"What do you mean by true form? Ialways look like this" The man asked with a confused look as Kai shook his head.

"I already know who you are. So don't try to lie old man." Kai replied while staring directly at the man's face as he blinked surprise before bursting into laughter.

"You are better than I expected. And you are right, I am the old man from earlier who you met at the reception. At that time, I was using a disguise to see whether you were here to actually learn something or you were just here your powers of being a disciple of the sect." The man replied with a smile as Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Powers?" Kai asked as the man looked baffled for a second before recovering.

"Being a disciple of the sect gives you many benefits that you cannot get anywhere else. You can eat in any restaurant on the continent for free, stay in any hotel for free, get a 50% discount in any weapons shop, and will get special monthly benefits. But being a high-level cultivator, most people don't need these things. But since the sects accept all types of cultivators from all backgrounds, there are many instances where low-level cultivators try to exploit the benefits the sect provides." The man explained as Kai and the three girls nodded.

"If you have understood everything, here are your sect robes. You will start as outer court disciples and will not get access to any of the sect's internal benefits such as the sect shop, practice arena, etc. until you are an inner court disciple. These will be your living quarters and you can go out of here by pressing that spot and standing in the middle of the room together." The man explained as he took out four pairs of robes and gave them to the group.

He then pointed at the spot directly below him as a shiny white formation became visible to the group.


"That's all for. If you want to access the mission hall, double-tap on this formation or double tap on the gate from earlier. And if you want to exit or enter your quarters, just do a single tap." The man said as he vanished.Kai and the girls then looked at the robes in their hands. They were pure black in color with designs. The sect's symbol was a golden eastern dragon etched on the heart area of the robes.

[ Hey Kai, can you hear me? ] Just as Kai was examining the robes, he suddenly heard Inari's voice echoing around in his mind.

[ A long-distance communication scroll that connects two people's minds so that they can talk with each other. That's quite a valuable item that you are using.Kai replied in an amused tone as he imagined Inari's annoyed face on the other side.

[ This is not the time for small talk. I am in a very tight spot right now and I have numerous people chasing after me and by people, I mean a lot of different species. So you better teleport your ass to the streets of Nyander and rescue me. ] Inari said in an urgent tone as Kai narrowed his eyes.

The three girls beside Kai were confused when they saw him frowning suddenly.

[ How can I believe you. For all I know, you are captured by your pursuers and this is just a trap set by them to capture me. ] Kia replied as he kept frowning.


[ Argh, how can I make you believe that I am not under some type of mind control and that this is not a trap? ] Inari asked in an even more urgent voice as Kai heard a twinge of fear in her tone.

[ Just tell me something that you will never tell anyone even while being under mind control. ] Kai said as Inari suddenly went silent.

[ I used to be a… strip dancer. ] Inari's reply was barely a whisper but it was enough forKai.[ You could have told me something else too you know. Like you are a virgin for example, not that I didn't know that earlier. ] Kai replied as he suddenly vanished and used the connection of their minds to see Inari's location.

Kai suddenly appeared inside a dark enclosed container as he felt something soft touching his chest. Because of his experience with women, he could easily tell that the soft thing was nothing other than breasts.

"What are you doing hiding in such a closed-spaced structure?" Kai asked out loud as his eyes glowed purple in the darkness and he turned around to see Inari's body closely sticking to his.magic

"Don't blame me for this! This was the best hiding spot that I could think of in a short amount of time. Now teleport us out of here before my pursuers find this place." Inari said in a sharp voice as both of them vanished from the place.


A few seconds later, an explosion shook the entire place as the container, which was a wooden cupboard, got destroyed to sheds.

"I swear that I heard someone talking here!" A timid voice filled the air as a person with flowing white hair and glowing red eyes frowned in annoyance.

"If you are that sure about that thing, then where is the girl?" The man asked in a heavy voice as he turned towards a person who was barely 4 feet tall.

"You dare to question a sound dwarf's hearing powers?! I used to work in his majesty's personal squadron you know. They used to call me Glindhor the sound god as I was able to hear everything within kilometers of his majesty and anyone else. How dare you ask me such a question?" The four feet tall man asked as the man with the glowing eyes suddenly stopped and stared at the short man.

"Needless I remind you, you are no longer on the fairy realm. If it wasn't for me, you would have been wiped out with the rest of your brethren and your home planet. You are the only member of the fairy race alive since the elves had cut themselves off. So in that way, I have every right to say or ask anything from you." The man replied in a slow and dangerous voice as the land started shaking.

The four feet man suddenly realized what he had done as he closed his mouth and looked down as though he was ashamed. The rumbling then stopped as the man with the glowing eyes smiled.

"Good thing that you know your place now. As for the girl, she probably had a treasure that helped her escape this place. Let's go back now." The man ordered as the four feet man slowly nodded.

A pair of black wings burst open from the red-eyed man's back as he glanced at the remains of the cupboard one last time before grabbing the four feet tall man's shoulder.

His wings arched backwards as he launched the two of them in the air and they opened up behind him. The two of them flew away just as the place below them exploded with a swirl of bright red flames.
