eyes. He directed his spiritual energy towards his mind as he slowly started thinking about Kosma.

In this way, he started creating a connection with Kosma as he instilled her image in his mind. After many tries, he finally felt that he was connected with Kosma.

[ Hey Kosma can you hear me? ] He asked mentally but still didn't receive any reply. But aft a few minutes, he heard a small sigh.

[ What is it that you want Kai? ] Kosmas's voice echoed inside his mind as he released a small sigh of relief.

[ Here I thought that I wouldn't be able to communicate with you. Anyways, Kosma, do you know anything about the Darkness's mark? ] Kai asked slowly as he could already imagine Kosma narrowing her eyes.


[ Why do you want to know about that? ] She asked him in a curious tone even though Kai already knew that Kosma knew the real reason for him asking such a question.

[ I want to know about this because I apparently have the Darkness's mark or something similar to that. ] Kai replied as he could already imagine Kosma sighing with an annoyed expression.

[ You want me to remove it, don't you? ] She asked as Kai chuckled mentally.

[ If you already knew that, we didn't really need to speak all that, did we? ] He asked back as a white light engulfed his body.

He slowly opened his eyes to see that he was back in the white place where Kosma lived. As for Kosma, she was standing in front of him with a raised eyebrow"Who said that we were speaking? As far as I know, we were talking telepathically." She replied as Kai smiled and stood up.

"Anyways, do you know how to remove whatever that is helping those people track me and don't say that you don't know who those people are." Kai said as she shook her head.


"I know who you are talking about and I also know that they are rising dorm the Darkness. As for what is helping them track you, it's not some kind of mark or something. When you used the harem wish while being with Space years ago, you formed a kind of resistance against the Darkness.

Even though the Darkness can still have some of its parts in you, which it already does, it can't do anything with them. It is basically like a parasite in a body which can already prevent the parasite from doing anything." Kosma explained as Kai looked confused.

"Then how can all those people track me?" He asked as Kosma didn't say anything and steppe forward.

She rose in the air a little until she was the same height as Kai." Now that is the interesting thing which we have to know." She finally said as she moved he right hand forward and touched Kai's forehead.

His entire went still and his eyes were the only thing that he could move. He looked up at Kosmas's face as she shook her head.

"Trust me, I am not going to do anything wrong with your body. I am just gonna search up your body to see if there is any kind of unknown thing on your body." Kosma said as Kai kept staring at her face before closing his eyes.


Kosma took this as a yes as she proceeded to check Kai's body. Her power went through his entire body but even after that, she wants able to see anything special in his body.

"Wait, what is that?" Kosma muttered to herself as she found something weird around Kai's heart. She directed all of her power towards his upper body as Kai took a sharp intake of his breath.

"So my powers are too much for even you huh." Kosma commented on it before she started focusing on the area near Kai's heart.She started focusing on her power as she slowly started directing it towards the more internal parts of his heart as Kai's breaths started to get heavy. He was having a problem breathing but Kosma was not worried about that.

"Ahhh, so that's why they were able to track you." Kosma muttered after a few seconds as she retracted all of her power at once.

Kai's entire body suddenly turned lighter as he slowly opened his eyes and lifted his hands. He spent a few seconds testing whether all of his limbs were working properly or not and after doing that, he turned towards Kosma.

"It felt as though you were doing a surgery instead of searching for unknown matter." He commented as she shrugged before his expression turned serious.

"I found the reason all of those people were able to track you earlier and you are not going to like it at all." She slowly said as Kai raised an eyebrow in response.

"Tell me about it." He replied as Kosma sighed.

"Near your heart, there is a special formation." She replied as Kai blinked in confusion and stared at her to make sure that he had heard her correctly.

"A formation? That too around my heart? How is that possible?" He asked in a baffled tone as Kosma shook her head.

"That is why I said that you won't like it at all. The formation is so small that even I missed it on the first chance but if you pay some close attention, you would be able to see it. Try searching for it yourself." Kosma replied as Kai closed his eyes and slowly directed his spiritual sense towards his heart.magic

Just like Kosma had said, the formation was present there but it was even smaller than a baby ant and if Kai didn't know what h was looking for, he would have likely skipped over it.

Now that he had found the formation, he slowly started examining it. The symbols were all ocean blue in color and were extremely micro-sized on the formation.

"There is no way that he is alive again!" Kai exclaimed out loud as he was shocked by the formation.

It had billions of tiny symbols on it and it was still smaller than a baby ant. The smallest formation Kai could create using a billion symbols would be the size of a medium-sized watermelon.

"See this Kai, this is the smallest formation I could ever create using the maximum number of symbols. Even though you might feel that this formation is extremely small, I once knew a person who could create even smaller formations while using more symbols than the ones I have used in this formation." Kai remembered the words Ayaka had told him during their formations training sessions.

Ayaka had been able to create a formation the size of a marble while using a billion symbols but she had told him about a person that could create even smaller formations.

He had been Ayaka's master and her father.
