"So we are leaving for the spirit realm right now?" Mariel asked with wide eyes as Kai nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Mariel said in excitement as Kai smiled and nodded. He closed his eyes and imagined the spirit realm but none of them teleported there.

Kai opened his eyes and frowned as he turned towards the other girls who looked confused.

"Why didn't we teleport there?" Mariel asked Kai shook his head indicating that he didn't know the reason for it.

"Let me try teleporting us to some other place." He replied as they suddenly appeared in some other place. It was one of the random parts of death's library as Kai frowned and they vanished again.

This time they appeared in a desert as Kai's frown deepened. He tried to teleport to the spirit realm for a second time but failed.

"Something is wrong. Let's try to go to the spirit realm manually through the place between the realms. I need your assistance in that." Kai said as the other three nodded and closed their eyes and started concentrating.Kai did the same as he closed his eyes and thought about his soul. Cultivators at the spiritual soul realm and above can look at their souls with the help of their spiritual energy. Though spiritual soul realm cultivators could only take a peek at their soul but a peek was enough for the four of them to venture to the entrance of the realms.


With the help of their souls, cultivators could generate a special type of energy known as soul energy. With this energy, they could transfer themselves out of a realm and travel to the entrances of the realms.

So as the other three girls were busy doing that, Kai took a glance at his soul to see whether any other soul was connected to his soul or not.

Unfortunately, no other soul was connected to Kai's soul and he was disappointed at this. But he was also worried about the fact that all of his remaining girls were now reborn in different places without him being able to find them.

But he currently had another task in front of him that might lead him to finding some of his girls since the spirit realm was a very large place. If things went well, he might be able to find at least five more girls on the spirit realm.

With a bright flash of light, all of them appeared around the entrances of the realms. They looked at a certain swirling entrance which was black in color.Alongside the entrances to other upper realms was the entrance to the spirit realm.

The four of them then went forward as they went inside the entrance to the spirit realm. Their surroundings swirled black for a few seconds before they appeared in front of a large blue ball which was the spirit realm.


But their eyes widened as they saw that instead of being a translucent blue ball, the spirit realm actually had continents on it. They could only see two huge masses of land from their place but it was enough to shock all of them."Are you sure that we took the right entrance?" Mariel asked in disbelief as Kai shook his head.

"We couldn't have entered the angel or the demon realm's entrance since both of those realms are different than all other realms. As for the imperial realm, no one can enter it without an escort so the only remaining option is the human realm. But I don't think this is the human realm, let's get closer for a better look." He suggested as the four of them suddenly vanished.

The first thing Hela and the other two girls saw were clouds as the three of them alongside Kai hovered in the air. Kai was frowning as he felt the spiritual energy of the realm as it was the same as the spiritual energy of the spirit realm he remembered.

Since we don't know where we are, we will slowly descend. Just for our safety, I will use a cloaking formation around us." He said as a golden cube encased them in bright light before vanishing.

The four of them then slowly started moving down. As they moved down the clouds, they came to see a brilliant bright blue ocean with the rays of the sun making it gleam. Kai's eyes widened as a memory entered his mind.

"You might think that is an ocean but this is just a small lake. It will glow in the sunlight and shimmer in the moonlight and even though it might feel as though it stretches on forever, it's just a small lake." The words that the spirit of water had told him after they had started to get to know each other still lingered in his mind.


He stared at the water with focused eyes as the ocean slowly started to shrink. Borders appeared around its edges as it shrunk from an ocean to a lake that was enclosed inside a barrier made from formations.

The reason the spirit of earth had done such a thing was because this place was her personal resting place. But people would always find a way to bother her here. So she had created a cloaking formation around the lake which made it look like an ocean.magic

But now that Kai had seen through the illusion, he could see the entire thing easily. The lake had an enclosing of tall trees surrounding it which provided shade for a person to sit down. The lake was an ordinary lake but the spirit of water had many memories connected to this place.

Kai snapped his fingers as the formation turned off. The three girls could now see the lake as well, as their eyes widened as this.

"This place feels oddly familiar for some reason." Hela slowly said as Kai smiled.

"This place will of course feel familiar to you since this was Kazemi's personal resting place which means that we are on the realm of water." Kai replied as the four of them landed down on the ground.
