"Wow." Kiana muttered as the four of them looked at the fields in front of them.

Kai had teleported them on high ground and they could see the vast green fields extend beyond their vision.

The fields were full of greenery and had many houses in them. They could make out the shapes of elven kids playing around as they smiled at that.

"The land of lightning is full of open fields and hills. Most cultivators come to these hills to train their lightning skills and get stronger." Kai told them as they nodded.

"The land of lightning huh. If I am not wrong, a festival must be going around this time of the year. They started celebrating it when the first blessed person showed up and they honored the festival in my honor." Levina commented as she remembered how she had given the elves from the land of lightning her blessings.magic

"Is it weird seeing all these people worshipping you?" Watanabe asked as Levina nodded.

"At first I was wondering why were they even worshipping me. But I slowly saw that people needed something to have a belief in. They needed something to guide them or at least make them hope that someone is guiding them. If someone can live a good life just because they believe in me, then I am happy to become their goddess." Levine replied as Kai gave her a sad smile.


Levina had told him her past a few years after she had joined his harem. It wasn't as bad as the others pat but it wasn't a good one either.

Levina had been born to a woman who used to fight in an arena. Her mother had been beautiful and deadly with her lightning skills and had thought Levina everything she knew.

But her mother was poor so she had decided to join an arena that was famous in the upper realms for hosting battles to the death.

Her mother killed many people and in return got money, food, and shelter. The more the crowd cheered for her, the more she would get.

But her mother was only the second strongest person though she definitely had a fan base to rival the first person's fan base.

Because of that, the people managing the arena made sure that Levina's mother and the person at the first position never fought each other.


But Levina's mother had suddenly decided to quit when she had seen the arena getting kidnapped children so they could train them to fight from a young age.Levina's mother had wanted to leave with Levina but the arena officials had caught wind of this and had forced her into a match with the strongest arena fighter as they had used Levina as a hostage.

The strongest person was far more powerful than Levina's mother and had killed her in a few minutes.

Levina had seen this happen in front of her as the arena officials were thinking of using her as a fighter.

But Levina had just seen her mother's dead body in front of him as blood flowed from her wounds. She had jumped down as she saw her mother's wide-open eyes that were fixed in Levina's direction until she had died.

Seeing this, Levina snapped and golden lightning had emerged from her body. She had gone on a rampage and had killed the arena officials in a rage before she had found her mother's killer and had snapped his neck.

After that, she had destroyed the arena before she had finally calmed down and cried at her mother's death.


She had buried her mother's body with bawling eyes and had left the only place she could call home with a teary face.

She had gone into seclusion and had trained herself until she was strong enough to kill most people.

That's when she had encountered Mariel who had asked her if she wanted to create a realm for people who had faced such tragedies.

Levina had not trusted Mariel's words and had instead asked her for a match and has said that if Mariel defeated her, she would go with her.

The match had ended in a stalemate but she had still agreed to go with Mariel. That was the moment when her life had changed and she had met the other elemental rulers.

After getting her own realm, she established an arena there to remind herself of her past and never forget the important things that she had learned early on in he life.

That was why Levina was such a battle maniac since she wanted to keep testing her potential to become the strongest person ever.

"If there is a festival going on, it is the best moment to go there and meet this blessed ruler." Kai said as the others nodded."Do you know where the royal capital is?" Levina asked as he shook his head.

"I can just find it with my spiritual sense." Kai said as he released his spiritual sense and checked the entire continent for the royal capital.

If someone else was using their spiritual sense in such a wide radius, they would have probably attracted all the powerhouses of the continent towards them.

But no one could feel Kai's spiritual sense unless and until he let them feel it.

While seeing him doing that, Kiana and Watanabe remembered that they also had it since they were above the Divine spirit realm.

They tried it in a small radius around them as they sensed each other's and Levina's cultivation. They were excited with this new power as Kai turned to look at them.

"Don't use it in front of a crowd unless I am with you. For now, let's go to the royal capital and check out this festival." Kai said as he teleported them away.


Back at the land of water, Esmeralda was sitting in her room with her eyes shut closed. She wanted to know what happened to her brother so she decided to see if he was dead or not.

She started focusing on her surroundings as she felt the rush of coldness move through her boned and making her shiver.

Ever since she had started using her necromancy, she would always feel this chill whenever she would try to summon a dead person.

Her eyes opened suddenly but they were unfocused. Esmeralda was currently looking at a place she had named the void which was actually the Darkness.

She could see many things in this place but most of them were just people getting drowned in the void

She willed herself to move forward and her gaze swept forward as she tried to look for Amon. At first, Esmeralda had been really bad at navigating in the void and had often gotten lost inside it.

But after years of practice, she could easily soar search the void for a particular person even though it took some time.

She however suddenly stopped when she saw a hollow corpse of a person lying around in the open.

The corpse was already a skeleton as though the void had sucked the life out of it but its clothes were ones that she could recognize anywhere.

The corpse was of Amon, her brother.
