"Elves of the land of death. Your ruler, Amon, has mysteriously disappeared while I and the spirit of death were fighting. I wish you the best of luck in finding another ruler." Kai said as sat down on the ground and teleported away to his harem.

The elves were left wondering about what they should do now that Amon had left. But that was another story.

After all, it would take them a huge amount of time to rebuild their kingdom from the starting now that a tyrant had left it.

Kai appeared beside all of his girls as they glanced at the huge black castle gleaming without any sunlight since the sky was still covered with black clouds.

"Um Hela, why are we traveling with these guys?" Esmeralda whispered as she and Hela were also with the group and Kai.

"You will know about this automatically after some time." Hela answered with a mysterious smile as all of them were teleported away by Kai.

They appeared on edge of the continent as the group slowly watched the huge dome-shaped barrier crumble in front of them.


This happened because of the barrier was tied to the life of the continent's ruler and it would disappear until the old ruler would pass on the title to a new ruler.

But that was not going to happen since Amon had been left behind in the Darkness meaning that the land of death would be without a barrier forever.

"Guess we made too big of a show that she came here herself." Kai suddenly said with a smile as the group turned towards the south direction.

They saw five figures traveling towards them at a fast pace. The figures included of five people out of which four were at the 5th stage of the Saint core realm while the last one was at the 2nd stage of the same realm.

"Hello, Laofen." Kai said as the figures appeared close enough to hear him.

Three of them were men while two were women. One of the women stared at Kai with wide eyes as they landed opposite of the group.


The woman had wavy black hair with sharp golden eyes. Her jawline was sharp while her shoulders were hunched upwards as though she was proud of something.

Her breasts were extremely round and looked too perfect but Laofen's sister, Laoxiao, had the same type of breasts as her sister.

"K-Kai? Why ar-" Laofen began but suddenly stopped as Kai suddenly released his aura.

The other four people began to tremble as they knelt down because of the pressure. She herself was feeling the same pressure as she slowly fell to her knees.

"What are you doing?" Laofen managed to say as she coughed blood.

The others in Kai's group also looked at him in confusion as they didn't understand why he was doing this."Why, you ask. Then let me ask you some similar questions. Why did you plan to kill Laoxiao along with the rest of my harem? Why, Laofen, why did you kill your own sister?" Kai asked with a cold expression as Laofen's eyes widened.


"What are you saying?! I did no such thing! I didn't even know that your entire harem was killed!" Laofen exclaimed as Kai was momentarily stumped.

He recovered within seconds as his expression didn't change. He then walked towards Laofen and touched her head with his right hand and looked at her memories.

It looked as though Laofen had now been ruling the elven kingdom for more than a millennium but time quickly passed for high-level cultivators so that wasn't that much time.

His expression however started to change as he went back into her memories. It looked as though after he had officially made Laoxiao one of his harem members, Laofen had told her sister that she was jealous of her.

Laoxiao however had given her a sad smile and had told her that she would trade places with her sister in a heartbeat if she was given the chance.

Laofen had been in disbelief after she had heard that and the two sisters had actually made up after that incident.

'Did she lie to her?' Kai wondered as he remembered that he had definitely seen Laofen with the rest of the people who had killed his harem.

But what he saw later clearly denied what he thought was true as he reached her memories of the day his harem and died.

"Where are you going so urgently sister?" Laofen asked as she saw the urgency on the face of her sister.

"Kai called me for something important. He had been sending the same message for a few minutes and is asking me to meet him at the mountain of chance." Laoxiao explained her urgency as Laofen sighed.

"Then you should not make him wait and go meet him. I will take care of the realm in your stead so you can take your time." Laofen said with a smile as her sister nodded and hugged her a thanks.

Laoxiao then left as Laofen shook her head even though she was smiling. But little did she know that her sister would not return for a long time.magic

"How's that possible?" Kai asked himself as he saw Laofen's memories when she had found out that Kai and her sister had died.

She had cried for an entire and had trashed around her entire room before her cousins had managed to calm her down.

But since the elven realm was in need of a new ruler, Laofen had attended her coronation with teary eyes.

Most continents had accepted her as they pitied her but the land of lightning, life, and death had not accepted her as the true ruler.

It looked as though she had been trying to convince the land of lightning for quite some time and had managed to convince them before she had seen the clash of powers above the land of death.She had taken her most strongest and trusted warriors with her and had left the land of lightning to see what was happening on the land of death.

And after that, she had seen Kai and her thoughts had been jumbled up because of that. Kai on the other hand appeared back in the real world with a shocked expression.

"Kai?" Laofen asked as Kai's body trembled a little.

"Remember Kai, anything can he fake just as anything can be real. Remember that fake isn't that different from reality." Words filled Kai's mind as his head suddenly started to hurt.

For the first time in ages, the physical pain was too overbearing for him. He clutched his head with his hands as he dropped to his knees.

The people on both sides couldn't understand what was happening as Kai's wings burst forth from his back.

Both of them, the black and white ones, were out together and were out in a parallel form. Two black wings on the left while there were two white ones on right.

His eyes slowly started burning as his right eye turned to angel eye while his left eye turned to demon eye.

His whole body started glowing as the others had to turn away from him. Hellbringer and Excalibur suddenly burst forth from his pendant.

Both the swords also started glowing alongside his body and hovered in the air on either side of him.

Intricating patterns of different runes appeared on both the swords as Kai's body started shimmering.

The land of death slowly started to shake as cracks ran across the entire place and they formed a circle around Kai.

The others somehow managed to look at his body as they saw the space around him twisting and turning.

Pain filled Kai's mind and his whole body started to burn. Golden blood dripped from his right eye while black blood dripped from his left eye.

The half-demon half-angel Kai slowly gained his eyesight back as he looked at the space in front of him swirling.

His body suddenly disobeyed him as he slowly stood up and started walking forward against his will.

Hellbringer and Excalibure also trailed alongside him as his body continued walking. The space in front of him turned black and Kai entered it as he was cut off from the elven realm.

The harem members with the harem mark slowly felt their connection with Kai dim as they didn't understand what was happening.

The entire place went silent as the continent stopped shaking. All of them looked at each other as they tried to understand what had happened.

"What happened to him?" Mariel was the first to ask this as the others nodded.

"Both of his powers were released at the same time while his body got out of control. It looked as though someone else was controlling him. But the questions are who, why, and how." Hela replied as the place went silent once again.

The only thing they knew was that Kai had vanished and they didn't know where he was or whether he would return or not.
