They quickly stripped their clothes and started kissing and exploring each other's bodies. Kai's hands fondled rubbed her pussy while she rubbed his dragon.

Together they laid down on the bed as Kai bit her breasts, leaving a trail of hickies as he went towards her sacred fruit.

But as he reached near her stomach, he slowed his pursuit. He first went towards her upper thigh and massaged them with his tongue.

Riang moaned in pleasure as he inhaled the fragrance produced by her pussy. He now reached her cave but he licked around it before he entered it with his tongue.

Kai could taste her arousal juices as his tongue was let loose inside her cave. Coming to her clit, he gently sucked on it which made her cum in a few minutes.

Kai thentook hold of his dick and pushed all of it inside her in one mighty blow. It easily slid inside it since her pussy was now used to the feeling of Kai's dick.

But to make her feel even more pleasure, Kai started rubbing her inner thighs as she interlocked her legs behind his waist.


His touch generated heat inside her skin as her muscles relaxed and tightened at the same time.

His hands then went near her breasts but his fingers didn't stop glowing. He grabbed her nipples in his hands and heat started to rise in her breasts. But soon, small currents of lightning traveled throughout her body, making her squirm in pleasure.

While doing that, he didn't stop moving as he slid in and out of her cave. Since she was already at her limit and the electric shocks were too much, she came but it was different than her usual climaxes.

It was as though she was cumming for the first time and that had been her most pleasurable moment.

As yin qi dripped from her pussy and covered Kai's rod, her expression turned blissful and joyful.

"How did you do that?" Riang asked as Kai smiled


"I just relaxed your nerves." That was all he said but it still made Riang happy.

He then started pounding her fiercely as her inner walls turned hotter and hotter. The flesh of her inner walls massaged Kai's rod as it started to heat.

He came after a few minutes and released his yang qi inside and her and removed his rod from her caves.

Riang then bent towards it weakly and licked it clean. She then laid back and crashed on the bed."No matter how many times I do this, it feels fantastic." Riang said Kai laid beside her on the bed.

Instead of replying, Kai just smiled and bent down. His face went near her breasts as he started sucking on her nipples. She gently caressed his hair as they went at it for another round.

But in reality, only Riang was going at it for another round since Kai wasn't tired from having continuous sex.


"I didn't know that Mia and Mariel were actually your wives." Riang said after she had cummed for the eleventh time.

"There are many things that you don't know about me. Perhaps I will tell you about that after some time." He said after thinking for some time as he stood up and started wearing his clothes.

"The entire sect is of course invited to my wedding. I am sure that you will receive the official invite after a few days. I will meet you later." Kai said as an afterthought as Riang nodded.

"I have never been to a wedding before. This will be my first wedding and it is already a royal wedding. It will definitely be splendid." Riang muttered as Kai smiled.

"Then you should prepare yourself because I am personally going to plan it." Kai said as he left the room.magic

Riang could only stare at him as she thought about his past. But for some reason, she couldn't imagine Kai as a child.

'So I just have to wait for some time before you will finally tell me who you are.' Riang thought with a sigh as she started cultivating Kai's yang qi.

She was now at the 5th stage of the heaven spirit realm which felt like a dream to her but she knew it was real.

And with that, she got back to her duties as the sect master as Kai went to check up on Risea.

'I wonder how she is doing with Mariel and Mia?" Kai thought before he opened the door to his house.

He heard laughter coming from the inside and was surprised to see a giggling Risea lying on the bed while Mia and Mariel were hovering in the air.

But before he could speak anything, Risea got up and pointed at him as she tried to control her giggles.

"Did you seriously thought that Mariel was a man the first time you saw her?" She asked him as he stared at Mariel who shrugged even though she was smiling."Anyone would have made that mistake if they had seen her in full clad battle armor. You could hardly see her features and she wasn't speaking anything.I even talked to her using words that are used for males. But she didn't correct me. She just showed me her face and that was the first time I wasn't able to determine the gender of a person. After of that incident, I went to talk to the owner of the biggest library in the entire universe so that I could differentiate men and women in armor. And I have to say that she literally drilled everything into my mind." Kai replied as Mariel's smile turned into a frown.

"By the owner of the world's biggest library, do you mean Esmeralda?" Mariel asked as Mia's eyes widened.

"The queen of necromancy?" Mia asked as Kai nodded.

"She is indeed famous for her mastery over dark magic and necromancy but people often forget that she is one of the biggest bookworms in the entire world. Once you get to know her, she is quite cute." Kai said as Mariel and Mia stared at him in disbelief.

As for Risea, she was just standing in the corner with a confused look on her face as she didn't know anything about the person the trio was talking about.

"But that's not the reason I am here. Since I am done cultivating with everyone, we should probably go to the eastern continent." Kai said as Mia and Mariel nodded.

"Um, can I go with you?" Risea whispered, her voice barely audible but Kai still heard her.

"Are you sure that you want to come with us? Even though nothing will happen to you, do want to leave the safety and comfort provided by the sect?" Kai asked as Risea nodded.

"Even though I like it here, I can't always stay locked up here. I will have to step out and face the world sometimes so I better do it with you since I know that you can protect me." Risea replied as the trio smiled.

"Then you should go and tell Riang that you want to leave." Kai said as Risea nodded and left his house.

"Ask your questions?" Kai asked with a sigh as he turned towards Mia and Mariel.

"How are you alive after meeting the queen of necromancy? I have heard that she uses your loved ones against you and slowly kills you by tearing apart every single part of your body." Mia said as Kai shook his head.

"Rumors. Those are just rumors." He said but they still weren't convinced.

"Then what about people saying that she can kill your soul with dark magic and can bring back your loved ones only to let them die in front of you so that you can suffer?" Mariel asked as Kai shook his head again.

"I can't believe that after being a ruler for is long, you still get stuck by rumors. Esmeralda was born with something of a curse and a blessing. Her body contained more yin energy than any girl I have ever met. But of course, that doesn't include my harem but still, she had more yin energy inside her than any other person.

Other than that, for some reason, she could peer into The Darkness. That's how she can raise the dead but she only brings back the body of a person without any memories and they usually go berserk as soon as they are created. But her powers were so strong that the Darkness slowly started swallowing her soul.

When I met her, about 30% of her soul was already gone and she was slowly losing her emotions. But I broke her curse and freed her from the clutches of the Darkness. After that, she could easily use her powers without losing her soul." Kai explained as Mia and Mariel slowly nodded.

"Then what about the rumors?" Mia asked as she didn't understand why Esmeralda didn't prove the rumors wrong.

"She is a bookworm and probably the second most annoying booklover after Death, even though he only reads erotica and ero-manga but still. Since in her thirst for books, she started scavenging for books and shut herself up in her library. She didn't even know about the rumors that were circulating about her." Kai said as Mia and Mariel nodded, finally satisfies by his answer.

"Now that all of that is done, let's go to the eastern continent." Kai said as Risea came back.

He extended his arms as the three girls grabbed onto him and they vanished.
