"How did you figure out what I am?" The figure said in a shape tone as the hood fell back and a girl with grey hair and grey wolf ears was revealed. She then dropped her scarf down and revealed her face to Kai.

She had stormy grey eyes and had an average height. Her jacket reached down to her knees and was closed at the curve of her breast and showed her waist to Kai.

A small one-inch scar ran both above and below her right eye. She looked like she was barely twenty years old.

(Just check this paragraph for her image instead.)

She had numerous daggers placed on the weapons belt around the curve of her waist and she had two swords placed down on her back.

p Her eyes were constantly looking between Kai and their surroundings. He had as usual brought her to an abandoned island since they were the most common things on a realm which so much water.

"I could see your face below your hood and scarf." Kai replied as his eyes started glowing.


The girl narrowed her eyes as she took out the swords from her back. They were a foot long each and were made from a shiny silver metal.

"How do you know about sister Inari?" The girl asked as Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Did that fox fool you into believing that she is a kindred spirit?" Kai asked as the girl's gaze turned fiery.

"You don't have any right to talk about her in such a way!" The girl exclaimed while pointing one of her swords towards Kai.

A black arrow suddenly shot out from the tip of the sword and moved towards Kai with deadly accuracy.

Kai just smiled as he raised his right hand a black mist appeared around his fingers. He moved forward and threw the arrow away with his hand."I guess she has changed since last time. Cause I didn't think that she would ever sell those dark element enhancing swords below 200 soul stones." Kai said as the girl paused for a moment.


"You know their price?" She asked as Kai nodded.

In the realms that communicated with each other and allowed inter-realm travel, there were stones above spiritual stones.

After spiritual stones came core stones and one of them was equal to ten thousand spirit stones. After core stones came soul stones and one of them was equal to one million spirit stones.

"If you had that much money, I don't think you would be taking such petty assassination cases. So this means that you either stole it, which is impossible or you got it for free." Kai answered as the girl flinched a little.

"So you did get it for free or perhaps you traded it for something. But I don't think that you something valuable enough to trade for those swords. After all, Inari is a picky merchant." Kai replied as the girl clutched the swords tightly.

"How do you know that?" The girl asked as his voice shook a little. Kai's eyes softened a little but he was still alert.


"I bought many things from her a long while ago. I still remember how she didn't even allow her customers to bargain with her." Kai replied as the girl suddenly frowned.

"Did you use to buy stuff from her when someone named Kai was alive?" The girl asked as Kai raised his eyebrows.

'Did something happen to her after I went away?' Kai wondered as he nodded.

"That is why you don't know how she is anymore." The girl replied as she suddenly leaped forward with her swords in front of her body.

'Another mystery to resolve.' Kai sighed as he raised his hands and created a block of black mist in front of him.

His hands revolved around the mist as the mist expanded a few meters besides him. The girl came a few meters away from him and swung her swords as they passed inside the mist.

Her eyes widened as she tried to pull her swords back but they got stuck inside the mist. She gritted her teeth and jumped back as she left her swords suspended in the mist."How did you do that?" The girl asked as Kai took the sword from the handle and examined the metal.

"You just expected the swords to cut me in half?" Kai chuckled as the girl took a deep breath.

Kai narrowed his eyes as he saw the girl release her cultivation slowly. It rose to the 6th stage of the Saint-core realm before it suddenly jumped forward and advanced to the 6th stage of the Divine core realm.

But it didn't stop as it reached up to the 1st stage of the spiritual soul realm and a huge bang of power came out of her body.

The land below the girl's feet cracked in half as her hair rose in the air while her eye started glowing.

The soul realms basically gave you the ability to connect with your soul and use its power to give yourself a long-time boost.

But Kai was frowning as he looked up at the sky with glaring eyes.

"Another one. Do you have some personal grudge against me that I am exempted from having a higher cultivation than the limit?" Kai asked out loud as the girl moved forward at twice the speed from before.

The land started cracking as soon as she stepped on it. Black mist, similar to the mist Kai had used, appeared beside her body.

"It's been quite a time since I fought someone who I didn't think I could defeat." Kai smiled bitterly as he suddenly closed his eyes and sat down.

The girl didn't even hesitate a little as she didn't care what was Kai was doing since she knew that she would easily win this battle with her cultivation.

She whipped a hand forward as arrows moved along her hand. They shot forward towards Kai's body as he suddenly opened his eyes and stared into the girl's eyes.

The girl suddenly felt something faking over her body as the arrows suddenly stopped. She opened her mouth without her consent as her eyes widened.

"Memory overwrite." Kai and the girl said in perfect sync but before anything could happen, Kai's body started shimmering and he vanished.

The girl got control of her body back before she stared at the space where Kai was present moments ago.

"Where did he go?" She muttered but then shook he head.

"Now that he is gone, I can just complete my mission without facing any major challenges." The girl muttered as her hair came back down and her eye stopped glowing.

She then spread her spiritual sense on the entire realm before she found the land of earth. She then flew towards it with the intent of killing the royal family.
