"That was good." Watanabe muttered as all of them appeared back in the room.

The other two girls also looked happy after the reunion as Kai opened his eyes and smiled at them.

"We can do this in a while if you want. Though I can't give you any guarantees that everything will be the same everything we visit the place." Kai added as they nodded happily.

"I think we should all visit the land of earth together for some official reason and try to find a way to get close to Gaia and try to recover her memories." Levina suggested as Kai nodded and the group left the room together.

A day and a half had passed while they were on the mortal realm and Qin had started wondering what was going on.

But when she saw them appear in the throne throne, she quickly stood up to greet them.

"Are you done with your discussion?" She asked as Kai nodded.


"We have decided to go to the land of earth to resolve the issue of protestors there." He replied as Qin's eyes suddenly darkened.

"Please wait outside for a few minutes before going." Qin said as Kai shrugged and walked out with the others.

"I am leaving the palace for a few days." Qin announced as soon as Kai and the others were gone.

The elves present there turned towards each other as they blinked and made sure that they heard the right thing.

"Um, why are you going away your highness?" One of them asked as Qin's eyes snapped towards his face.

"It's cause I want to. Any more questions?" She replied while staring into the elves eyes as he broke her gaze with chills running down his back.


"Where are you going, your highness? At least tell us that." One of the older members of the court asked as Qin rolled her eyes."Where do you think I am going? I am obviously going away for training especially since there are so many strong people wandering around." Qin said in an annoyed tone as the court quickly nodded.

"We wish you the best of luck, your majesty." They said together as Qin raised her eyebrows and walked away.

But before exiting the room, she turned back with a smile on her face. Golden lightning appeared around her body as her eyes examined the elves sitting in the throne room.

"If I found out that anyone of you misused your power, then you can guess what will happen to you." Qin said while smiling as the elves started sweating.

Qin then turned back as her clothes swept the floor with grace. She then exited the room while sparks of lightning detached from her body and fell on the ground as the court released sighs of relief.

"What did you want to talk about?" Kai asked as Qin frowned.


"I never said anything about talking." She replied as Kai smiled.

"You wouldn't have stopped us if you didn't have anything to say to us." Kai replied as Qin took a deep breath and resolved herself.

'Should I really ask this from him?' She wondered at the last moment as she saw Kai's eyes looking at her face with a curious expression.

She released the breath she was holding and just decided to ask.

"Can I come to the land of earth with you?" She asked as Kai blinked in surprise.

"That's not something you should ask permission for. You are a ruler and you can visit the place anytime you want." He replied as Qin shook her head.

"I don't want to go there as a ruler. I want to see the place from the perspective of a normal person and see how the land of earth deals with its problem. But since I am such a known personality, I will never get the chance to examine that place." She explained as Kai immediately understood what she wanted."You want me to put an illusion on you to make you look like an ambassador so that you can come to the land of earth and have an excuse to examine the place." Kai said as Qin nodded.

"With your powers of a sacred ambassador, I know that you can create an illusion strong enough to hide me from the top-level cultivators on the land of earth." Qin said with pleading eyes as Kai sighed and touched her forehead with two of his fingers.

Qin felt something inside her change as she lifted her arms and saw that her skin had changed from pearly white to wheat white and her arms and thinned out a little.

As she looked around her body, she saw that her breasts had gone down a cup and her hips were less wide.

Her height was still the same but she felt a little different looking at her changed body.magic

"Just try to focus on your body and you can see your real body behind the illusion." Kai instructed as Qin increased her focus and she could see her old body.

But the moment she would lose her focus, the same moment the illusion will return. She looked at Kai with her mouth a little open.

"That's so good of an illusion. How did you create that?" Qin asked as Kai smiled and shook his head.

"A lot of practice." He replied.

'And help from the best formations master the world had ever seen.' He added mentally as he handed Qin the clothes of an ambassador.

She took them from his hand and quickly went inside the nearest empty room she could find to change.

While changing, she looked down at her currently D cups before she focused and saw her DD cup breasts.

'Big breasts. Does he like big breasts?' A random thought entered Qin's mind as she shook her head and dropped the thought.

"Let's go." She said as she appeared in an ambassador's clothes and nodded at Kai.

'I sure do have a lot of competition.' Qin thought as she looked at the girls surrounding Kai. Judging from their auras, they were in love with him.

Qin didn't know why but she felt a sense of rivalry from these girls as Kai teleported them to the land of earth.

But who knows what she would have said if she knew the truth?
