Chapter 80 Happy pill  

Liam brought Ying Sheng to an ice cream parlor. She had to admit she was quite surprised though; she wasn't expecting him to take her to an ice cream parlor. Seeing all the colored ice creams brightened her mood. She became excited and suddenly hungry for it.

Liam went to join the queue in a hurry to bypass the kids and get in line faster than them. Ying Sheng chuckled at the sight and followed behind him.

"What can I get you, Sir?" The young guy behind the counter asked with a friendly smile. Liam turned to look at Ying Sheng, "What would you like?"

Ying Sheng bit her lips. She was finding it difficult to choose one since all of them looked delicious. A glint passed through her eyes. "Why don't you surprise me?" She said sending Liam a subtle wink.

Liam beamed and turned to look at the guy behind the counter, "Give me strawberry ice cream, vanilla wafer, and caramel syrup."

"Here you go, Sir, for your girlfriend." A huge smile broke out Liam's face when he heard the guy. 'girlfriend'


How nice that would be! His heart fluttered, so he didn't bother correcting the guy.

Ying Sheng was busily admiring the cup he had just given her so she didn't pay attention to what the guy said.

She raised her head and saw Liam holding a cup bigger than hers.

'God, he is so cute.' Considering how his eyes were shimmering looking at his ice cream like a kid.

"What?" Liam asked when he noticed her starring at him.

"You're cute!" She said with a soft laugh. Liam shook his head helplessly and tried not to get affected by what she had said. Heaving a sigh, he searched for a table for them to sit.


They sat at an empty chair at the corner. Even though Ying Sheng was enjoying the ice cream; She couldn't help but stare at the family sitting across from them. They were a family of three with an adorable baby girl with a woman and a man she assumed were her parents.

She watched as the girl tried to scoop a vanilla ice cream but it was big for her so it ended up smearing around her mouth. A sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched the woman wiped the ice cream off the girl's lips.

She remembered her parents used to take her to an ice cream parlor every weekend when she was a kid. Her father would always feed her and call her his little princess while ruffling her hair with a smile on his face.

But suddenly her parents became too busy for her to the extent of not even coming home for dinner. She spent most of her time with her aunty, Lei Xiao Tong.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, turning his head over his shoulder to look behind them.

"Nothing. Just think, the kid is cute." She mumbled, smiling at their direction.


"Yeah, but I think ou—your kid would be much cuter" He stated, his eyes flashing with seriousness.

She tilted her head back and laughed at him, this time heartily, unaffectedly. Liam stared at her laughing and felt warmth settling in his heart.

"What?" Ying Sheng asked

"Uh, what?" He questioned back feigning innocence.

Ying Sheng lips tugged to form a smile. She was enjoying his struggle. Liam inwardly groaned at his stupidity. He shouldn't have bluntly stared at her.

"Well, you could stop staring now." She said with a smile on her face.

Liam knew he was blushing; trying to hide his embarrassment, he quickly retorted.

"I'm not!"

Ying Sheng rolled her eyes playfully.

"So—do you like the ice cream?" he asked suddenly as he looked at her adoringly.

Ying Sheng nodded. "It's far the best ice cream I have ever had!" She replied truthfully.

"I'm glad." Liam grinned, looking satisfied. He looked happy; Ying Sheng realized that ever since she met him she has been smiling a lot. He was like a happy pill for her.

"Tell me about yourself Ying Sheng." Liam asked taking a bite of his ice cream.

Ying Sheng froze for a minute. The last time someone had asked her this question was when she went to see that psychologist Lei Zhao had recommended.

Taking a lengthy breath, she asked, "What do you want to know?"

"For starters, how old are you?" Liam asked.


Liam raised his brows and nodded, "So you're in college?"

Ying Sheng nodded, "Yes, I am."

A smile plastered on Liam's face.

"What are you studying?"

Ying Sheng ate her ice cream before replying flatly.


Liam choked on the ice cream in his mouth and widened his eyes.


Ying Sheng snorted, "Yes, why? You think you're the only smartass?"

Liam shook his head, "No-no I just…." He trailed off.

Should he tell her he wasn't expecting someone like her to do medicine? But that would be harsh.

"Wasn't expecting a crazy girl like me to study medicine?" Ying Sheng continued for him.

Liam scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, "Honestly, yeah."

Ying Sheng shrugged, "It''s okay. I don't even know what I'm doing there. I hate the program, to be honest."

Liam furrowed his brows, "Then why are you doing it? You should study something you're interested in."

Ying Sheng chortled, "Tell that to my mother."

Liam opened his mouth to say something but closed it. He knew she was going through some issues of her own, and he didn't want to pry until she was ready to share it with him.

"So….what would you like to study though?"

A sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips, "I- I don't know. At twenty-one and I don't even know what I want to study, I might probably be the biggest loser on earth." Ying Sheng said sarcastically.

Liam took her hand which was resting on the table, "It's perfectly okay if you don't know what you want. Life is not a race you just have to set your own pace. Your friend's pace is not your own. just go on your own, steadily."
