"What the…" Kai's voice trailed off as he, Hela, and Aizza exited the special realm to come back to the spirit realm.

"Aizza, how much time passed inside the special realm?" Kai asked as both Hela and Aizza had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Only a week has passed by." Aizza replied in a slow voice as the three of them looked down at the spirit realm which was blazing in an orange.

The spirit realm was burning.

The trio moved towards the realm with gawking faces and looks of disbelief which only increased the moment they saw the surface of the realm clearly.

The blue oceans had somehow dried up. No sign of life was visible in the trio's vision as Kai suddenly narrowed his eyes.

His head whipped in the right direction as chills suddenly ran against his back.magic


He didn't say anything as he flew towards the north with a half-dazed face as though he was in shock. He raised his hand forward as a flicker of black flames appeared around his index finger. He pointed his finger forward as the flicker of black flames shot forward.

"A never-ending loop." He muttered as the flicker of black flames continued to move forward for a few seconds before it suddenly disappeared and reappeared at the starting position.

The flames shot forward again before it disappeared and continued to reappear again. This action repeated itself continuously as Hela and Aizza's eyes widened."Since you have been known to escape death many times, I think a never-ending loop was the best thing to stop you. And yes, this is not the spirit realm or any other place. This is simply what remains of the realm of jewels spiritual core." In the midst of their confusion, a voice suddenly rang out in their ears.

Kai remained silent as he heard the voice. The space a few meters away from him started to shimmer as a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Surprised to see me alive again?" The figure said with a humorless expression as he flicked his wrist and Kai's black flames vanished.

"The master trickster." Kai muttered as he took in the person's appearance.


The person was wearing old brown robes that looked ancient enough to be kept in a museum. He had dark brown hair and a long white beard. His eyes were obsidian black and his expression looked joyous.

"Of course it's me. Who else do you know who can create such a loop?" The person asked with a smile as he walked forward with a grin on his face.

"Now I get to enjoy our battle again. But I will easily win th-" The person began to say but suddenly stopped when he saw Kai doing a very unique gesture.

The person's eyes suddenly widened as Kai pointed his fingers in his direction.

"You would have definitely won this battle if you had fought me eight thousand or so years ago. But now, you are just a tiny bug in my path who I can easily squash under my path." Kai said as the person suddenly burst apart into tiny pieces.

The place around them suddenly vanished as they could see the real spirit realm again."Who was that?!" Hela asked in an incredulous tone as Kai waved his hand.


"just someone who turned into my enemy when I was young. He was the only person who could create what we just saw. It was a special realm inside which any action done by a person which will have an effect on something will continue to repeat itself. So if I killed someone in there, the action would continue to happen repeatedly for an infinite amount of time." Kai replied as his expression turned dark.

"But the thing is that I defeated him almost eight thousand years ago." He added as he suddenly felt another person glaring t him.

"How do these guys keep coming back to life?!" He cursed out loud as he flicked his wrist in the north. A blast of power went out from his hand into the space as it suddenly crashed against something.

"The invisible genius." Kai muttered he shot another flicker of his black flames forward as it caught the body of a person. But before anything could happen, the person burned down.

"That was also someone who I had as an enemy long ago." Kai said while looking in Hela and Aizza's direction as they realized what was happening.

"The souls that had been trapped inside The Darkness long ago are now being released from there for some reason. And it looks like they have their memories with them for some reason." Kai said with a grim expression.

"Then what are you going to do now? You had some pretty scary people as your enemies in the past." Aizza asked as Kai shook his head.

"Th enemies from my past aren't going to be that difficult if they will have the same amount of power they had in the past. Though they are going to be annoying to deal with, they can't do anything major to me. However, if my current enemies manage to track me using the enemies from my past, things are going to be chaotic." Kai replied as Aizza looked confused

'How are they tracking you?" She asked as Kai shook his head once again.,

"I have no idea how they are tracking me. I think my body is giving out some kind of signal or something?" Kai replied as Aizza sighed at his answer.

But before she could say anything, Kai's eyes widened suddenly. His mind went blank for a few seconds as disbelief crept over his face.

He didn't say anything as he suddenly opened his shirt and peered at his chest wide eyes full of disbelief. The area above his heart was glowing with a golden glow as a symbol suddenly started appearing on the place.

The symbol was two twin dragons.
