"No matter how many times I cultivate with you, it is always better than the last time." Esmeralda said as the two of them were sitting side by side.

"Remember Flavonius?" He suddenly asked as Esmeralda chuckled.

"He used to be my masturbating figure." She said with a smile as she remembered the books she had read about a guy named Flavonius.

Having such thoughts about fictional characters wasn't that good of a thought but who could blame her.

After all, she didn't have many options until Kai came along.

"I stopped thinking about him after you appeared in the library. I just stopped feeling the same amount of pleasure while masturbating with the thought of him. But you gave me a whole lot of new ideas to imagine various scenarios in my mind." She added as her eyes looked at Kai's handsome face.

"We used to roleplay your scenarios. I still remember the young lady and the naughty prince one we did." Kai said as Esmeralda giggled.


"That would have been a hit." She said between giggles as Kai shook his head.

"I will do more role-playing like that if you will write interesting things." Kai added with a small smile as he saw her eye gleaming with excitement.

"First cultivate the yang qi." He said with a chuckle as she nodded and closed her eyes.

Esmeralda was at the 5th stage of Saint core realm and had a four-stage higher cultivation than Kai.

His yang qi wouldn't be of much help to her but it was still much better than nothing or weak cultivation treasures.

"Wanna try fighting a little? I have been growing a little rusty." Esmeralda asked after she cultivated his yang qi.


"Sure. Let's see if we startle any guards." Lai said with a small grin as the two of them wore their clothes before he teleported them outside.Kai led her to a separate courtyard as he created a few formations around them. The two of them then stood together as Esmeralda closed her eyes.

"Oh the Darkness, lend me the power of the undead and curse my opponent!" Esmeralda chanted as hundreds of elves started rising from the ground.

"You still use that chant even though you only need to think about raising the dead to actually raise them?" Kai asked as Esmeralda made a tsk tsk noise.

"You will never understand the feelings of a protagonist when he or she says the name of their skill." Esmeralda said with disappointment as Kai shrugged.

"Youcan only use the dark or death elemental powers." She added as Kai nodded.

Black tendrils of power wrapped around Kai's arms as he looked at the undead elves who were standing still on their spots.


The tendrils were similar to Hela's tendrils but were a little lighter in color. After all, Kai couldn't use her powers with her prowess.

He strikes the floor with tendrils as he used them as whips before jumping in the air with the tendrils trailing behind him.

He combined them at his palms and pointed his palms at the sky and released two black balls in the air.

The balls climbed up in the air before they burst open into tens of arrows that started dropping towards the land at a fast speed.

Esmeralda saw this with alert eyes as she made a few elves jump on top of others and made them launch into the air.

They collided with the arrows as their bodies turned to dust and returned to the Darkness. But Esmeralda somehow manages to counter the arrows using this strategy.

"Never let your guard down and lose your opponent's location." Kai's voice suddenly rang in her ears as she saw him landing on the ground in the middle of her undead.Black tendrils shot out from his hands as they wrapped around the ankles of several undead. Kai pulled the tendrils using his head as the tendrils pulled the undead alongside them.

Kai then suddenly released them as he raised his hands with all fingers pointed outwards. Esmeralda realized what was happening and started moving undead in front of each other.

"I should have made that move forbidden." She said while gritting her teeth as Kai nodded.

"Maybe you should have." He replied as ten black arrows moved out from his hand and started attacking the nearest undead.

They burst through the undeads' heads as they started falling down one after the other. Esmeralda tried to stop this massacre by using one of the undead's hands to catch some of the arrows but they burst through the undead's hands.

One by one, all of the undead vanished as Esmeralda was left standing alone with ten arrows circling around her.

"I give up." She finally said and raised her hands in defeat. Kai smiled and made the arrows vanish as he teleported them back to the room.

The barrier vanished as soon as he was gone and the entire place returned back to a silent courtyard.

"You should be nerfed. Your abilities are too powerful for anyone to handle." Esmeralda said with a pout as he chuckled.

"There are some people who can defeat me easily." He added seriously but Esmeralda just waved it away with her hand.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I am going to sleep after that. It drained quite a bit of my energy." She said as she crashed on the bed and immediately started snoring.

Kai just shook his head with a smile as he teleported out of the room. Since everyone was sleeping, he decided to sit outside to watch the moon.

But that's when he saw Laofen standing out in her balcony as she gazed at the stars. Her hair ran straight down as her face looked younger without the mask of a ruler.

"Admiring the moon huh. This makes me wonder whether you caught that habit from me or not." Kai whispered as he teleported beside her.

Laofen jumped reflexively and turned towards Kai with a glare. But the glare melted away as she nodded.

"I used to wonder why you would sit around during the night and would gaze at the sky. But now I understand a small part of it. Being a ruler is like walking on a floor full of thorns and one step could lead you to your demise." Laofen sighed as she slowly saw the night fading away as dusk slowly approached.

Kai smiled at her as he gave her a small pat. Laofen's cheeks reddened as she turned away from him.

He just smiled at this as both of them sat there till morning.
